Panther Commando

Chapter 1755: suddenly shot

The elder glanced at the disciple and said in a low voice, "This is the first time I have seen this kind of weapon. There are many martial arts schools in the world, and all kinds of weapons are designed to match the martial arts of this school, so it is not surprising that there are many styles of weapons. You should pay attention to the characteristics of each other's kung fu, this is a rare opportunity to learn."

The three said, and looked up at the other people. A few people were stunned when their eyes swept over. There were four young men standing on the grass with a long sword hanging from their waists. There were two very dignified female disciples, and they also had long swords hanging from their waists. .

The two female disciples looked like they were eighteen or nineteen years old. They wore a pair of petite quick boots, and each wore a white suede animal skin vest. They were tall and slender. Eyes, the two are quite similar in appearance and dress, and at first glance they are sisters.

At this moment, the two girls were holding the sword hilt tightly around their waists with their right hands, staring at the people fighting in the arena, with a worried look in their eyes.

The Wan family immediately turned their eyes to the field. The two middle-aged men who were fighting fiercely had very different statures, one was tall and strong, the other was short and thin. The two moved extremely fast, and their strikes were extremely ruthless, and the wind of their fists and feet caused the surrounding green grass to shake violently.

The tall man on the left is in his 40s, and his moves are extremely fierce. Every move carries a strong wind. On the other hand, martial artists with short stature and wearing local costumes are feminine and agile in their movements, and they change positions very quickly.

At this time, the battle between the two sides has entered a white-hot stage. The person on the other side quickly surrounded the opponent with a peculiar footwork, occasionally hitting a palm from a strange angle.

The elder watched the movements of the two sides for a while, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and looked at the local warrior on the field. He was stunned for a moment. The other party was also about forty years old, with a fair complexion and a thin body. There was a faint hint of dark blue on his pale face.

This body technique is extremely flexible, and he can strike without any gestures between movements. Now he is quickly surrounding the strong man in front of him, as if his feet are not touching the ground, he is surrounding the opponent on the grass, flickering to the left, right, advancing and retreating. Elusive, very peculiar.

The elder glanced at the two disciples, and saw that their eyes were also fixed on this person, knowing that they had noticed the other's strange movement technique. The eldest disciple asked the elder in a low voice, while watching the opponent's movement technique, "What kind of kung fu is this? The people seem to be strong and powerful, but in fact they are restrained everywhere in the counterattack of the opponent, which is too strange."

The elder also had a surprised look in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "I don't know their sect, his kung fu is very characteristic, you should pay special attention to his movement, it is indeed extraordinary, this martial arts should belong to the feminine school. You Seeing that the palm of his hand is silent and silent, it seems to give people a feeling of pervasiveness."

As he spoke, he focused on the movements of the two on the field, and after a while, he said with a discoloration on his face: "That tall man used an authentic Hongquan move, his movements were extremely standardized, and every move brought out a deep sense of depth. His skill should be an elder-level figure in the Hongquan School, and I once had a relationship with their head."

As he spoke, his brows suddenly wrinkled, and he said in a low voice, "The situation is not right!" Following his voice, the two disciples also discovered that Elder Hongquan's movement suddenly stagnated, and the punches and kicks he struck seemed to be stagnant. He was stagnant and powerless as if he was stuck in a swamp, and his face suddenly turned red, as if he was using his internal force to improve his skills.

At this moment, the opponent's face turned pale, and a purple mark suddenly appeared between his eyebrows. A cold air was radiating from his body, and the cold palm force that was struck tightly surrounded the elder Hongquan, as if he had already The opponent is firmly trapped in this icy breath.

At this time, several young men and women behind the big man had discovered that the situation was not right, and several of them shouted: "Master", "Father...", followed by "Dang Clang" and took out the long swords around their waists and rushed forward. At the same time, the three pale-faced young men on the opposite side saw the actions of the others on the opposite side, and at the same time, with a "cha", they pulled out the slender machete around their waists, and swung the sword towards them.

At this moment, the expression of the red-faced man who seemed to be at the end of his force suddenly changed, his face suddenly turned purple, and his eyes seemed to bulge out. He suddenly shouted: "Hi!" His hands suddenly pushed forward. , a strong qi burst out from the palm of his hand, immediately breaking through the cold qi that imprisoned his body, followed by a step under his feet, raised his right palm and slashed straight to the opponent's chest!

This sudden change obviously surprised the opponent! The other party quickly backed away, but in an instant, the right palm that the other party hit with the sound of the wind, has penetrated the cold palm wind that he swung out in an instant, and came straight to his chest.

The two groups of people who were running forward off the field were shocked by the sudden change of the situation on the field! Both sides, holding bright weapons, were no longer willing to fight with each other, and they all stopped to look inside the arena.

The pale, thin man was staggering His face had turned a dark blue, the birthmark that had just appeared between his eyebrows suddenly turned blood red, and his originally clear eyes suddenly rushed towards With a layer of blood, the right palm suddenly raised to the chest with a cold breath.

The tall man's face was full of anger, and the palm of his right hand was like a huge fan, with a fierce infuriating qi going straight to the opponent's chest. The corners of the two people's mouths had suddenly seeped a smear of blood at this time.

"Don't!" The disciples on both sides, who had just stopped with their swords in their hands, shouted almost at the same time. Obviously, both sides on the field had already bit their tongues and were about to carry out an earth-shattering attack. Whether it hits the opponent or not, it will cause great damage to its own body!

At this critical moment, the elders of the Wan family who were six or seventy meters away from the arena suddenly shouted loudly, raised their hands and slashed a palm between the two of them, followed by a body like electricity, and a black smoke rushed between the two of them. The palms slammed out to the sides.

"Crack" and "Crack" With two slight sounds, two middle-aged men who had just forcibly raised their whole body infuriating and prepared to fight to the death were suddenly slashed through the middle by a fierce palm force. Haven't waited to understand what happened? A person was already rushing in like lightning in front of him, and was pushed back by a gentle palm wind, and both of them staggered back.

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