Panther Commando

Chapter 1740: Howling Stick Shadow

Zhang Wa's eyes glanced around, and immediately determined that all the gangsters had left the bus, and they were all attracted by the crisp laughter of Yingying and Wen Meng. There was a flash of light in his eyes, and his right foot stepped back half a step with the opponent's push, but suddenly a loud shout came out of his mouth: "Go!"

Following the voice, his right hand suddenly stretched out an iron rod that was holding the person in front of him, his right foot flew up with a "squeak", and kicked the opponent's ribs with a "smack", the person in front of him was miserable. Crying and flying, he flew to the few people walking behind, and the iron rod in his hand had already fallen into Zhang Wa's hands at this moment.

At the same time, Lin Zisheng's left hand had already grabbed the wrist of the black and thin boy in front of him, and he twisted it to the side. With the stick, he stepped forward to Wen Meng, grabbed the other's wrist holding the stick and twisted it, his right knee suddenly lifted up and pressed against the boy's stomach.

"Aiyo!" With the screams of the black and thin boy, Lin Zisheng suddenly caught the iron rod released by his opponent with his right hand. Holding the rod, he danced a stick figure in front of him. "Dangdang" knocked away the surrounding two The iron rod that was swung by the man, followed by the iron rod in his hand, was like a dragon going out to sea, and slammed towards him.

"Papapapa", a dull beating sound suddenly sounded from the road, Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng blocked Wen Meng and Wu Xueying behind them, and two sticks carried the wind noise at the moment when they started. Several gangsters waved among them, and bursts of screams rang out in an instant along with the sound of clubs intersecting.

"Slow down! Leave one for me!" With this fierce voice, Wu Xueying's anxious voice followed.

Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng ignored Wen Meng and Wu Xueying who were anxious behind them, and moved their feet from left to right in the road, and the iron rod in their hands made the sound of "woo" and "woo". In a blink of an eye, the six robbers with sticks beside them fell to the ground screaming.

Wu Xueying and Wen Meng were behind Zhang Wa, so they had no chance to rush up. The two turned their heads to look at the other four robbers, and at a glance they saw that the other party had pulled out a long pair of robbers from their waists. The dagger was shouting towards Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng who were on the road.

Wen Meng and Wu Xueying's eyes lit up, they turned around and rushed out to face the four of them. But before they could make two moves, Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng had already knocked down the six robbers in front of them, and waving the iron rods in their hands, they rushed towards the four robbers on the side.

The figures of Zhang Wa and the two threw themselves in front of the four robbers in an instant, and the iron rods in their hands danced in front of their opponents.

Wu Xueying and Wen Meng saw the stick figures they danced, and knew that they couldn't get in with their bare fists. The two looked around anxiously, and saw that the six robbers in front of them were rolling with their arms and legs on the ground. Iron rod.

The two of them bent down and picked up an iron rod on the ground each, got up and rushed towards the direction of the bus, both of them shouting anxiously, "Leave one for us!"

Following the figures of Wen Meng and the two chasing after them, Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng swayed the iron rods in their hands, "snap" and "snack", and knocked on the two wrists that were holding daggers and stabbed at them, followed by their bodies. Dodge to the side. At this time, the four gangsters in front of him were screaming with their wrists in their arms, and four bright daggers fell beside them.

As soon as the two of them got out of the way, the slender figures of Wen Meng and Wu Xueying had already rushed up like a gust of wind. The two iron rods slammed in the air and hit the heads of the two gangsters in front of them. Stupidly, he looked up at the two iron rods whistling down. "Don't hurt people's lives!" Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng were shocked when they saw this, and hurriedly shouted.

Following the shouts of the two, the two iron bars in the air immediately paused, then drew an arc in the air and swept towards the lower bodies of the two gangsters.

Only then did the two gangsters come to their senses, screaming and covering their heads with their hands, and the whistling iron bar had already passed over the heads of the two of them, slamming the two men's knees with "smack" and "snack". The two gangsters fell to the ground in response, and rolled around in the middle of the road while holding one of their legs.

The shouts of the two gangsters just started, and the sound of the iron bars hitting the bones sounded one after another. The iron bars in the hands of the two girls swayed like flying, and the other two held their Legs, screaming and rolling on the ground.

Only at this moment did the two girls stop and stare coldly at the group of robbers rolling on the ground. The viciousness of the robbers just now, as well as the disgusting look in their eyes, had already made them furious, and they were merciless at this time!

"Ouch", "Ouch"... The few people in front of them screamed and rolled on the ground a few times, then sat up from the ground, hugging their legs and screaming shrilly, obviously the kind of heart-piercing pain of broken bones , has already made several gangsters suffer.

Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng took a step forward with cold expressions on their faces, kicked the daggers beside the gangsters to the side of the road, and then turned their heads and walked towards the six gangsters who were crying for their father and mother behind them.

Several gangsters were also sitting on the road holding their broken limbs and mourning. Just now, Se Li Nei's face had already turned pale, and sweat beads the size of soybeans were hurting on her twisted face.

At this time, these people saw two fierce young men walking towards them with iron rods again, their eyes showed extreme fear, they sat on the ground and moved their bodies back hard, UU reading The facial features on his face have been twisted together due to the severe pain, and his teeth and grins are extremely hideous.

Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng glanced coldly at the cowardice of several robbers, strode past them, bent over and picked up their four-person backpacks from the road, slung them on their shoulders, and then turned around to "snap" , "Pop" kicked several people to the ground, took out their own money from their pockets and packed them into the backpacks behind them.

At this moment, the people in the bus were dumbfounded and stared at the sudden change under the bus, and then they shouted excitedly, swarming to the door, jumping out of the car and running towards Zhang Wa and the others. When he came around, he was about to rush to the few robbers who were still vicious just now.

Wen Meng and Wu Xueying stood aside with long iron rods in their hands, and stared coldly at the robbers who were still screaming and groaning on the ground with their arms and legs still on the ground.

Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng turned around and saw the passengers scolding and running over. Several passengers who had been beaten by the robbers even scolded angrily. They bent down to pick up the iron bars on the ground and held them up to charge at the robbers. The two quickly reached out to stop everyone, Lin Zisheng turned his head and shouted to Wen Meng, "Wen Meng, hurry up and call the police!"

They knew that if they didn't stop the angry crowd, these angry passengers who had lost their minds would definitely beat this group of robbers to death here!

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