Panther Commando

Chapter 1764: who you are

Bald head and feet raised, he walked towards Xiaoya, staring at Xiaoya's beautiful face without blinking, and said frivolously: "Come on, beauty, our chairman has taken a fancy to you, this is your blessing! "

Before she could get close to the jeep, her thick right arm full of tattoos stretched out towards Xiaoya, Xiaoya's eyes were burning, and just as she was about to lift her right hand, the grandfather beside him suddenly raised his hand and slapped him, cursing in his mouth. Said: "Little bastard, you're here to run wild, get out!"

Following the old man's palm, the bald body staggered to the side, just in time for Wan Lin, who was dodging quickly in the crowd. The boy screamed and grabbed Wan Lin, but before he could stand firm, Wan Lin raised his right arm like lightning, and slapped the opponent's bare head with a low mouth. He yelled, "Go away!"

He used a quick movement technique just now to dodge the opponent's bat that was swung like a rainstorm. He was about to take action to clean up these **** when he heard Xiaoya shouting that Li Tou would not hurt anyone, so he quickly retracted his palm and stepped under his feet. While dodging the opponent's attack, he stretched his feet from time to time and tripped over the gangsters beside him.

Now, seeing that this bald head is actually rushing towards Grandpa and Xiaoya, that's why he suddenly took action to teach this kid a lesson.

At this time, a dozen people watching the lively crowd had gathered at the open gate of the hotel, and there were also more than a dozen lodging tourists gathered at the gate of the hotel. Everyone nervously looked at the dimly lit courtyard, thinking about walking in the shadows. boy worried.

With this loud slap in the face, the onlookers laughed. The bald head exclaimed in surprise, and staggered towards the accomplices who were wielding clubs in front of him.

A group of thugs were holding sticks and chasing the target in front of them. A few people in the middle now saw the bald head suddenly rushing towards their sticks, and hurriedly dodged to the side; while the boys on the side yelled at Wan Lin with sticks and rushed to the side. Come.

A burst of anger suddenly rose in Wan Lin's heart. The group of people in front of them didn't know how to advance or retreat, but it was endless, and they went to harass Grandpa and Xiaoya! He stood on the spot and took a deep breath, his arms filled with infuriating energy and raised like lightning, he grabbed the clubs smashed by the two boys in front of him, and grabbed the two smashed **** in the air. With a bat, he squatted down suddenly, his right foot rubbed the ground and swept forward with a "swoosh", grabbing the opponent's bat into his hand.

"Ouch!" Before the two rushing boys could swing their bats in front of the target, they were already flying sideways, and fell to the ground with a loud "Hawk", and the two bats fell into each other's hands in an instant. . The few boys who had just flashed their bald heads saw their companions, and rushed over again yelling, Wan Lin raised his double stick in his hand and raised his feet to rush into the crowd!

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of braking at the entrance of the hotel, and a military jeep rushed into the courtyard. A military truck also parked in darkness at the gate of the compound. A group of soldiers carrying shovels in the compartment immediately jumped down from the high compartment and charged towards the compound with their feet raised.

With the rapid braking sound of the military jeep in the courtyard, a tall colonel opened the door and jumped out of the jeep. He glanced at the courtyard with wide eyes and saw a group of people with sticks standing in the courtyard dumbfounded. Looking at himself, he shouted, "Who's a soldier?"

He hurriedly didn't ask Li Dongsheng the names of the soldiers surrounded by the hotel just now, thinking that the people surrounded here must be wearing military uniforms, but he didn't expect that the eyes were full of people in civilian clothes, so he shouted when he came in.

"Report, Major Wan Xiaoya is reporting to you!" Xiaoya, who was standing beside her grandfather, heard the shout and ran over quickly, looking up to see the other side's colonel rank and immediately shouted loudly.

The colonel was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the soldier in the hospital was actually a beautiful female officer in civilian clothes. Just as he was startled, a dark shadow in the crowd in front of him flickered ghostly a few times. Said: "Hello, I'm Colonel Wan Lin!"

The colonel raised his eyes to see such a young male and female school officer in front of him, and was really surprised. He quickly replied: "My surname is Qin", and then looked at the young man who appeared in front of him like a ghost. He only heard from Li Dongsheng that his subordinates were surrounded here, but he didn't know that they were actually two officers, and they were both school officers.

He followed Wan Lin with the seized sticks in both hands, then raised his head and swept over a group of one or twenty people carrying sticks in the courtyard, with a burst of anger in his eyes, turned his head to the group of soldiers behind him and shouted: "Captain Zhang !" "Arrived!" A rough voice rang out immediately.

"Encircle all these **** in the courtyard to Lao Tzu, take off their weapons, and close the door!" the colonel shouted coldly.

"Yes!" With a thunderous shout, a tall captain rushed up with a group of soldiers carrying sappers, and surrounded a group of people in the courtyard with a "hula" sound, just waving The arrogant boy who was scolding and scolding with a stick, at this time, no one dared to move, and all looked at the menacing soldiers surrounding him in astonishment.

With the sound of the door closing, there was a sound of sticks falling to the ground in the courtyard, and then five or six daggers with cold light were also found by the soldiers from the waists of several boys. "Clang" was thrown on the ground, and the double iron gates at the gate of the compound also "cracked" and closed tightly.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, brothers, don't misunderstand! Who are you?" At this time, the chairman came to his ran over with a bald head and a smile on his face, and took it out of his pocket as he ran. A pack of cigarettes was handed to the Colonel.

"Misunderstanding?" Colonel Qin looked at the other party coldly, raised his hand to hit aside the cigarette handed over by the other party, turned his head to look at Wan Lin and asked loudly, "Did you show your military status just now?" "It's bright! The other party said that the stinky soldiers are so arrogant, even the commander and the commander will stay when they come!" Wan Lin stared coldly at the bald head and the chairman in front of him.

"Misunderstanding, it's really a misunderstanding!" The chairman turned his head and saw a group of subordinates behind him, already surrounded by thirty or so young soldiers, and now he was really panicking.

Tremblingly, he reached into his pocket, took out a business card and handed it to the colonel in front of him: "I...I am the chairman of the Galaxy Group, are..."

The colonel ignored him, looked up and down at Wan Lin and continued to ask, "Have they started?" Wan Lin nodded.

The colonel's expression changed, and he turned to look at the chairman who held the business card in both hands and sneered: "Hey, dare to beat the soldiers, I don't care who you are! Brothers, don't be dead, greet me these bastards!" Pu Fan's big right hand slapped the face of this self-proclaimed chairman!

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