Panther Commando

Chapter 1747: old and strong

Zou Tao smiled mysteriously at Wan Lin and the two, and walked quietly behind his grandfather with them. The surrounding special forces team turned their heads to see Wan Lin and the two of them, and quickly raised their hands to salute. Wan Lin waved his finger at the grandfather in front of him, and everyone immediately smiled and gave way to the side. The three leopards also took off from several soldiers Gently jumped onto the shoulders of Wan Lin and Xiaoya, still staring at the front.

It was only then that Wan Lin and Xiaoya could see clearly that Grandpa and Professor Chang were facing a target in front of him. Grandpa stretched out his right arm straight forward, holding a pistol tightly in his big powerful hand, facing the target in front of him. Aiming, Professor Chang demonstrates the shooting action next to him.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya laughed. It turned out that grandfather was still childish, and when he saw the special forces team practicing shooting, he actually started playing with Professor Chang. The two of them stared at their grandfather, and Professor Chang, who was beside him, also turned sideways at this time, correcting his grandfather's shooting movements while talking about the essentials of shooting.

After a while, Professor Chang looked at Grandpa's movements and nodded. "Crack", a burst of fire followed from the muzzle in Grandpa's hand, and the muzzle suddenly rose.

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to the target 30 meters in front of them. The target paper was clean and there was no trace. "Missing the target!" A special forces member next to him shouted with a telescope.

"Coax", everyone laughed, obviously grandpa missed the target with this shot, and the bullet must have flown over the target.

Everyone's laughter didn't stop, "pa", "pa", "pa"... A series of gunshots followed, and the muzzle in the old man's hand burst into flames one after another, but this time the old man's arm seemed to be welded. The iron rod is like an iron rod, and the hand holding the gun does not move at all.

Everyone didn't expect that the old man started to fire quickly as soon as he fired a shot. He quickly looked forward with the sound of the gunshot, and a string of bullets flew almost straight toward the center of the target one by one.

Everyone was shocked. There was a small hole in the middle of the target at 30 meters. It seemed that the bullets fired one after another passed through a hole.

"Ten... rings," the soldier holding the binoculars beside him hesitantly shouted, he really couldn't tell how many rings the old man's quick-fired shots had hit.

The surrounding team members also let out a burst of exclamation. I didn't expect the old man to shoot a gun for the first time, and he could have such an accurate head. Except that the first shot missed the target without mastering the essentials, the next few shots actually hit the center of the target so accurately. Drilled in through a gun hole, this would be impossible to achieve without extremely strong arm stability!

Everyone looked at the arm of the old man holding the gun in surprise. This time, they found that there seemed to be a faint circle of air around the old man's arm, which firmly fixed the old man's arm.

"Hahaha" The old man laughed suddenly, and then handed the empty pistol to Professor Chang beside him: "Old Chang, how is it, is my old man alright?"

"Good guy! If you are young, you are definitely a candidate for a super sniper, too good!" Professor Chang stared at the target in the distance in surprise.

"Hahaha" The old man laughed excitedly, and then said: "This thing is still not as easy to use as my own guy, it's too troublesome!"

As he said that, the old man suddenly grabbed a few spare bullets from the table in front of Professor Chang, and threw his right hand towards the target in front of him casually. On the target paper, a row of evenly arranged bullet holes was instantly and clearly listed on the target, forming a straight horizontal line with the bullet holes shot on the tenth ring just now, and the entire target shook violently.

"Ah..." The special forces next to him all cried out in surprise, staring at the target in front of them in a stunned manner. No one expected that the bullet thrown by the old man was not only so accurate, but also so strong. It's more powerful than a pistol.

"Hahahaha, you are really old and strong! Come on, look at me, the old man again." Professor Chang laughed suddenly, raised his hand and quickly put on a new magazine, raised his gun and pointed at another target next to him, "Clappa Slam..." Pulling the trigger one after another, a round hole the size of a small wine glass immediately appeared in the middle of the ten rings of the target.

"Okay!" Everyone shouted in unison, and the special combat team members who were doing shooting training on the side also ran over. Everyone looked at the two targets in front of them in astonishment, and then applauded vigorously.

"Whoosh", "whoosh", "whoosh", the three leopards also jumped out of Wan Lin and Xiaoya with their big mouths excitedly at this time, and jumped to the top of Grandpa's shoulders and head. On the top of Grandpa's head, he excitedly waved his two front paws at the target in front of him, and spewed out a series of weird laughter from his mouth. On his shoulders, he grinned and waved his front paws, as if he was quite proud of his grandfather's kung fu.

"Hahaha", everyone laughed when they saw the three lovely leopards. "Hehehe, you're all back!" The old man raised his hand and stroked Xiaohua and Xiaobai on his shoulders, followed by hugging the ball above his head in his arms, turning to look at Wanlin and Xiaoya and laughing. The knife-cut wrinkles on his face seemed to be smoothed out.

"Grandpa", Wan Lin and Xiaoya took a step forward at the same time, grabbed Grandpa's big hands full of calluses, then turned their heads and called "Professor Chang", then pulled the old man to the chair next to him~ Tao waved his hand to the team members next to him to let everyone disperse. He walked over to the old man with a smile and raised his thumbs in praise: "My dear, you are really old and strong, those shots are our snipers. Your hands can’t hit such a level! You can’t hide your secrets, you must teach them how to be so accurate when you just shot a gun.” Then he looked at Professor Chang and gave a thumbs up: “You old professor too Extraordinary, admire, admire!"

Wanlin's Xiaoya took the old man to the rest area next to him and sat down. The old man turned his head to look at Zou Tao and said with a smile, "Hehehe, this stuff can't be taught. In my opinion, shooting a gun is no different from shooting arrows and firing hidden weapons. , that is, the hand is required to be stable, and when pulling the trigger and shooting, the gun body must not vibrate, so that you can shoot wherever you want."

Professor Chang also laughed next to him: "Captain Zou, the old man's unique skills really can't teach your team members, didn't you see that the old man has already transported his internal strength? The pistol is like welding on the arm. There is no tremor when firing, this is the foundation of internal strength for decades, how can your team members learn it?"

Zou Tao shook his head and said regretfully: "Alas, if all my team members are masters of internal skills, then the combat effectiveness will not be multiplied." Then he turned his head to look at Wan Lin and said, "If that's the case, my The special forces team will be able to compete with your leopard team members."

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