Panther Commando

Chapter 1726: just beating

Officer Wang grabbed Wan Lin's arm and said, "You helped us so much, how could we let you go like this. By the way, you haven't eaten yet? We'll go to the restaurant for a while, I'll treat you to thank you."

Wan Lin patted his stomach and said cheerfully: "Don't say it, I'm really hungry now, can you bring us two lunch boxes? In addition, we are really in a hurry, and we will have a chance to chat with you in the future. ".

Officer Wang saw that the two had made up their minds, and hurriedly called the waiter at the restaurant next to him to get a few boxes of lunch. At this moment, the approaching police car had stopped beside them and pushed the three men, three women and six dog owners who had escaped from the police car one after another, and six or seven policemen also jumped out of the car.

The hands of the three men were all handcuffed, and the two escorting police officers each carried a miniature submachine gun.

"Pharaoh, where are the two vicious dogs that hurt people?" A police officer with a micro-chung turned his face and asked Officer Wang, then raised the micro-submachine gun in his hand. Obviously, after hearing the report of the vicious dog hurting people, he brought the guy to deal with the two vicious dogs.

At this moment, an angry scolding suddenly sounded from the side: "Which **** killed my dog? Damn, who killed it, I'm not finished with you!"

A young man in his twenties who had just been pushed out of the car saw the wolf dog lying on the ground next to him with his head smashed, and immediately stared at Officer Wang with blood-red eyes and scolded him.

At the same time, the other two boys in handcuffs also saw the dog whose body was embedded in the glass of the store in front with its head lowered. The police officer rushed over, shouting and scolding loudly.

When the two policemen carrying the micro-chong heard the scolding, they turned around and grabbed the three angry boys, shouting angrily, "Can you speak human words? It's not honest to be handcuffed."

"The police beat people!" "The police beat people!" The three women who were brought back together saw the police grabbing their companions, and immediately grabbed the policemen's clothes like crazy, while pulling hard , while shouting and splashing.

At this time, Wan Lin took the box lunch from the waiter in the restaurant next to him, and was pulling Xiaoya to leave. He turned his head and saw the arrogance of several men and women who were hurting people by dogs, and his face immediately sank.

He raised his hand and put the lunch box in Xiaoya's hand, turned and rushed to the front of the three boys who were rushing towards the police officer Wang and the others in front of him. He didn't even see him making a gesture. "Crack", "Crack"... Several loud mouth sounds have already sounded.

The scene immediately quieted down, and the three boys who were rushing towards the policeman in front of them with all their attention felt that their eyes were blurred, and they had been slapped loudly on both sides of their cheeks.

The three of them saw a flower in front of their eyes, and immediately saw a group of golden stars dangling in front of their eyes, and their ears were buzzing. He landed on the ground and looked up in panic.

On the left and right cheeks of the three of them, a bright red five-finger print was printed, and the separated finger marks were raised high, as if Wan Lin's five fingers had been carved on their faces, and in a blink of an eye it became a kind of Deep purple.

At this moment, Xiaoya came over and grabbed Wan Lin, fearing that he would not be able to control her shot again. Just now, she saw Wan Lin's sudden attack, and she knew that he was furious when he heard the scolding from several people! Although he didn't put any internal force in his hands, these slaps were enough for those little boys.

The three boys sat on the ground and shook their heads in astonishment, only then did they see that it was this young man who suddenly appeared and slapped their mouths a few times.

The three women who were beside Sapo heard the crisp mouth sound, and they all stopped the policeman beside them, turned around and looked at a pair of handsome men and beautiful women who suddenly rushed over, and were stunned.

The surrounding police officers also looked at Wan Lin in astonishment, and then took a step back knowingly. At this moment, Wan Lin looked coldly at the three boys who fell to the ground, and said in a cold tone: "Listen: I cleaned up your broken dogs! It has nothing to do with these police officers. Hehe, dare to let the dog hurt people. , believe it or not, I made you be like those two broken dogs! Bastards!"

Wan Lin's eyes suddenly shot a cold light, and the three boys who were lying on the ground immediately felt an ice pierce into their eyes, and shivered unconsciously, stretched out their hands and hugged their red and swollen cheeks. .

The three women around had already seen the raised finger marks on the faces of their companions. They suddenly opened their mouths and let out a hoarse cry. Lin rushed forward.

The three shrews, like tigresses, opened their hands and grabbed at Wan Lin's face. The long fingernails with bright red nail polish on their fingertips, like a few sharp red knives, slammed into Wan Lin's face. When the pestle came, the surrounding people couldn't help exclaiming when they saw this.

Wan Lin looked coldly at the few shrews who were rushing towards him and didn't move, but Xiaoya, who was standing beside Wan Lin, turned around abruptly, raised her right hand and grabbed the palm of the other's grasp. He swung it out to the side, and gave a soft drink in his mouth: "Go!"

The woman beside her immediately rammed the two companions sideways, and the three of them collided, exclaiming and staggering towards the three men who fell to the and smashed into the ground companions. , slammed down onto several men, the sharp screams in his mouth disappeared immediately, and several people immediately rolled over and climbed up, sitting on the ground and staring at the cold-faced handsome men and women beside them, eyes full of fear.

"Hahaha", "Fight well, this kind of person deserves to be beaten!"... The tourists around saw a few people in a state of embarrassment, and immediately let out a burst of relieved laughter. The surrounding police officers laughed when they looked at the arrogant men and women who fell over everything.

Wan Lin looked at the owners of the group of dogs and said word by word: "Your two broken dogs were killed by Lao Tzu, some kind of come to me! The police dare not beat you, I am not a police officer, not so much. Constrained by the rules and regulations, if you yell again, I will ask you to give those two vicious dogs to lie here forever!"

As he said that, his right foot suddenly flew up, and the dead dog beside him flew towards several dog owners with a squeak, and landed on several people with a slap, and the blood from the dog's head spilled over a few people. In one suit, the three vixens who were still fierce just started screaming like killing pigs, covering their faces with their hands and daring not to look at the vicious dog that fell in front of them.

Wan Lin scolded in a cold tone: "It's all said that dogs fight people's power, I think you are not even as good as that mangy dog! A group of beasts who bully the soft and fear the hard are just worthy of beating!" After speaking, he gave a few people a hard look and turned to Xiaoya. Said: "Let's go, looking at these things makes me angry!"

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