Panther Commando

Chapter 1739: lose conscience

The black and thin boy's left hand pushed **** the young man in front of him, but it was as if it had been pushed against a thick gable. He turned his head in astonishment and glanced at the seemingly thin young man in front of him. From now on, he will smash at Lin Zisheng.

At this moment, four figures suddenly emerged from the back of the passenger car, and one of them shouted to the man walking towards the jeep: "Boss, there is not much oil and water, and everything in the car has been found! Except for a few that look valuable. Jewelry, the rest are some broken mobile phones, and the cash is only more than 30,000 yuan, and Laozi’s is actually a carload of poor ghosts, and no one is rich.”

Hearing the shouts from behind, the black and thin boy suddenly lowered his iron rod and turned his head to look back, just as he saw four companions turn out from the back of the bus, and suddenly a harsh cry came from behind: "Please Please, this is my life-saving money for my child's medical treatment", followed by an old voice shouting: "Please, please, it's my granddaughter's life!" "You can do it. !"

Following the shouting, a middle-aged woman in her 30s or 40s staggered out from the back of the bus, holding a little girl of 2-3 years old in her arms, followed by a 60-70-year-old girl. old man.

The woman screamed and ran behind a gangster in front of her, grabbed the front of his shirt and knelt down to the ground, with bright red palm prints on both cheeks, apparently being beaten by the gangster just now in the car.

"Go away! Damn, I still want to see a doctor if I don't have money. Forget it!" The robber who was pulled back suddenly turned around and kicked the woman. The woman hugged the child and fell to the side of the road. "Wow!" I burst into tears, and hurriedly shouted "Mom", "Mom"!

At this time, a few middle-aged men and women ran off from the car, and they pulled up the woman on the ground and the old man next to them, turned around and walked towards the back of the car, hurriedly consoling: "Don't Dead!"

At this moment, the old man was pulled back by the crowd and walked a few steps. He turned around suddenly and shouted angrily: "A bunch of bastards, do you still have any conscience? My old man is dead!" He shouted. Suddenly, he broke free from the hands of the surrounding people and rushed towards the gangsters in front. The surrounding people were startled, turned around and grabbed him again, dragging the old man to the back of the car.

At this time, the four gangsters had already touched their hands to their waists, staring coldly at the old man and the surrounding passengers.

At this moment, the fireball-like red sun suddenly jumped twice on the top of the mountain in the distance, and then fell behind the high top of the mountain, and the light in the mountains immediately dimmed.

Zhang Wa and the others on the side heard the shouting, and they all turned their heads to look in the direction of the bus, just in time to see the scene just now. At this time, the faces of several people suddenly sank, and a cold light flashed in their eyes at the same time, I didn't expect this group of people to lose their conscience!

The eyes of several people quickly swept to the inside of the car. The figure that was shaking in the car just now disappeared, and bursts of suppressed children's cries were coming from the car. Obviously, they were afraid that the children's cries would anger these robbers. The bandit adults have loosened their grip on the child's mouth.

At this time, the four people who flashed out of the back of the car saw the passengers pulling the mother, daughter and the old man back to the car, they sneered a few times, turned around and walked towards the hillside where Zhang Wa and the others were.

All four of them had a schoolbag slung around their necks, and one hand touched their bulging waist. As they walked towards Zhang Wa and the others on the slope, they scolded the passengers in the car as "poor ghosts", and seemed very dissatisfied with the looted property.

But although they complained, they all had an excited look on their faces. They seemed to enjoy the thrill of blocking the road and robbing. At a glance, they knew that this group of people were habitual bandits. I don't know how many passengers have been robbed.

At this time, the man in front, who was called "Boss" by several people, had already walked back from the jeep carrying the four backpacks of Zhang Wa and the others. He walked over to Zhang Wa and the others, took a cold look at the two slender and beautiful beauties, raised his hand and threw the backpacks on his hands and shoulders to the surrounding men.

He followed Wu Xueying's wallet and snatched it, opened it and glanced at it, a smile suddenly appeared on his gloomy face: "Damn, these are fat pigs, richer than the group of poor ghosts in the car, search carefully. Let's see what else is there on them?" Saying that, he stuffed his wallet into his pocket, grabbed Wu Xueying's arm, and stared at Wu Xueying's pretty face with bright eyes.

Wu Xueying dodged the eldest's grabbing arm, and suddenly laughed "giggling": "We are all pretty slender, how could we become fat pigs?"

Wen Meng on the other side also covered his mouth and laughed "giggling": "That's right, is there such a slender fat pig as we are?"

In the originally quiet and tense mountain, the crisp laughter of the two girls suddenly sounded, causing the surrounding robbers to be stunned for a while, and then they all laughed "hahaha", all their eyes were fixed on these two pretty girls. on the girl.

The passengers in the car heard the crisp laughter that suddenly sounded outside the car, and they all turned around in astonishment and leaned over to the window to look here. Only then did they notice that another car had appeared on the hillside behind. With the four young men and women, a worried look appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Everyone's eyes immediately saw that the laughter was made by two beautiful They were all shocked! No one would have imagined that the two drifting girls would be able to make such a relaxed and cheerful laugh in front of this group of wolves and tigers at such a dangerous time.

When a group of gangsters who were just vicious saw two such pretty girls, smiles appeared on their faces, and their eyes focused on the faces of the two pretty girls. Under their vicious robbery in the past, no one had dared to let out such a sweet laughter at such a time.

The four boys who had just finished robbing the passengers laughed and raised their feet to surround the two girls, looking at Wen Meng and Wu Xueying with squinted eyes. The black and thin boy stretched out his hand and pushed Lin Zisheng again, baring his mouth full of black teeth and shouting, "Get out of the way! The little girl is not bad, come to my brother, today our brothers are blessed!" His small eyes looked at Wen Meng, who was covering his mouth with a crisp smile, looked like a monkey was anxious.

On both sides of the road, two gangsters walked to Zhang Wa with iron rods, and shouted loudly: "Go away!", "Don't get in the way of Lao Tzu's good deeds!" Then they raised their hands and pushed towards Zhang Wa. , staring at Wu Xueying who is smiling next to her with a smile.

At this moment, the eyes of Zhang Wa and the others have quickly swept across the surrounding terrain. The bus is in front of the seven- or eight-meter-wide mountain road. There were ten robbers in front of him.

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