Panther Commando

Chapter 1723: evil nature

At this time, Wan Lin had already turned around and saw the situation in front of him with two leopards in his arms, and he was about to throw out with a kick of his four legs.

Wan Lin held them tightly with both hands, and his eyes quickly swept around. He knew that Xiaoya was fully capable of the other two vicious dogs, but he had to see what hidden dangers were around him, which was the most dangerous.

Several people covered in blood with their arms crossed were rushing out of the restaurant, chasing the three men and three women who were running in front of them while running, shouting: "If you dare to let the dog hurt people, don't run!" Stop!", "Hurry up and stop them, don't let them run away"...

Wan Lin frowned. He didn't expect that those dog owners would actually dare to let their dogs hurt people! His eyes quickly swept across the two vicious dogs, and seeing that they had let go of the panicked crowd around them, he put all his energy on Xiaoya, stretched out his hand, and was running towards Xiaoya barking wildly.

A smile immediately appeared on Wan Lin's face. Xiaoya can deal with two vicious dogs alone. There is no need for herself and Xiaohua to take action. As long as the vicious dogs don't deal with other passengers, it's fine.

Seeing that the kick that Xiaoxiao had kicked the vicious dog just now did not exert any force, it is estimated that she was unwilling to kill. Otherwise, if that kick flew out with internal force, that vicious dog would have been lying on the ground long ago and wouldn't move.

Now that he saw that Xiaoya had entangled the two vicious dogs, he knew that the vicious dogs could no longer hurt people for the time being, so he put his heart down.

Wan Lin then turned his head to look at the crowd who had just run out of the restaurant. The dog owner who ran in front of him was covered in food. He was scolding as he ran. Vegetable soup and leftovers were dripping from his head and body. Rice, leftovers.

Apparently, after a heated argument with the waiter in the restaurant, they suddenly wounded the person with the dog. The passengers and waiter who had been bitten by the vicious dog for two days immediately became anxious and threw the food at them.

It is estimated that these dog owners saw that they had provoked public anger, so they turned around and escaped. At this time, several people were running towards the two high-end cars in the parking lot. Two of the men were running and calling out to the two vicious dogs.

Behind a few people, they were chasing after six or seven restaurant waiters. Some of the restaurant staff held a spoon for serving dishes, and some held a large stainless steel pot in their hands. Several young passengers also carried stainless steel lunch boxes and chased after them. Several of them had blood on their arms, but one by one angry people ignored the place where they were bitten and shouted to the front. A few people followed.

Wan Lin smiled embarrassedly when he saw the people fleeing in front of them, who were covered in food. Just as he was about to lift his foot and rush towards them, he saw two electric police cars in the service area, with six or seven police officers quickly driving Rushing towards this side, it was obvious that the police at the police station in the station received the call.

Seeing the police coming, Wan Lin hurried to the side of the road with two restless leopards in his arms. Since there were police here, he naturally didn't need to take action himself. He immediately turned his head to look in the direction of Xiaoya, and couldn't help being surprised!

At this moment, the fierce dog that was kicked by Xiaoya fell to the ground and rolled over a few times, whimpered a few times, and then turned over from the ground and crawled away, just as it saw its companion rushing fiercely, it rolled its eyes. , immediately screamed twice, turned his head and rushed towards Xiaoya again, a vicious green light appeared in his eyes.

The crowd on the side of the store screamed and ran around. A six- or seven-year-old boy and a four- or five-year-old girl held hands with each other and ran to the side in a panic, crying and blocking the two bulldogs. On the way to the road, an elderly couple in the distance staggered towards them in panic, calling out the nicknames of the two children.

Xiaoya is shocked! The two vicious dogs that came rushing towards the two young children were baring their sharp fangs like a gust of wind! She suddenly raised her infuriating energy, and jumped out from the steps of the store entrance as soon as she kicked her feet on the ground, jumped behind the two children like lightning, grabbed the two children with both hands, and dodged to the side.

"唿", "唿", the two vicious dogs rushed past the three of them with a gust of cold wind at this moment, the fangs in their mouths almost brushed the little boy's arm in Xiaoya's hand and flew over. She was so frightened that she couldn't cry, and her face that had been crying red instantly turned pale!

At this time, the two old men had already staggered to Xiaoya's side, grabbing the two children in Xiaoya's hands in horror. The two children also cried out in horror, "Grandpa" and "Grandma", and then hugged the legs of the two old people tightly, trembling all over. Obviously, the two old men who came on the adventure were the children's relatives.

Xiaoya quickly shoved the two children into the hands of the old man, and turned sharply to face the two rushing dogs. A scream of screams suddenly sounded around: "Hurry up!" "Run!"

It was only at this moment that many passengers who fled in panic saw clearly that the one who saved the two children was actually a young and beautiful girl, and they all screamed in horror. The two vicious dogs that rushed over landed on the ground, barked and turned around, their two green eyes staring at Xiaoya in front of them!

At this time, several young men around had already run over quickly, grabbed the two children in the hands of the old man, and shouted to the two old men, "Hurry away!" run away.

Apparently, a few young men around saw a beautiful girl dealing with the vicious dog alone, and hurried over to take the two children away from the danger first. There were also some young men holding mops and brooms around, shouting and rushing towards the two vicious dogs.

A slender and pretty girl rushed up along the vicious dog regardless of her These big men have no face to sit back and watch, a group of people shouted and grabbed the cleaning supplies around them and flew over.

At this moment, the two vicious dogs who had just rushed over heard the screams from the side, and suddenly turned their heads to look at the rushing people, and their four fierce eyes stared fiercely at the young men who were rushing with the guy. There were a few low, fierce roars from his wide open mouth, and he squatted back with his two hind legs and made a stance to save.

The few people who had just rushed over saw that these two vicious dogs over one meter long were so fierce. Seeing so many people rushing with their fellows, they showed no signs of fear. The guy pointed at the two vicious dogs, and yelled loudly while swaying, but no one dared to risk rushing up.

The two vicious dogs could see that their power had frightened everyone, and their heads suddenly aimed at Xiaoya in front of them. Their cold eyes seemed to contain great resentment. His long legs kicked **** the ground and rushed towards Xiaoya with a "woo".

The two vicious dogs no longer made a wild bark this time, but opened their mouths and rushed straight to Xiaoya. Obviously, Xiaoya kicked the vicious dog just now, which has aroused the vicious nature of these two fierce dogs!

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