Panther Commando

Chapter 1734: charming mountain scenery

Wan Lin glanced at Xiaoya, then shook his head and said, "It's alright, you're busy first, we'll just wait here."

Captain Liu smiled apologetically, pushed the door and walked out. Wan Lin glanced at Xiaoya with a wry smile, and said in a low voice, "I didn't expect it to be delayed here, otherwise I should be home before dawn." Xiaoya smiled and said, "Don't worry, it is estimated that Zhang Wa and the others are also on their way. Do you call and ask where they are?"

Wan Lin laughed: "There are a lot of people in their car, and there are two ghost girls Wu Xueying and Wen Meng. It should be more lively. They must be on the road now. I will call and ask." Then he took out his phone and dialed Zhang Wa. out.

The call was quickly connected. Wan Lin held up the phone and asked, "Zhang Wa, where are you now? Didn't you disturb your rest so late?"

Zhang Wa's frustrated voice quickly came out of the microphone: "Don't mention it, let me see where it is?" His voice did not fall, and Wu Xueying's voice came from the microphone: "Where is it, where is it? The Public Security Bureau!" Then came the crisp laughter of "giggling" from her and Wen Meng.

Wan Lin was stunned for a moment, his face sank immediately, and he quickly asked, "Zhang Wa, what's going on? Why did you run to the Public Security Bureau?" Xiaoya next to him was also surprised when he heard Wan Lin's question. Turning to look at him.

"Hey, it's not like I ran into a few car gangsters on the road and got into a fight with them, this is not..." Before Zhang Wa's voice fell, Wu Xueying's excited voice came from the microphone: "Hee hee, let me tell you. , I'll tell you!" Then came Wu Xueying's crisp voice like a machine gun.

At this time, Wan Lin's heart had calmed down, knowing that they must be the same as the two of them. He knew all about his team members, and although they all possessed unique skills, they would never make trouble outside.

He immediately interrupted Wu Xueying's voice and asked, "Don't tell me what happened, tell me what you have done to others?"

He was really afraid that these few people would lose their lives, and it would be troublesome if that happened. These people all came out on the battlefield, and every move can cause death!

He is really afraid that a few people will take action in a desperate situation. The local affairs are not as important as the battlefield. Even vicious criminal cases will also have public security organs. If they are not a last resort, they must not take people's lives easily.

"Hee hee, it's alright, it just broke the bones of a few bullies! This group of people is too hateful, we are just self-defense," Wu Xueying said lightly.

Only then did Wan Lin feel relieved. Yingying said that it was a legitimate defense, which means that the other party must have used a murder weapon, otherwise Zhang Wa and the others would never have seriously injured the other party easily. Although Wu Xueying and Wen Meng are still new players, they may act on their own terms. But Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng are both veterans, so they will definitely be measured and will never make heavy moves easily.

"Let's talk about what happened next." Wan Lin immediately pressed the speakerphone button, put the phone on the coffee table in front of him, leaned back on the back of the sofa and joined Xiaoya, quietly listening to Wu Xueying's vivid description.

It turned out that Zhang Wa and the others also drove a jeep and set foot on the road back to their hometown early in the morning. The group of people chatted and laughed in the car very lively.

Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying, who were originally lively and cheerful, were naturally very excited when they saw Wen Meng and Lin Zisheng go back with them, and they had already seen that Lin Zisheng had a crush on Wen Meng, and they really wanted to help him.

Lin Zisheng's personality is relatively introverted, he belongs to the person who doesn't like to be public, but he is a **** and sturdy man in his bones. For his comrades, he is someone who can sacrifice his life on the battlefield. Moreover, he is also from a martial arts family, and his skills are quite good. If he can get along with Wen Meng, it will indeed be a good story for their commandos.

On the road, Lin Zisheng was driving a jeep excitedly, with Zhang Wa sitting in the passenger seat next to him. Originally, Zhang Wa wanted to give the co-pilot seat to Wen Meng, but when Wen Meng got in the car, she had already pulled Wu Xueying into the back seat.

This sensitive girl has already seen the meaning of several people, but she really has no feelings for Lin Zisheng. Moreover, the emotions between men and women do need a unique feeling.

After a few people left the military area, they turned to another expressway nearby. After driving on the expressway for seven or eight hours, they drove towards the mountain at the expressway according to the map.

At this time, the sun was setting, and the car turned into the mountains along the rough road. Lin Zisheng and Zhang Wa took turns driving the car. Wen Meng in the back seat had rolled down the car window, and their big eyes were looking at the beautiful mountains outside excitedly, exclaiming from time to time.

Lin Zisheng and the two in the front seat grinned when they saw the excited look of the two girls in the rearview mirror. While staring at the road ahead, Lin Zisheng said, "The color of the mountains here is similar to that of our hometown, and the seasons are similar. Look at the spring flowers on the mountain." He raised his finger and pointed to a small yellow flower on the hillside in the distance.

A few people in the car looked in the direction of his fingers. Not far away was a mountain of 600 to 700 meters high. On the steep northern slope, a small yellow flower grew, swaying with the gentle mountain wind. Several colorful birds are rising and falling among the flowers.

The hillside was covered with green grasses, and the surrounding tall branches had a slight verdant color, and a huge rock on the top of the mountain was reflecting the golden afterglow.

Wu Xueying and Wen Meng pressed down the car stretched out their heads and looked forward. Although the mountain breeze in the early spring still carried a hint of coolness, the peculiar smell of green grass in the mountains carried in the breeze was already coming.

The green eyes met the eyes of the two girls. In the distance, a fresh and tender yellow flower was swaying left and right in the breeze, as if calling for a few people to go.

The beautiful scenery in front of him made Wen Meng's quiet face show a bright smile, and his eyes were obsessed with the scenery in front of him, with a confused look in his eyes.

Wu Xueying smiled and looked at Wen Meng's fascinated appearance, and said with a smile: "Meng Meng, let's stop when we get to the front and go up the mountain to pick some flowers. This bright yellow color is so beautiful!"

Wen Meng turned to look at Yingying and nodded, Yingying excitedly knocked on the head of Lin Zisheng who was driving in front of her: "Master Lin, did you hear me? We, Fairy Mengmeng, have spoken, and stopped in front to pick flowers." Lin Zisheng answered cheerfully, stepping up the accelerator and rushing towards the mountain road ahead.

Wen Meng smiled and pushed Wu Xueying slightly, then raised her eyes and looked forward. The mountain road winds through the rugged mountains, and the newly paved asphalt road is a soft jet black, like a black giant python coiling on the mountainside, extending into the distance around the undulating mountains. , which is extremely clean and eye-catching in the afterglow.

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