Panther Commando

Chapter 1762: stray into a black shop

Grandpa looked curiously at the lively scene in the distance, and suddenly smiled and said: "Hahaha, I have seen this before, it is the Northeast Yangko. When I was young, I went to the Northeast Mountains to collect herbs, and I saw this thing there. By the way, this is only available when there are festive events in the northeast, why does it also appear here, is it a festival today?"

Wan Lin and Xiaoya laughed, and Xiaoya said, "You don't usually go out when you see it. Now, every city has this. Now the retired uncles and aunts have nothing to do at night, so they all come out to play this gym. You live here. There are also in the provincial capital, you don't go out at night, so I don't know."

Xiaoya said, looked her grandpa up and down and smiled: "Grandpa, why don't I prepare a set of this for you too, and you go to the square to dance at night?"

"Hahahaha" Wan Lin and Grandpa both laughed, Grandpa said with a smile, "Then I'm not an old goblin?" Xiaoya burst into laughter, the old man thought about his appearance in red and green, twisting his body, He also laughed "Hahaha".

At this time, Wan Lin looked at the lively scene in front of him and said to his grandfather: "Let's go to the city and find a quiet place to live. The front is too chaotic, which will affect your rest." After saying this, he drove to the side street at the front fork. .

The county town is not big. After driving for more than ten minutes from the center of the county town, both sides of the street have quieted down. There are no vehicles on the road, and there are very few pedestrians on the roadside. In the dim street lights on both sides of the road, you can see the buildings with black lights on the side of the street, and there are also a few small shops with lights on, and there is not a single person shopping.

"Look, there's a hotel across the road, it's not too small, why don't we go over and take a look?" Xiaoya called out in the back row, pointing to the side and front. Wan Lin glanced sideways, and sure enough, there was a three- or four-story building in front of him. There were two bright red lanterns hanging at the gate with the words "hotel" written on them. There are four red billboards "Xinghe Hotel" hanging.

He nodded and said, "Let's go, let's go in and have a look, as long as it's clean." Then he slowly drove the car towards the hotel compound across the road.

The jeep drove into the hotel compound and parked on the edge of the yard. Wan Lin turned his head and said to Xiaoya, "Let's go inside and take a look. The center of the county town is too chaotic. It seems quite quiet here."

Xiaoya nodded, and Wanlin immediately said to her grandfather, "Grandpa, you and Xiaoya will wait in the car for a while, I'll go first and see the environment inside." Then he pushed open the car door and jumped out. Walk through the illuminated hotel door.

Wan Lin hadn't reached the entrance of the hotel when two young women suddenly appeared in the glass of the large door. Both of them were wearing a short black leather skirt and a black leather waistcoat in the early spring. Snow-white arms and thighs, exaggeratedly high chest, and a deep white groove under the neckline.

Wan Lin frowned when he saw how the two were smeared and powdered, turned around and walked towards the jeep. "Welcome!" He had just taken two steps, and two young women in the hotel had already pushed the door and ran out. The two chased Wan Lin and hugged one of Wan Lin's arms. : "Brother, don't go! We have good service here."

As the two spoke, their bumpy body was already leaning on Wan Lin's body, and two bright red lips were stretched out towards Wan Lin's face.

Wan Lin frowned, thinking inwardly, "What kind of hotel is this?" He took a step back abruptly, flicked his arms lightly, and threw off the smooth arms of the two women and walked back.

"Ouch", the two women exclaimed exaggeratedly. Both of them saw that the young man was determined to leave the hotel. One of them raised his foot and chased after Wan Lin, shouting sharply: "The old lady has a hot face. Sticking to your cold ass, shameless for your face? Since I entered this compound, I haven't been able to go out without stopping." Following her voice, five big men suddenly poured out of the hotel.

It was not long after the Spring Festival, and the temperature at night was still cold, but the few people who rushed out in front of them were just like the two enchanting women, all wearing only a black leather waistcoat and a black leather waistcoat. The trousers, the dark leather coat reflected light in the dim light in the courtyard, and the two exposed arms were tattooed with blue patterns, each of them striding towards Wanlin fiercely.

Wan Lin's heart sank, knowing that he had entered a black shop by mistake! This hotel with a splendid appearance is obviously opened by a local local scoundrel. But he also laughed at the same time in his heart: I can't trouble anyone, I have to trouble myself, the special forces!

He was about to turn his head to face the men who were striding forward, but then he turned to look at the car, and immediately thought that this time he brought his grandfather out to relax. Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked coldly at the few boys who were walking across from him.

At this time, Xiaoya in the car also saw the situation outside, and she opened the door and was about to jump out. When grandpa heard the door slam, he turned his head to look at Xiaoya, shook his head and said, "What are you doing out, let Lin'er deal with it herself?" After saying that, he closed his eyes lazily and rested his head on the headrest above the backrest. , I don't even look at the situation on Wan Lin's side, as if this matter has nothing to do with me.

Xiaoya was stunned for a moment, then saw her grandfather's demeanor, and knew that the old man didn't want to see her big girl appearing in front of these ferocious people, she quickly closed the car door again and pressed the window. looking outside.

"Hey, bully our little sister! You can do it!" A few people gathered around Wan Lin, one of them was twenty-five or six-year-old with a bald head looking at Wan Lin and said coldly, while the others raised their hands to pull Wan Lin. Lin's arm.

Wan Lin raised his eyes to look at the arms that had been tattooed with a few black dragons, and suddenly looked up at the bald head who was talking just now, and said coldly, "Why, do you still want to force someone to live in the store?"

The other party raised his eyes and saw a ray of cold light in Wan Lin's eyes. He was stunned for a moment. He raised his hand and waved to the few people beside him. He looked at Wan Lin just as he was about to continue talking when another man in a suit and leather shoes walked out of the hotel door. A middle-aged man in his forties with black-rimmed eyes.

When the bald-headed people saw the person coming, they quickly gave way to the side and shouted, "Chairman, why did you come out? This is a trivial matter, brothers."

The visitor waved his hand, walked in front of Wan Lin and took a look up and down, and saw a tall, rather polite young man in front of him. A cold light immediately appeared from his two eyes behind the lens, looking at Wan Lin with a skinny smile. Without laughing, he said, "Young man, this is your first time here, right? The rule of this place is that once you enter the gate, don't go out. You have to stay for at least three days."

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