Panther Commando

Chapter 1746: concentrate

When Zou Tao saw Wan Lin and the two saluting, he just stopped to return the salute. "Whoosh, whoosh", three black shadows jumped out of the car like lightning, and rushed into the door that had just been opened. The two gun-wielding soldiers were startled, pulled the bolt of the gun and chased after the door, shouting, "Alarm!"

Zou Tao hurriedly turned around and shouted, "It's alright, it's my guest!" The two soldiers stopped and glanced inside the gate in amazement. On the bright corridor, three black shadows could faintly be seen running forward. The room had disappeared, and it was impossible to see what was running in just now.

The two sentries turned their heads to look at Zou Tao in surprise, and they didn't understand what was running in just now? How can you run so fast!

Zou Tao smiled and waved to the two warriors, raised his feet and walked in front of Wan Lin, opened his arms and hugged hard, then let go of his hands and took a step back, looked at the two of them carefully, and asked in surprise, "You guys Why are the two here? Don't notify me in advance."

Wan Lin smiled and replied, "We just arrived, and when we got home, I heard that you kidnapped my grandfather and Professor Chang, can I not come?"

Zou Tao was stunned when he heard the word "kidnapping", then laughed "hahahaha", turned around and said, "Go, drive in, let me show you what the old man is doing?" Then he strode into the door As their jeep walked away, Wan Lin and Xiaoya also hurriedly jumped into their car.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya drove in behind Zou Tao's car. In front of you is a spacious corridor. The top of the corridor is inlaid with a row of lights, which illuminates this huge underground space as bright as day.

The corridors meander and twist, with a solid iron gate standing not far from each other, soldiers with guns standing guard at every corner, and occasionally soldiers who drive battery cars on patrol in full armor. The underground space seemed heavily guarded.

The two off-road vehicles turned several turns underground and stopped in front of a gate marked with a shooting and fighting training ground.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya carefully observed the underground space of the Southwest Military Region along the way, knowing that the gates on both sides of the corridor have different functions. This is also an important place for the military region's underground command center during wartime, so various combat readiness functions are extremely important. complete.

He and Xiaoya just listened to Minister Qi's introduction in the past, saying that there is a huge wartime command post underground here, and part of the venue is usually used for training. Unexpectedly, the area here is so large, not much smaller than the underground base in the mountains near the Guoan headquarters.

Zou Tao stopped at the door and jumped off. He laughed when he looked at the door, turned around and waved to Wan Lin and the two.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya jumped out of the car, and immediately found Qiuqiu with Xiaohua and Xiaobai circling in front of the closed door, their eyes glowed with colorful luster, and the sharp nails on their claws had burst out. If this thick door is not opened again, the three little guys will start to attack!

Wan Lin and Xiaoya jumped out of the car, saw the angry look of the three leopards, and hurriedly let out a whistle. The three leopards stared fiercely at the big iron gate in front of them, then turned their heads and ran towards Wan Lin and the two of them. Qiu Qiu and Xiao Bai jumped directly onto Xiao Ya's shoulders, while Xiao Hua jumped into Wan Lin's arms. , the eyes of the three leopards still turned their heads and stared at the closed door tightly, with extremely unhappy expressions in their eyes.

Zou Tao also saw the abnormality of the three leopards at this time, and knew that the three leopards were already anxious. He quickly reached out to open a box on the side of the door, quickly entered a series of numbers on it, and then put his entire palm on the palm recognition screen next to him and pressed it.

After he had done all this, he turned around and smiled and apologized to the three leopards with both hands clasped together. When the three leopards saw Zou Tao's appearance, they wagged their tails and took back the colorful luster in their eyes.

The big iron gate opened silently, and a burst of shooting sound came from the inside. Two soldiers with guns were standing inside the door watching Wan Lin and Xiaoya vigilantly. It was obvious that they had passed away from the gate. On the surveillance equipment inside the door, I saw two strangers, Wan Lin and Xiaoya. Zou Tao walked over and said a few words to the two sentries, then turned around and called Wan Lin and the two to come in.

Wan Lin and the others followed behind Zou Tao and walked inside. The spacious hall was brightly lit. In a huge empty field, more than a dozen soldiers in training uniforms were carrying out hand-to-hand combat training, shouting one after another. There are several large iron gates standing on the walls of the building, and the sound of gunfire is faintly heard from inside.

Zou Tao took the two to the side of the field. A group of fighters who were fighting immediately stopped their hands and feet and stood at attention. They turned their heads and looked back. At a glance, they saw Wan Lin and Xiaoya beside Captain Zou, and one of them immediately shouted: "Stand at attention. Salute!" They once performed missions with Wan Lin and the others, and some warriors knew them.

Wan Lin and the two smiled and looked at the saluting soldiers, and saw that they were all subordinates of Zou Tao's Special Warfare Brigade, and some of them were old acquaintances. He and Xiaoya quickly returned the salute, then lowered their arms and took a few steps. Wan Lin stepped forward and hugged a few acquaintances tightly, and then nodded to the surrounding soldiers.

At this time, the three leopards had already jumped off the shoulders of Wan Lin and the two of them, and quickly ran to the opposite large iron gate, staring at the iron gate with glowing eyes. Wan Lin turned his head and saw the appearance of the three leopards. He quickly waved his hands to everyone and said to Zou Tao, "Captain, open that door quickly, or Xiao Hua will be in a hurry." He said "haha" and smiled. stand up.

Zou Tao ran over with a reached out and entered a series of buttons on the iron gate, the iron gate opened silently, and a clear gunshot came out immediately.

The three leopards wagged their tails at Zou Tao and ran in. Wan Lin and Xiaoya quickly waved to the surrounding special forces team members and walked quickly towards the gate with Xiaoya. They understood that the three leopards had already I smelled the smell and knew that my grandfather must be inside.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya walked into the shooting area and immediately saw the shooting areas with different firearms. Several soldiers were raising their guns at the targets in front of them in different areas.

At this moment, the three leopards were already running towards the corner. Wan Lin and Xiaoya trotted after them, and immediately found that the tall grandfather and Professor Chang were standing side by side, wearing goggles and looking intently at something. ? Behind them were six or seven officers and soldiers of the special forces battalion, all staring at the front.

The three leopards ran behind Grandpa, and the officers and soldiers around immediately turned their heads to look at them, with a look of joy on their faces, knowing that this was a leopard from the A military region.

The three leopards ran over and swept the team members around, wagging their big tails, got up and jumped up unceremoniously, and stood on the shoulders of the three soldiers, looking at the front without saying a word, but did not bother grandpa .

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