Panther Commando

Chapter 1737: bus on the road

Songhemen’s inner strength and heart method is also a unique one. It emphasizes that the inner family’s thoughts are continuous, endless without beginning, continuous, and intentions follow the heart. It strives to change the inner strength in a thousand ways. They are different, and they are even more unique in the qinggong mental method.

But since ancient times, their Lin family is a businessman, and they have never been involved in the world. The Kung Fu in the family is only practiced and passed down within the family. Few people in China know about the peculiar martial arts of Songhemen.

Lin Zisheng briefly introduced the sect he belonged to, glanced at Wen Meng and the others and said, "Because of this, few people have known about our sect since ancient times, and we, Songhemen, have internal skills that are closely related to all of you. I learned the same as Wan's internal skills, focusing on the cultivation of internal skills and xinxing, so I don't like publicity in character, and basically have no intersection with the outside martial arts schools, that is, your Wan's kung fu, I have never heard of it before. It's really ignorant to say it."

Lin Zisheng let out a long sigh when he said this, looked at Zhang Wa and the others and said, "Alas, maybe our martial arts school is too closed, and we lack exchanges with other schools of martial arts, and lack the link of learning from each other's strengths, so There has been no major progress, and very few have advanced skills."

Wen Meng heard Lin Zisheng a little regretful, and said with a smile: "It's not a bad thing to be closed, at least you have passed down this ancient practice in your family's inheritance intact. You haven't seen the society today. The kung fu of many sects is only a mere formality, and the inner things have long been lost.”

Lin Zisheng turned his face to look at Wen Meng, and said with a smile, "You can comfort me. However, this is also true, at least within our family, we really retain the most primitive things of Songhemen Kung Fu. I will ask for it in the future. Take it out and communicate with you more, we must not let this practice of ours wither."

Zhang Wa nodded and thought to himself, it is no wonder that Zisheng never speaks and never shows off his kung fu. It moves very fast in battle.

In addition to his weaker skills than himself, Chengru, and Fengdao, he is actually comparable to Bao Ya and Fengyu brothers, and these people are all famous martial arts disciples in the past. Moreover, his character is restrained and decisive, and he does possess all the elements of a good sniper.

Zhang Wa watched Zisheng finish speaking, stood up and looked at the winding mountain road in front of him and said, "Hehehe, I must have a good discussion with you when I have time. It seems that your posture when you mention Qinggong is really strange."

"No problem, let's all have a good discussion. I noticed the movements of Yingying and Mengmeng. It seems that they have also practiced martial arts since childhood, and they both have an excellent foundation in martial arts, especially after learning Wan's internal skills. Afterwards, the skill progressed very fast," Lin Zisheng answered openly.

The few people looked at the mountain view and chatted for a while, then stood up, crossed the highway, and walked towards the jeep on the opposite side. Zhang Wa walked to the car, opened the door next to the cab, and got in. She turned her head and said to Lin Zisheng, "You take a break, I'll open it."

A few people got in the car and drove down the mountain along the winding road. It didn't take long, when a few people turned around the front of the mountain and approached the foot of the mountain, they suddenly saw a bus parked quietly at the foot of the mountain. That big bus.

At this time, the bus seemed to have encountered something. It was parked diagonally in the middle of the road that was not wide, just blocking the up and down lanes of the mountain road, but no passengers were seen under the bus, and the passengers could be seen faintly from the window. Still sitting in the car.

When Zhang Wa saw the situation in front of her car, she immediately stepped on the brakes, lowered the gear to full speed, and slowly drove down the **** to avoid hitting the bus crossing the road too fast during the downhill.

Several people in the car also looked at the front with some surprise. The place where the bus stopped was a three-way intersection at the foot of the mountain, which just blocked the way for their vehicles to go down the mountain.

Zhang Wa stared at the bus in the distance, and whispered in a low voice: "How can it stop here? It's too dangerous! If the full truck behind it goes down the mountain, if the brake of the truck fails, it will be troublesome. ".

Lin Zisheng, who was beside him, also stared at the foot of the mountain and said, "Looking at the situation, it must be the bus that broke down, otherwise it wouldn't stop in the middle of the mountain road. Let's go and see."

The jeep slowly approached the passenger car below. Zhang Wa turned the steering wheel and leaned towards the side lane, trying to see if his jeep could pass by the side, but the mountain road was rugged and where he was, he could not see the gap between the two sides of the passenger car below. How big is it.

Zhang Wa is really afraid of rushing down a full-loaded truck from the top of the mountain. On such a long-distance downhill road, some inexperienced truck drivers hold the brakes for a long time on the way down the mountain, which often causes the brakes to fail and rush down the hillside, isn't it? Hit the side of the hillside, it is a major traffic accident that rushes down the cliff and causes a car crash.

Therefore, he was indeed a little apprehensive. He wanted to drive around the bus in front of him, park his jeep in a safe place at the foot of the mountain in front of him, and then look back to see if he could help the passengers on the bus.

When Zhang Wa approached the bus more than 200 meters down the turned the steering wheel and drove to the side of the road to look forward. At a glance, she saw a white van parked in front of the bus, and the van was also sideways. The body was in the middle of the road.

Zhang Wa frowned and said to several people in the car: "It's broken, it looks like there was a car accident ahead, and there is a van parked in front of the bus." Several people in the car also frowned, all focused Looking into the passenger car, it was fortunate that it was very quiet inside, and it didn't look like someone was injured. Only then did the few people breathe a sigh of relief. From what they look like now, the collision between the two cars in front was not a major accident.

It was almost dusk, and the mountains had become a little hazy. The hearts of several people are a little frustrated, and they are all secretly thinking that if the two cars in front of them really collided, then in the deep mountains where there is no village in front and no shop in the back, even if the police are notified to come to deal with the accident, they will not be able to do it in a short time. Arrive, and the scene must be protected, and the accident vehicle cannot be moved casually. As a result, they can only be blocked here.

"Oh, it looks like we're going to camp in this barren mountain!" Wu Xueying in the back seat looked at the bus in front of her in a daze, and sighed.

But she just let out a sigh, and then laughed again: "Hee hee, not bad, camping in this beautiful place is much more comfortable than in that icy world. By the way, doll, is it allowed to light a bonfire here? If possible. , let's have a bonfire party!"

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