Panther Commando

Chapter 1756: Rescue

The change in front of them shocked the two groups of young disciples who were about to meet with swords! Now seeing the two sides seeing that the incoming person not only suddenly struck a ferocious palm, but also ghostly rushed to the middle and struck a palm at their elders. stab away.

At this moment, two silhouettes suddenly flashed from the side, everyone only felt a strong wind passing by, everyone only felt that there was a flower in front of them, two black shadows had passed by the young disciples on both sides, and everyone was holding weapons on the wrists. Feeling a shock like a lightning strike, followed by a violent attack, everyone released their weapons and staggered back to the back.

In the blink of an eye, a burst of "crackling" swords landed on the ground one after another, and the young disciples who had just waved their swords and danced vigorously at the elders of the Wan family suddenly staggered back to both sides, and several people's mouths uttered. an exclamation.

Everyone withdrew a few steps to stand firm, and it was only then that they could see that it was actually one old, two young, and three foreigners who had just been fighting outside the field.

When the Wan clan appeared just now, people on both sides had noticed the three uninvited guests, but they immediately saw them standing in the middle of the two groups of people outside the arena, and judged from their clothes that they were outsiders. There is also no self-defense weapon that people in martial arts often carry, so the people on both sides didn't care about the other three, they thought they were here to fight and watch the fun.

But now at this critical moment concerning his own teacher, the three people who had nothing to do with it suddenly rushed over, so they all thought they were the helpers of the other party, and immediately waved their weapons and attacked the elder who entered first.

But everyone did not expect that the two young men who rushed in front of them were actually very fast. They had already rushed into the crowds on both sides during the lightning flash, passing by them like ghosts, and everyone's weapons were instantly destroyed by the opponent. Shot down, which really shocked both sides.

At this time, the people on both sides anxiously looked at their own division commanders in the field, and at the same time took a stance, nervously guarding against the attacks of three foreigners with extremely high skill.

At this moment, the two middle-aged men who were about to make a desperate move on the field just now fell down on the grass with gloomy expressions on their faces. Each of them put their hands on their dantian and closed their eyes and breathed out, the corners of their mouths still flowing out. Bloodstained.

Obviously, the two of them forced the internal force in their bodies at a critical moment just now, and the zhenqi rushed from the meridians in the body, like a rushing flood rushing out of the body, but their own skills did not reach such a high level, the real qi rushing out like a flood. Qi immediately seriously injured all the meridians that passed by, and he himself had suffered extremely serious internal injuries.

Fortunately, the elders of Wanjia used their profound skills to make timely shots, and did not let the internal force that the two forcibly lift out of the body, which avoided the tragedy of the two being seriously injured or perishing at the same time.

The two were forcibly separated by the elders of the Wan family at this time, and their own skills were no longer enough to suppress the insane physical energy. Quickly guide the disordered infuriating energy on the ground and repair the injured meridians, otherwise both of them will face the danger of going crazy.

The disciples of the two surrounding factions saw the scene in front of them, and already saw that there was no malicious intent, but now they turned their heads and saw that their elders had already performed their exercises cross-legged, so they quickly gathered around and called out "Master".

The elder raised his hands slightly, waved two infuriating qi, pushed the surrounding disciples away, and said in a deep voice, "They are exercising and adjusting their breath, please don't disturb them!" Then he turned his head to look at the two disciples and nodded. . Knowing that they saw themselves suddenly rushing out, they immediately came forward to stop the confrontation between the disciples of the two factions.

At this time, the disciples on both sides saw that there was no malicious intent, so they walked up to the two disciples of the Wan family respectively. They bowed down and picked up their weapons with shame and stepped aside. , with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

At the critical moment just now, neither of them could see how the two young men of similar age made their move. They only felt numbness in their wrists, followed by a burning sensation, and they unwittingly loosened their weapons and retreated out. .

The two young female disciples among the Hongquan disciples stared at the two Wan clan disciples with wide eyes, holding long swords in their hands with a look of hesitating to speak. At this time, the elder stood in the field and said, "Boss, second child, ask them both, why did they act?"

The brothers agreed, and immediately walked to the disciples of the two factions to inquire. The second child walked up to the four disciples of the yin and cold sect who had inserted the machete into the scabbard of the waist, looked at a few of them, followed by clasping his fists and saluting, and asked, "I don't know why you are in conflict with each other?"

The faces of the other party were pale, and a dark red mark was already showing on their foreheads. They just glanced at the people on the opposite side coldly, and then returned the salute with fists, but did not answer the second child's question, but turned and walked aside, A look of rejection.

The second child turned around in embarrassment and walked to the boss next to him, and saw that he was asking several disciples of the Hong Quan faction. A male disciple was talking in a low voice, while the two young female disciples next to him were flushed, and their big eyes stared at the young people opposite.

At this time, the elder looked at the two people sitting cross-legged on the ground, and saw that the tall man of Hong Quan's faction was already pale. blood stains. He was closing his eyes slightly, forcibly suppressing the disorganized True Qi in his body, and his strong chest was heaving violently.

The elder immediately looked to the other side, and saw the thin man sitting cross-legged on the ground, trying his best to suppress the scurrying true qi in his body, white cold qi was emerging from the top of his head, and there were also two strands of blood on the corners of his mouth. The bright red marks revealed between the eyebrows have become hazy.

The elder glanced at the other person's eyebrows in surprise. He really had never heard of this kung fu, but he could actually have such a bright mark on his eyebrows when he used enough skill.

He pondered for a while, walked to the burly man beside him, bent down and lifted his left hand to inject a burst of infuriating energy, guiding the infuriating energy in his body to return to his meridian, repairing the meridian that was injured just now.

At this moment, the Hongquan disciple next to him could already see that he was using a profound internal medicine to help his master heal, and they all raised their feet with concern and took a step forward. At this time, the two disciples of the Wan family immediately turned sideways to block in front of several people, raised their arms and waved, indicating that they should not disturb their practice at this time, and paid attention to the two pretty girls in front of them.

The two girls saw the two young people in front of them looking at them, their cheeks flushed, and they lifted their feet and took a step back. The Wan's two disciples smiled lightly, and said softly, "Your master is exercising to heal his wounds, so don't disturb him at this time."

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