Panther Commando

Chapter 1757: cold infuriating

Several Hongquan disciples already understood the reasoning, and immediately took a few steps back, all of them holding the hilt of their swords and glaring at the people opposite, with extremely annoyed faces.

After a short time, Elder Hongquan's breathing has gradually stabilized, and his face has slowly recovered. Only then did Elder Wan let go of his palm.

The elder got up and glanced at the dark-faced man behind him, then walked over, raised his hand and grabbed one of the opponent's palms. of internal injuries.

But just as he grabbed the opponent's left hand, the disciples who were standing beside him suddenly took a step forward, and the hand holding the knife pulled out half of the blade with a "cha", glaring at the elder.

The elder frowned slightly and turned to look at the few people. At this moment, the two disciples of the Wan family flashed and immediately stood in front of the elder, staring coldly at the other three, and the disciples of Hong Quan next to them saw that the people here were so ignorant, Angrily rushed over holding the hilt of the sword.

At this moment, the middle-aged man with his chest undulating and panting heavily on the ground suddenly opened his eyes with great difficulty, shook his head gently at his three disciples, then closed his eyes again, and the corners of his mouth flowed out again. A streak of blood. Obviously, his internal injury is not serious, and the simple action of trying to prevent the disciple from coming over has made his injury aggravated.

At this time, he himself already understood that if he wanted to survive, he had to resort to external help, and he couldn't suppress the disordered True Qi in his body at all.

His three disciples were shocked when they saw this. One of them screamed "Master" nervously, and with a "cha", he inserted the machete into the sheath, stopping his two companions and taking two steps back, watching nervously with their eyes. own master.

Wan's family wanted to heal this person, but after seeing the performance of his disciples, he was extremely unhappy. He just wanted to let go of the palm of his hand, but now he saw several of his disciples withdraw their knives and step back with nervous expressions on their faces, so he glanced at the person in front of him with a displeased expression.

At this time, the person in front of him was already haggard, his whole body was shaking, the strange mark between his eyebrows was beating rapidly, and the color was also darkening and lightening. It was obvious that the infuriating energy in the body was already running wildly, and it was at stake. He knew that if he didn't rescue him in time at this time, the surging True Qi in this person's body would definitely break his meridians. At that time, it would be very difficult to save his life if the immortals took action.

He shook his head gently, and secretly said in his heart: Since he has taken a lot of action and separated the two, he can't give up halfway and let go, anyway, he must save the other's life first, otherwise it will be unfair. Thinking of this, he suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, sat cross-legged opposite this person, raised his left hand and released a burst of infuriating energy.

But as soon as his True Qi entered the opponent's meridian along the acupoints on the opponent's hand, he suddenly felt a cold infuriating qi burst out of the opponent's body, and attacked his hand fiercely along the meridian on the opponent's hand. Ferocious, and chilling to the bone!

The elder was shocked. He didn't expect that the chaotic True Qi of the other party would spontaneously attack his own True Qi at this time, and it made him feel extremely uncomfortable!

He took a deep breath and gathered his power to force a burst of true air into the opponent's body, trying to suppress the opponent's ferocious cold with his deep power.

As his skill increased, the ferocious True Qi in the opponent's body slammed back, but it seemed to suddenly turn into countless cold streams, and continued to attack him along the acupoints on the elder's palm. It was like countless pervasive icy poisonous snakes, shaking their heads and waving their tails, burrowing into the meridians in his body, as if there was a sense of invincibility.

The elder's expression changed greatly! His face immediately turned pale under the attack of the other party's cold air, and the palm of his hand that held the other party trembled violently. At this moment, a layer of snow-white frost appeared on the hands that the two held tightly.

At this time, the people around were shocked when they saw the situation of the two of them. Unexpectedly, this old man with profound skills seemed to be in danger, and each one took a step forward unconsciously, with a nervous look on his face.

Not far away, the big Hongquan man who was healing his injuries with cross-legged knees also stood up nervously at this time, raised his feet and walked over, his eyes full of worry. He had just fought for the life of the other party, and he naturally knew that the other party's gloomy and cold aura was powerful. At this time, he saw the scene in front of him, lest the benefactor who saved him have an accident.

The expressions of the two Wan family disciples also changed drastically at this time. The two of them stretched out their arms to block the approaching crowd, preventing them from doing their exercises in the field, but their own faces were already full of tension. It has been seen that the elder is being attacked by the person opposite, so they secretly raised their true qi. If the elder has an accident, the two will rush up without hesitation and shoot the person opposite the elder.

At this time, the elder was shocked, and immediately understood why the big man with Hongquan who looked at the profound skill just now suddenly appeared defeated.

The coldness of the opponent's internal force is extremely strange. As long as the practitioner forcibly lifts it out of the body, it seems to ignore the depth of the opponent's skills. It is like a vicious viper that penetrates into the meridian of the opponent's body in all directions. It seems to be able to penetrate the opponent's defense and penetrate the opponent's body in an instant.

The big guy just now must have been struggling to resist the opponent's while resisting the cold air that invaded his body with luck. Naturally, his skill was greatly reduced, and he was caught off guard immediately. That's why he suddenly forcibly raised his true qi in a state of anger and prepared to lose a fight to the death.

People in the martial arts at that time attached great importance to their reputation, especially those who had already made a name for themselves. Their reputation was more important than their lives. In front of the disciples of both sides, the reputation of their respective sects was more concerned, so the two of them had formed an endless decisive battle situation just now.

The elder understood the key, and suddenly increased his strength to shake off the opponent's left hand, then folded his hands together and rubbed it vigorously, lifting a burst of infuriating energy to drive out the cold air that had penetrated into his body, then took a long breath and lifted it up. With Wanjia's unique cold art, an icy aura came out from his body, and he immediately surrounded himself and the opponent in the icy aura, and a cold light shot out of his eyes, looking at the drooping head of the opponent.

At this time, a bright red color suddenly appeared on the face of the other party, which was originally dark and gray, and the already dim imprint between the eyebrows suddenly protruded from the eyebrows, and the bright red color gave people a feeling of gushing.

The elder was shocked! "It's not good, the other party has already gone crazy, and the true energy is rushing towards his brain. If he doesn't suppress it quickly, he will definitely break out!"

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