Panther Commando

Chapter 1765: armed attack

"Ouch!" The chairman with glasses exclaimed, covering his face, staggering and rushing to the side, the black eye frame slanted on his face, and five bright red fingerprints were already printed on his cheeks.

The bald head standing beside him was stunned for a moment, then quickly raised his foot and rushed over to grab his master's arm, fire burst out from his eyes, turned his head and shouted in the direction of the hotel: "Damn, dare to hit our boss. Brothers, do it, little six, hurry up and copy this guy!" Obviously, he was the head of security beside this master.

The shouting from his side just started, and the dozen or so thugs who had already thrown away their sticks suddenly cursed and charged fiercely towards the soldiers beside them.

In an instant, there was a scream of ghosts and wolves in the courtyard. Company Commander Zhang led a group of subordinates to grab the bat from the opponent's hand, and then threw away the engineer shovel in his hand. Get up, the sound of "crack crackle crackle", accompanied by screams, resounded in the courtyard of Nuoda!

At this moment, a loud bang suddenly came from a window on the second floor of the hotel, followed by a shattering sound of glass from the window, and the frame flew out. Apparently the whole window was kicked out from the inside.

Immediately afterwards, a black shadow flashed at the window, followed by a "Boom" shot of a shotgun, and a burst of fire was sprayed into the dim air. Immediately, a sharp scold sounded from the shadow on the second floor: "Stinky soldier, stop it, stop it, let me stop it! Otherwise, I will kill you **** with one shot!"

With the sound of gunshots suddenly sounding on the second floor, two boys with shotguns rushed out from the door of the hotel, and cursed: "Stop, or I will let you all lie here!" A person with a dazzling machete also appeared behind them, and each and everyone rushed towards the courtyard fiercely.

The sound of gunshots suddenly sounded, and the figures that were shaking in the courtyard seemed to be frozen! At this moment, he and Xiaoya were standing next to the jeep, smiling and watching the old man in the courtyard with the glass on the second floor shattered, he suddenly raised his head and looked up, suddenly grabbed the mobile phone in Xiaoya's hand, Yang He threw his hand towards the second floor.

Immediately following the old man's feet, he stepped on the ground, and with a sway, he rushed out in the direction of the hotel door, and a plume of black smoke drifted toward the hotel door.

At the same time, Wan Lin, who was standing beside Head Qin, had already stepped on the ground, leaned to the side, and when he flashed past the crowd in front of him, his right hand slammed towards the dark shadow rushing out of the hotel, landing on the ground. After a rollover, she jumped up again, followed her grandfather's side and rushed towards the hotel door. Xiaoya was shocked when she saw her grandfather suddenly rushing out, and she also rushed out with her feet on the ground.

Grandpa, Wan Lin, and Xiaoya's movements were as fast as lightning. Head Qin and dozens of subordinates were shocked when they heard the sound of gunfire. No one thought that these boys actually had firearms hidden and dared to shoot openly. And a group of thugs with knives.

Before they could react, Head Qin saw that the young colonel in front of him had already rushed out diagonally. He quickly looked sideways, only to find that three black shadows had already rushed towards the hotel door like lightning.

These three are facing each other's guns! Commander Qin rushed forward in shock, and Commander Zhang, who was behind him, rushed out with a few soldiers, who ran and looked at the gunman on the second floor. This person is condescending and the greatest threat to everyone!

As soon as the few people raised their eyes, they saw that the dark shadow with a gun on the second floor was falling backwards, and a long shotgun was falling downstairs. Seeing that the boy with a gun on the second floor had been restrained, Colonel Qin immediately felt a lot more at ease. He rushed to the door with a few soldiers and looked at the hotel door.

He just turned his eyes and saw at a glance that the two boys with guns who had just rushed out were screaming and spreading their hands, and the two shotguns in their hands were also falling to the ground.

At this time, a tall black shadow appeared ghostly at the entrance of the hotel, with silver hair flickering in the light of the hotel lights, his two big hands grabbed the arms of the two gun-wielding boys like lightning, "Hey" With a loud thud, he threw him out of the crowd behind him, and followed the boy who rushed with his knife and kicked him into the hotel door.

At this time, the man and the woman had already rushed to both sides of the old man in front of them like lightning. The two of them flicked their hands and feet a few times. With a series of "bang bang" beating sounds, the few people who had just rushed out of the hotel The boy who raised the knife immediately screamed and flew to both sides, and the machete more than a foot long in his hand fell to the ground with a "bang bang bang".

At this time, Colonel Qin realized that the man who had just rushed over was the tall old man with white beard and hair who was standing beside the jeep just now. Then it was two young officers, a man and a woman, who rushed over.

"Protect Grandpa!" The young colonel moved quickly with his hands and feet, and shouted at the same time. Immediately after that, it swayed a few times like a black smoke, and in a blink of an eye, the other boys with knives at the door of the hotel were kicked out, and then they rushed into the door of the hotel.

After the female officer next to him kicked the two people around, she immediately followed the colonel's shout and pulled the old man into the shadow on the side of the hotel to prevent any more gunmen from appearing and threatening the old man.

From the gunshots to the three black shadows saving, everything happened in an The three black shadows used their hands and feet together, and instantly knocked a group of armed gangsters out of the hotel to the ground! At this time, the two black shadows thrown out by the old man were drawing an arc in the air, flying towards the group of gangsters surrounded by a group of soldiers, and screams of horror resounded over the hotel.

"Bastard, dare to attack the soldiers with weapons, hit me hard!" Captain Qin saw that the pair of young officers had already controlled the armed gangsters in the hotel, and immediately stopped and shouted angrily, followed by As soon as he twisted his body, he turned and ran in front of the chairman and the bald head, his legs flew up in a row, and he kicked the two people in front of him fiercely!

Company Commander Zhang next to him ran over immediately, followed by flying with his feet, and kicked the two boys out. The two boys fell to the ground and rolled on the ground screaming while holding their stomachs.

In the blink of an eye, in the hotel compound, which had suddenly quieted down with the sound of gunfire, screams rang out again, and the sound of "crackling, crackling, crackling" seemed to be more violent than before. Obviously, the group of soldiers saw each other. The shots were all in a hurry, and they used both hands and feet to greet the group of **** in front of them.

There were harsh screams and beatings resounding in the dimly lit compound. A group of boys who had just been arrogant were like sandbags in front of each soldier. They were not swaying violently from left to right under the heavy blows. It was screaming and rolling on the ground.

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