Panther Commando

Chapter 1736: Songhemen

The narrow and rugged mountain road is very quiet, and occasionally a few long-distance coaches full of passengers can be seen walking slowly. In the mountains in the distance, several heavy-duty trucks loaded with coal were crawling up the steep hillside like a snail.

Lin Zisheng drove the car very fast, stepped up the accelerator to overtake the bus in front, and rushed to the top of the mountain in front of him with a roar.

The car just rushed to the top of the mountain, and several people in the car suddenly felt the light in front of them. The black asphalt road surrounds the front mountainside, and a huge semi-circle is drawn in the middle of the huge mountain, extending gently towards the foot of the distant mountain. The flower branches swaying in the wind seemed to be waving to several people.

Wu Xueying raised her finger and pointed at the mountainside and shouted: "Children, hurry up, right there!" Zhang Wa heard the crisp shouts from the back seat, turned her face and looked at Wu Xueying in astonishment and said, "When did our seniority drop? , don't call us instructors?"

Wen Meng covered her mouth and laughed, and Wu Xueying pouted: "I'm so familiar with it, so I won't be called an instructor. Besides, you don't look like an instructor, do you? Brother Zisheng."

"Hahaha" Lin Zisheng laughed: "Yes, yes, it sounds comfortable to call it that way, but you can remove the word 'brother' from that Zisheng brother, it seems to be more pleasing to the ear." Wen Meng and Wu Xueying covered their mouths" giggle." He laughed.

While talking, the jeep had already rushed from the top of the mountain to the middle of the mountain. Lin Zisheng parked the car on the side of the road, turned his head to Wen Meng and the two behind him and said, "You wait, I'll go pick some flowers for you." The door jumped out.

The three people in the car also jumped out of the car, took a few deep breaths of the fresh mountain air, and looked up at the hillside.

Lin Zisheng was swaying upwards on the hillside with a strange movement, his figure rising and falling between the undulating rocks, his arms stretched out from time to time, like two wings flapping on the hillside. He jumped up quickly in his body, and in a blink of an eye, he had jumped to the spring flower room on the middle of the mountain.

Wen Meng and Wu Xueying looked at Lin Zisheng's fast and agile back with a little astonishment. Although Wen Meng and Lin Zisheng had fought together several times, they were mainly familiar with a few ten thousand disciples and knew Lin Zisheng himself. I'm really not familiar with his kung fu, I only know that he is extremely brave in battle and his kung fu is also very good.

Wen Meng looked at Lin Zisheng's peculiar movements, turned his head and asked Zhang Wa, "What kind of kung fu did Lin Zisheng use? Why haven't I seen it before?"

Zhang Wa also shook his head and said, "Zisheng is introverted and doesn't like to talk much. Everyone doesn't know about his kung fu, and he has only seen him use it a few times at critical moments on the battlefield, but Leopard Tou didn't see him. The source of kung fu is just to see that he usually breathes a long time, it must be the inner boxing method that he has practiced since he was a child, and his inner skills are not weak."

"You have such a good relationship, why don't you ask?" Wu Xueying asked with wide eyes in surprise, Zhang Wa replied with a smile: "The martial arts schools are different, people don't say it themselves, the expatriates are the best friends, and they are the same. It's hard to ask."

Several people were talking, Lin Zisheng had already held two yellow spring flowers in his hands, and suddenly spread his arms and jumped up from a rock more than ten meters away, like a white crane floating in front of Wen Meng and the three of them. Two handfuls of bright yellow flowers in his hands fluttered in the wind on both sides of his body, which was truly beautiful. Before a few people could see his movement, he had already landed in front of the three of them.

"Give", Lin Zisheng smiled and handed the flowers in both hands to Wen Meng and Wu Xueying respectively. Wen Meng and the two happily took the flowers and took a deep breath when they held them to their faces.

Only at this time did the two discover that a handful of fresh and tender spring flowers were also dotted with several green grasses, and the fresh clusters of small yellow flowers were matched with the green grasses, making the whole flower cluster very harmonious and bright.

"It's so beautiful!" Wen Meng murmured, looked up at Lin Zisheng and said in a low voice, "Thank you", Lin Zisheng's eyes shone brightly, looking at Wen Meng and smiled.

Wu Xueying held the flowers in front of her face and sniffed them a few times. She looked at Lin Zisheng with big eyes and asked, "The figure you just threw down is so beautiful, it's like a crane floating in the sky. What kind of kung fu? Why haven't I seen it before."

Zhang Wa and Wen Meng on the side laughed, knowing that Yingying's quick words couldn't keep things in their hearts, and they asked the questions in their minds when they were excited.

Lin Zisheng glanced at a few people with a smile, and then replied: "The kung fu I practice is not well-known, and basically no one in the world knows about it." With a smile, he said, "I guess everyone in the martial arts of Leopard Head doesn't know our kung fu."

Seeing that he wanted to say what he meant, Zhang Wa raised his finger and pointed to a few rocks on the opposite side of the road and said with a smile: "The mountains are so refreshing, let's rest there for a while and enjoy the beauty of the mountains." In fact, he has always been very curious in his heart.

Wen Meng heard Zhang Wa's words, smelled the flowers in her hands, and walked towards the opposite side. Just as Wen Meng walked to the side of the road and was about to step onto the road, Lin Zisheng, who was behind him, took a step forward, grabbed Wen Meng's arm and dragged her behind him, followed by a "woo" sound. , a bus whizzed past Lin Zisheng, and a cold wind blew past the two of them along with the speeding black bus.

Wen Meng glanced in amazement at the high-speed bus turned his head and nodded to Lin Zisheng to express his gratitude. Just now, she was focusing on the blooming flowers in front of her, and didn't notice that the bus behind her had already driven over.

Several people walked across the road and sat on a few rocks beside the road, and Wen Meng's eyes immediately focused on Lin Zisheng's face. Lin Zisheng smiled and said, "Don't look at me like that? It's as if I have some important secret here."

Wu Xueying said with a smile: "It was originally, even our Captain Wan can't see the origin of your kung fu. That's not a big secret."

Lin Zisheng laughed, turned his head to look at Zhang Wa and said, "I never told you about my kung fu practice, because even if I said it, you definitely don't know it." Then he looked up at the rolling hills in the distance. up.

It turns out that Lin Zisheng's family is indeed a family of martial arts, and they have practiced a kind of internal boxing named Songhe Quan for generations. Like the Wan family, their family's kung fu is also passed down from generation to generation within the family, and they never accept disciples with different surnames.

The ancestors of their school realized a set of original boxing methods based on the straightness and straightness of the pine tree in the mountains and the graceful and flexible posture of the crane, and founded the Songhemen. The main principles of Men Zhongquan are to stand still like a pine tree, stand tall and straight, and be flexible and elegant like a crane.

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