Panther Commando

Chapter 1738: mountain robber

Wu Xueying raised her eyes and glanced at the bus in front, and said with a smile: "Hee hee, find all the passengers on the bus in front, they must have a lot of delicious food, let's sing and help them eliminate it. food".

She said, and she laughed excitedly "giggling", as if the passengers on the bus had run over and brought all the delicious food in front of her.

Zhang Wa and a few people who were in depression just saw the bus blocking the road in front of them, and they were immediately amused by this optimistic little girl. Indeed, in this wild environment of spring flowers, it is really nothing to the special forces who have fought in various harsh environments.

Zhang Wa said with a smile: "Yes, the big deal is to camp on the mountain, the spring flowers bloom, and the night in the barren mountains. Isn't this also a kind of romance! Hahaha" He smiled and parked the jeep 30 to 40 meters behind the bus. While opening the door, he said to several people in the car, "Let's go, let's get out of the car and have a look" and then jumped out of the car.

At this time, the setting sun has already set on the top of the mountain in the distance. The golden sun hangs on the black top of the mountain, like a big round fireball. The surrounding clouds are like pieces of burning flames under the reflection of the setting sun. It was bouncing and jumping around the fireball with the wind.

Lin Zisheng, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying also jumped out of the jeep with Zhang Wa. The four looked up at the sunset in the distance, raised their feet and walked towards the bus in front of them, looking at the tall bus windows as they walked.

At this time, several people were a little strange in their hearts. It stands to reason that there was a car accident. There should be many passengers in the car running out of the car to see the accident scene, but now the car is very quiet, it seems that everyone has nothing to do Sit quietly in your seat.

Just when the four of them were more than ten meters away from the bus in front of them, six or seven men with ferocious spirits suddenly flashed out from behind the bus. They all held a one-meter-long iron rod in their hands, and stared at Zhang Wa. The four walked forward, holding the long iron rod in their hands as they walked.

Zhang Wa and a few people were startled. Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng took a step forward and blocked Wu Xueying and Wen Meng behind them. Their eyes quickly swept through the front passenger car window.

Only then did they discover that there were several figures swaying in the long-distance bus that could take 40 or 50 people, and a low scolding voice could be heard from the car: "Hurry up, take it out! What about courting death?" "Damn, why are there so few, hurry up!" Then came a "bang" beating sound and a scream of covering your mouth...

Zhang Wa and several people under the car immediately understood! No wonder the bus was parked sideways in the road, it turned out to be a group of robbers! The bus must have just rushed down the hill when it was forced to a stop by the van coming across the road.

Zhang Wa raised her eyes and looked at the big men walking by, winked at Lin Zisheng beside her, followed by her left hand behind her back and made a silent gesture to Wu Xueying and the two of them, ordering them to act according to their own orders, not to Act on your own! Zhang Wa has the highest military rank among several people, so if something unexpected happens at this time, it is natural to take his lead.

At this time, the purpose of this group of robbers is to rob money, and they will not hurt the passengers in the car for the time being. However, if they do something rashly, the other party will most likely take the passengers in the car hostage. of casualties. Therefore, Zhang Wa must only order a few people to take action after confirming the safety of the passengers.

A few big men carried iron rods and walked coldly in front of Zhang Wa and the four of them. One of them, a man in his 40s with a gloomy expression, glanced coldly at Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng who were standing in front of him.

He saw that the two in front of him were dressed in casual clothes. They were in their early twenties and looked very handsome. A look of disdain flashed in his eyes immediately, and then he raised his eyes to look at the jeep parked on the hillside road. Suddenly, a bright light appeared in his eyes, and a gloomy smile appeared on his face.

He turned his head and said to the few companions beside him who were dangling iron rods in their hands: "Damn, I'm lucky today, I met a tourist. These people must have brought a lot of money with them, you search them, I'll go to the back. Let's take a look in the car." He said, the iron rod in his hand suddenly lifted, and he shouted coldly at Zhang Wa and Lin Zi, "Stop!"

Zhang Wa glanced at Lin Zisheng, turned around and pulled Wu Xueying behind him and took a step to the side, and Lin Zisheng also took Wen Meng half a step to the side.

At this time, Wu Xueying, who was behind Zhang Wa, stared at the people in front of her with glowing eyes. She squeezed Zhang Wa's hand and squeezed it hard, looking eager to try. Zhang Wa quickly clenched her little hand, knowing that this precious girl had regained her spirits when she saw something happened.

An excited look suddenly appeared in Wen Meng's eyes. He raised his hand and pushed Lin Zisheng away, pulling his arm away, and took a half-step to the side. Seeing Wen Meng's actions out of the corner of Lin Zisheng's eyes, he immediately understood that she was also eager to start. He quickly stretched out his hand to grab her arm again, looked at the bus, and shook his head slightly.

Seeing Lin Zisheng's actions, Wen Meng immediately understood in his heart: the situation is unknown now, and I don't know how many gangsters are behind the bus. Besides, there are other companions in the bus.

Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng moved their bodies to the sides respectively, revealing the two beautiful girls behind them at once, the shy man in front of him quickly caught sight of Wen Meng and the two of them, and a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes~www I really didn't expect to see such two pairs of dragons and phoenixes in this barren mountain. The two young men are handsome and handsome, and the two women are simply radiant!

He seemed to hesitate for a moment, then lifted his foot and strode towards the jeep in front of him, the iron rod in his hand dragging behind him, making a screeching screeching sound on the asphalt.

At this moment, a few people behind him came over with iron bars, and shouted at Zhang Wa and the others: "Take out the valuables from your body, hurry up!" Several people shouted, the iron bars in their hands There was a ding dong sound on the asphalt road, but all eyes were fixed on the pretty faces of Wen Meng and Wu Xueying, and each of them had a squinting look on their faces.

A black and thin boy walking in front was still swallowing hard, walked to Lin Zisheng and Wen Meng in one step, grabbed the wallet Lin Zisheng just took out, and then raised his left hand and pushed it towards Lin Zisheng's chest. Little dirty eyes stared at the beautiful Wen Meng, showing his mouth full of black teeth and shouting at the shy man in front: "Boss, these two girls are so beautiful! Do you want to stay? The fairy in the mountains" followed, and swallowed hard again.

Following his voice, his hand had already been pushed on Lin Zisheng's chest, but Lin Zisheng stood there motionless, as if welded to the ground, with a sneering look in his eyes, staring at the boy with squinty eyes. Squint look.

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