Panther Commando

Chapter 1725: This life is enough

At this time, the people around saw that the two vicious dogs were suddenly killed, and they were about to scream, but they found that an old man had fallen to the ground with his eyes closed. Come.

After a while, Xiaoya and the others were surrounded by nearly 100 passengers on the inner third floor and the outer third. Some people who brought first aid medicines also quickly took out their own medicines and handed them over.

As time passed by, everyone watched Xiaoya's skilled first aid actions nervously. Ten minutes later, the pale old lady who had stopped breathing suddenly let out a long sigh, followed by the sudden ups and downs of her already still chest, and it rose and fell violently again.

At this time, Xiaoya, who was kneeling beside the old man on one knee, was already sweating on her face. She saw that the old man suddenly resumed breathing on his own, so she raised her face and let out a long breath, then turned to look at Wan who was standing beside her. Lin, two big clear, transparent eyes wrapped in long eyelashes showed a proud look, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on the somewhat pale face.

Wan Lin was stunned when he saw Xiaoya's charming smile, and his heart jumped wildly with a "bang, bang, bang", and suddenly thought in his heart: With such a capable and pretty woman in company, this life is enough!

The people around saw that the dying old man was suddenly rescued. They just raised their hands to applaud and celebrate, but now they suddenly saw Xiaoya's bright smile, and they were stunned! This angelic pure smile, like a drop of nectar sprinkled by the heavens on the world, makes everyone suddenly feel a kind of tranquility and peace that has never been seen before.

The tense and noisy service area suddenly quieted down. Everyone was fascinated by the bright smiling face in front of them. Everyone who witnessed this suddenly became clear and transparent, as if they felt a kind of holiness and peace in their hearts that they had never felt before.

Wan Lin turned his head to see how ecstatic everyone was, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he stretched out his hand to pull up Xiaoya, who was kneeling on the ground, and bent over to gently pat the dust off her knees.

When the people around saw this, they woke up from the intoxication, and they all applauded vigorously. At this time, the young and beautiful female doctor like a fairy was already standing beside the old man with Wan Lin's arm in her arms. The bright smile on her face seemed to announce: The dying old man has been given a new life!

Everyone unanimously focused their eyes on this pair of young people who were in love with each other.

At this moment, the old gentleman standing beside him suddenly realized that his wife had been rescued. He grabbed Xiaoya's arm and said, "Thank you, girl, thank you." He bent his knees and knelt down.

Xiaoya quickly stretched out her hand to support the old man, and said crisply, "It's nothing, I'm a doctor, it's my duty to save the dying!"

The surrounding applause sounded more violently, and people were clapping their hands for the handsome man and the beautiful woman in front of them. Here, don't know what's going on here?

At this moment, a childish cry with a crying voice suddenly sounded from the side: "Grandpa", "Grandma", "Grandpa", "Grandma!"

The young man who had taken the two children away at a critical moment just now pulled the old man's grandson and granddaughter into the crowd.

Following the childish shouts of the two children, the old lady lying on the ground slowly opened her eyes, looking at the crowd in front of her with a little astonishment, and then struggled to sit up. Xiaoya on the side hurriedly squatted down again and asked softly, "Don't move now, you still need to go to the hospital for further treatment. Are you feeling better now?"

The old man looked at this unfamiliar beautiful girl with a little astonishment and nodded slightly. The old gentleman next to him also squatted down with his grandson and granddaughter, and said loudly to his wife: "It was this girl who saved your life just now! Not happy! Thank you girl."

As he said that, he pulled the two children and said, "Thank you uncle and aunt!" Then he turned around and thanked the young man who saved the two children.

The two children raised their faces and let out a good cry. Xiaoya agreed clearly, then stood up from the ground, touched the heads of the two children with both hands, and looked to the side.

A siren sounded, and two ambulances drove quickly from the direction of the entrance of the service area, and then stopped outside the crowd. Several medical staff hurriedly jumped out of the cars with stretchers and ran over.

Xiaoya walked over quickly and described the old man's condition and rescue process to the other party. The two first responders glanced at Xiaoya in surprise, then squatted beside the old man to do a simple examination, then hung a hanging bottle on the old man, carried the old man on a stretcher, and walked quickly to the ambulance. The old man also He quickly followed with his grandson and granddaughter.

When Xiaoya saw the old man being pulled away by an ambulance, she turned her head and looked around with confidence. Several people bitten by the dog were also supported by emergency personnel and were walking towards another ambulance. Xiaoya knew that these people were bitten by two vicious dogs and had to go to the hospital for wound treatment and rabies vaccination.

Xiaoya saw the two ambulances leaving, so she turned to look at the crowd who had been persuaded by the police to leave, and found that Wan Lin was talking to an older policeman.

She raised her foot and walked over, and the police hurriedly said to Xiaoya, "Thank you so If it weren't for the two of you, I don't know how many people would be hurt by these two vicious dogs! That old lady is also in danger." He glanced at Xiaoya in surprise, and then asked Wan Lin, "You two are really good, you must be in the martial arts team, are you from the provincial martial arts team? It's amazing"

Wan Lin glanced at Xiaoya, smiled, and introduced, "Xiaoya, this is Officer Wang", then looked at Officer Wang and replied, "Haha, it's all from the family, and I learned a little bit of self-defense since elementary school. If you can't do it, it's absolutely fine to beat the dog!" The surrounding police also gathered around at this time, and just when they heard Wan Lin's words, they all burst into laughter.

At this time, three police cars suddenly drove in from the front. Officer Wang turned his head and glanced at the approaching police cars, and said to Wan Lin, "Those who escaped have been caught! I don't believe they can run off the highway. Get out! These people are so hateful, they must be dealt with seriously!"

Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at the several police cars that were driving over, and thought to himself: These boys must have been stopped by the police who had set up cards on the road ahead to stop them after they escaped from the service area. Now I am taking these boys and detouring back here for on-site investigation and evidence collection.

Wan Lin immediately glanced at Xiaoya, and seeing that she was secretly nodding to him, "Let's go," he quickly said to Officer Wang in front of him, "There is nothing to do, we have to hurry up."

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