Panther Commando

Chapter 1763: arrogant ruffian

The visitor turned his face and glanced at the jeep parked in front of him, and said without a smile: "Hey, let's talk about it, where is it not accommodation? I don't see it here, the girl here is fat and thin, beautiful like a woman. Yun, if these two don't catch your eye, there's still something in there, just pick it up..."

When he said this, he glanced at the front of the jeep, and saw Xiaoya, who was pretty in the car, his eyes straightened, and then a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

He swallowed hard, turned his head and glanced at Wan Lin coldly, and then said: "Hey, it turns out that I brought a beautiful girl, and it looks like I'm here for my honeymoon, so this is exempted. However, You must try the lodging and food here! Come and invite them in!" After saying that, he looked up at the beautiful girl in the car and walked to the side.

Following his voice, the two big men standing on both sides of Wan Lin seemed to have understood something. They both looked up at Xiaoya in the car, and suddenly stretched out their hands to grab Wan Lin's arms and twisted his arms. Pulled in the direction of the hotel.

Wan Lin stood there and didn't move. The two boys pulled hard twice but didn't move. They turned their faces in astonishment and looked at the young man who looked a little thin. Why didn't the boy move?

In the dimly lit compound, Wan Lin stood there and didn't look at the two boys who were pulling him, and looked at the surrounding people coldly. The bald head next to him looked at Wan Lin in surprise, raised his feet and walked towards Wan Lin.

At this moment, Xiaoya sat in the car and stared at the dimly lit courtyard. Suddenly a phone ringing came from the storage slot in front of the driver's seat. She knew it was Wan Lin's cell phone, so she reached out and looked at the phone. He glanced at it and saw that Li Dongsheng was calling, and quickly raised the phone to his ear. Li Dongsheng's concerned question immediately came from the phone: "Wan Lin, where have you been? Is the old man still adapting?"

Xiaoya quickly replied in a low voice: "I'm Xiaoya, we have already arrived in Ming County." She looked up at the billboard on the top of the hotel, and then said, "I'm at the Xinghe Hotel, I want to see if it's clean." .

Before Xiaoya could finish her words, Wan Lin's cold voice came from the courtyard: "Let go, I warn you, I am an active duty soldier, please don't stop us from leaving!"

The other boys in leather vests heard the word "military", and they were all stunned for a moment. They didn't expect this young man in civilian clothes to be a soldier. The director of the hotel.

The middle-aged man had also heard Wan Lin's voice, and immediately stopped and turned his head to look, seeing a few of his subordinates looking at him, he suddenly sneered: "Hey, what's wrong with the soldiers? Enter Lao Tzu's courtyard. , who cares if you are a soldier or not! Grandma, now even a stinky soldier is arrogant, even if the commander and the army commander are here, I still leave him behind!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the bald head next to him punched Wan Lin forward: "Little bastard, who the **** are you scaring? I will clean up you, an active soldier!"

Wan Lin heard the words, his eyes suddenly gleamed, and he let the other's fist hit him on one side of his body, and threw his arms forward sharply, throwing the two boys who were pulling his arms out.

The two boys only felt a sudden force coming from their arms, and immediately staggered towards the bald people next to them, slamming into everything and fell to the ground.

"Damn, it's the other way around! Come on!" The bald head fell to the ground, turned his head and shouted into the hotel. Following his shouting, a dozen young men shouted and rushed out of the hotel, each with a thick baseball bat in their hands!

At this time, Xiaoya was holding the phone and turned her head to watch the changes in the field. Suddenly, a question from Li Dongsheng came from the phone: "Xiaoya, who is calling for the soldiers to be hit? What's going on, tell me!" Obviously , Li Dongsheng had heard the arrogant voice of the chairman and the bald head on the phone.

Xiaoya quickly explained the situation briefly, and Li Dongsheng immediately scolded on the phone: "A bunch of bastards, it's crazy! Tell Wan Lin to entangle them, don't hurt people, I'll find someone to clean them up! "

It turned out that Li Dongsheng was on duty in the combat readiness department of the military region today. He looked at the time at this time, and estimated that Wan Lin and Xiaoya would definitely not rush the night road with their grandfather, and would definitely find a place to stay and rest on the road. So he picked up the phone and dialed out, wanting to ask about the old man's condition, but he didn't expect that Wan Lin and the others were being entangled by a group of hooligans.

He put down the fixed phone in his hand, picked up his mobile phone from the table, and quickly dialed out: "Headmaster Qin, I'm Li Dongsheng", a rough voice immediately came out of the microphone: "Hahaha, your kid is promoted. Remember my old comrade-in-arms?"

Li Dongsheng immediately interrupted the other party's voice: "Let's not talk about this, your regiment is stationed in Ming County, are you there now?" "Yes, my regiment headquarters is in the suburbs of Ming County, what's wrong?" A surprised voice came.

"Do you know there is a Xinghe Hotel?" Li Dongsheng asked anxiously, "Yes, I went to the first battalion to inspect the work, and the battalion headquarters where I am now is near this hotel," Colonel Qin replied quickly.

"Damn, the people in this hotel detained my people in the hotel and forced them to stay. My people have already revealed their identity as soldiers, and the other party is still doing something. You bring people over to have a look. You Reverse them!" Li Dongsheng shouted angrily, then hung up the phone.

It turned out that this place had entered the defense area of ​​the A military area, and Li Dongsheng, the deputy director of the operations department, naturally knew that there was a regiment stationed nearby, and the regiment leader here was his old comrade-in-arms and was very familiar with it.

At this time, the stars had already lit up in the sky, and the thick night shrouded the small county town. In the dimly lit Xinghe Hotel courtyard, there were a lot of people. More than a dozen ferocious young men were waving their bats beside Wan Lin, hitting Wan Lin with gusts of wind.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoya opened the car door with her mobile phone and jumped down. Grandpa also opened the car door from the passenger seat and walked out.

Grandpa walked to Xiaoya's side, grabbed Xiaoya who was about to rush forward, and then clasped his arms together and stared coldly at the arena. Xiaoya raised her face and shouted at Wan Lin, who was dodging quickly in the arena, "Li Tou asks you not to hurt anyone!"

At this time, the bald head had already climbed up from the ground and walked to the chairman's side. Now the two of them heard Xiaoya's crisp shout, looked up in the direction from which the voice came, and saw Xiaoya standing beside an old man at a glance. , The chairman's gloomy eyes flashed behind his glasses, and he murmured, "What a pretty girl!" He shouted at the bald head beside him, "So pretty, bring that girl to Lao Tzu!"

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