Panther Commando

Chapter 1733: assist the police

Captain Liu also took a step back, thinking to himself: What a strong murderous aura! He originally transferred from the army to join the ranks of the police. Although he has never participated in real battles, he has participated in many actual army exercises. He knows that this is the murderous aura that can only burst out in fierce confrontation, and he is definitely not an ordinary person. Can bring it out!

He raised his eyes and glanced at Wan Lin and Xiaoya in astonishment, and then he couldn't help shaking his head secretly, seeing that the young man in front of him was only in his early twenties, and even in the army, he looked like a recruit, so he couldn't have such a strong murderous aura. This kind of fierce murderous aura is only possessed by those special forces who have participated in real battles.

He shook his head gently, and looked at the girls again and pondered. From the accounts of several girls, he has realized that the case is very serious, and it is very likely to involve a major case of female murder and human trafficking.

He pondered for a moment, then looked up at Wan Lin and said, "You have already heard, the case is serious, according to the procedure, you and these victims must come to the team with us to assist in the investigation and take notes. I'm really sorry for delaying your trip."

Wan Lin frowned, turned to look at Xiaoya, saw a helpless look on her face, he nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll come with you, but it will take a while, we still have The two companions did not return." They really have no reason to refuse to assist the police, and they are also important witnesses.

Captain Liu glanced at Wan Lin in surprise when he heard the answer, and asked, "Do you have any companions?" Then he turned his head and looked around.

A few large trucks were parked quietly in the dim parking lot. The few cars that were still around just now had already left the service area. The entire service area was empty, except for the passenger car next to it. A group of passengers gathered. No pedestrians were seen walking.

Wan Lin smiled, a loud whistle suddenly came out of his mouth, and looked up at the mountain behind the service area.

Captain Liu glanced at Wan Lin suspiciously, then walked over to the bus and instructed the bus driver, saying that he had left a few girls and criminal suspects to the police station, and told him not to delay the travel of the passengers and drive away. If something requires him to testify, the police will contact him in time.

At this moment, the young man who was beaten just now ran over, grabbed Wan Lin's hand and said thank you. Wan Lin glanced at him, then waved his hand and said, "You have a skin injury on your body, it's fine, you'll be fine when you go back to rest for a few days. I also want to thank you for these little girls. Get in the car quickly, and you'll be fine. The driver will be waiting for you." Several girls also came over and quickly thanked them.

The young man waved to the girls, then glanced at Wan Lin and Xiaoya, turned around and ran back. He knew that the young man in front of him saved his life, otherwise he would not know what happened next.

The young man boarded the long-distance bus, which then slowly drove out of the parking lot and headed for the expressway outside the service area. Everyone in the car turned around and lay at the window, waving their hands at Wan Lin and Xiaoya, expressing their respect.

Wan Lin watched the bus leave, and then turned to look up the mountain. It didn't take long, two o'clock flashing red and blue light appeared on the distant mountainside, running towards this side quickly.

At this point, Captain Liu had asked his men to take several girls into another police car. He came over and asked Wan Lin, "Are you driving by yourself?" Wan Lin nodded and pointed to a jeep not far away.

Captain Liu said with a smile: "My vehicle is full. You two plus two companions have a total of four people. You should be able to squeeze me out, right?"

Wan Lin and Xiaoya laughed, and Xiaoya said, "No problem, there must be a place for you." Just as she was talking, two little shadows ran over in the dim service area, about ten meters away from Wan Lin and Xiaoya. The place jumped up suddenly, and flew past Captain Liu with a bang, flying over the heads of Wan Lin and Xiaoya like lightning, turning around deftly in the air, and landing lightly on the shoulders of the two of them.

Captain Liu was startled and turned around to see two small kittens falling on Wan Lin and the others. He looked at Wan Lin in astonishment and asked, "Are these your two companions?" Wan Lin laughed nod.

Captain Liu looked at Xiaohua and Xiaobai and exclaimed: "What a nimble kitten, so beautiful! I thought it was two people." Xiaohua and Xiaobai heard him say they were kittens, and turned their heads and stared at them. He glanced.

Wan Lin quickly turned Xiaohua's head over and walked towards the jeep with a smile: "Let's go, get in the car", the three walked to the car, Captain Liu raised the walkie-talkie to the police car on the side and said, "Let's go, back to the team! Xiaoya immediately gave the co-pilot seat to Captain Liu, took the flower on Wan Lin's shoulder, opened the rear seat door and got in.

Wan Lin followed the police car in front and drove into the compound of Captain Liu and his detachment. Wan Lin and the two hugged the leopard and followed Captain Liu into the two-story building in the front row.

Captain Liu led the two to his detachment captain's office. He asked them to sit down on the sofa next to him, turned around and poured a glass of boiling water for each of them, and then said, "I'm sorry, I want to see your ID registration. one time".

Wan Lin glanced at each other, and each took out his military ID. Captain Liu looked at the documents in their hands and was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the two were so young, not only soldiers but also officers.

He quickly took it with both hands and glanced at eyes widened, but he didn't expect that one of them was a colonel and the other was a major. He quickly touched his feet and raised his hands in salute.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya stood up and waved their hands, both of them were wearing plain clothes, so they didn't return the salute. Wan Lin reached out to take his and Xiaoya's documents, looked at Captain Liu and said, "We belong to the secrecy force, please do not include our identities in the file! If you need more details, you can contact our military region directly."

Captain Liu nodded solemnly, then glanced at the two kittens lying on the sofa, and thought to himself: No wonder the young man in front of him picked up a few boys with knives with his hands empty, this beautiful girl seems to be incompetent Weak, the fat shrew just now was easily thrown over by this girl. Both of them should belong to the special forces, otherwise they would never have such neat skills.

He just saw that the two people's certificates only indicated that they belonged to the A military region, and there was no specific unit number. Now the young colonel said that it was a secret unit and was not allowed to leak it. It must be a secret special operations unit.

He immediately said: "No problem, you two have worked hard! We have to learn about the specific victimization from a few victims first. It is estimated that you will not be able to leave until dawn. We have a dormitory here. I will take you there to rest first?"

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