Panther Commando

Chapter 1767: Criminal case

"Hahaha" The warriors around laughed, then looked at Xiaoya and Wanlin in amazement, and felt surprised in their hearts. Director Yang and a group of police officers next to him also glanced at Wan Lin and the three of them in surprise. They were all surprised at how such a young officer could exist.

Colonel Qin followed and walked to the old man and said, "Old man, you've been frightened. You go back to my regimental headquarters first. After we've dealt with the matter here, we'll go back and give you the fright!" Then he smiled at Xiaoya Say hello.

The tall, simple and honest company commander Zhang walked over with a smile, and took Xiaoya and grandpa to the military jeep parked at the door.

Wan Lin watched his grandfather and Xiaoya leave, turned his head and whispered to Head Qin, "Thank you", Head Qin waved his hand: "The old man is frightened, let them go back and rest for a while."

As he said that, he turned his head and said to Director Yang again: "This is the situation, a group of people dared to attack our soldiers, it's against the sky." Then he pointed to the murder weapon on the ground: "The evidence is here, Yang Chief, what are you going to do?"

Wan Lin also said coldly: "The one on the second floor and the two comatose boys on the first floor were both armed with guns just now." Obviously, he and his grandfather had hit the three boys with guns hard.

Director Yang nodded, turned his head and glanced at a group of people who were lying on the ground, and said to Head Qin and Wan Lin, "It goes without saying that attacking soldiers, illegally holding guns, and gathering a crowd to make trouble are all serious crimes, so naturally A criminal case has been filed for investigation."

As he spoke, he glanced at a few coquettish women standing at the door of the hotel, and immediately said, "It seems that there is still a suspicion of organizing prostitution." Having said that, he turned his head and shouted to his subordinates, "All handcuffed and taken away! Captain Zhang, take someone to the hotel to do a good search, and see if there are any illegal activities inside?"

After Director Yang ordered his subordinates, he turned around and said to Head Qin and Wan Lin: "This kid has made a lot of money doing engineering projects in other places in the past few years, and when he came back, he relied on some stinky money to roam the countryside and buy it here. They built this hotel and recruited a group of local gangsters.”

"We have been eyeing this kid for a long time, but we have come here to check a few times, but we have never found any evidence. Some people who were bullied by them dare not speak out, so we have never found any direct evidence of their crimes. This time is just right. Check him justifiably and see what kind of illegal activities this kid has done!"

He looked at Wan Lin and said, "I have to trouble Colonel Wan to stay for some more time and come back to the bureau with us to make a note." Wan Lin smiled and said next to him: "The situation is just like that, my identity belongs to Confidential, it is inconvenient to appear on the record."

Head Qin was also stunned for a moment, he really didn't know this. He hurriedly said to Director Yang: "You guys go through the relevant procedures according to the procedures. We were present when the incident happened, and my people will do what you need."

Director Yang also glanced at the young colonel in amazement, and then nodded to Captain Qin, immediately guessing in his heart that this young colonel must be serving in the secret army.

Captain Qin immediately shouted to the surrounding: "Platoon Leader Li, you stay here to assist Director Yang and the others in handling the case", followed by holding Director Yang's hand and said, "Then you'll have to work hard. I'll take someone back first, I have something to do. You can contact me anytime."

After finishing speaking, Captain Qin turned his head and stared at the chairman who had just climbed up from the ground: "Boy, my surname is Qin, I'm waiting for your kid to come out of prison and pick up Laozi's military uniform. You dare to fight soldiers, but you don't usually know it. How can you harm the common people, you are so arrogant, it is against you!"

He then shouted to the rest of his subordinates: "Retract!" Pulling Wan Lin to the truck outside, Wan Lin smiled and pointed to his jeep: "Captain Qin, take my car." Director Yang said goodbye, and Director Qin also waved to Director Yang, grabbed the car key in Wan Lin's hand and said, "You don't know the way, I'll drive!"

On the way, Captain Qin turned his head to look at Wan Lin and said, "Are you from the A military region?" Wan Lin nodded, and Captain Qin was stunned for a moment, and said, "I don't know any officers above the colonel of the military region that I don't know, why haven't I seen them before? you?"

Wan Lin smiled and didn't answer. Head Qin then muttered to himself: "The last name is Wan, Colonel?" He shook his head, his eyes lit up, and suddenly burst into laughter: "Hahaha, you are..." He suddenly stopped talking, turned his head to look at Wan Lin, and then muttered: "No wonder Deputy Minister Li called me, he is Yuanhua..."

He suddenly shut up when he said this. He is an old man in the A military region. He was in the recruit company with Li Dongsheng when he first joined the army. Now he is the captain of the colonel. Naturally, he knows the mysterious Leopard Commando in the military region, and naturally knows that the current captain's surname is Wan.

At this moment, he thought to himself: No wonder he said that his identity was a secret, and his reaction and actions just now were so fast that he subdued a few boys at that time. Otherwise, those boys just came out with guns, and I really don't know how to end it!

Thinking of this, he laughed excitedly, then turned his head and asked Wan Lin: "You must be from a martial arts family, right? I just saw that the old man's skills are too powerful, good guy, he is more agile than young people! Hahaha, you That phone is probably dead, so if you can't, take this away from me?" He took out his phone.

Wan Lin smiled and waved his hand and replied, "It should be Our mobile phones are all specially made, not only are the shells extremely hard, but also have strong shock resistance, so they shouldn't break, it's the one with the gun. The gangster, I guess he was smashed enough. When I got to the second floor, I took a quick look and the kid fell on his back on the floor and was in a coma. The phone hit his right shoulder, at least a comminuted fracture."

Hearing the words, Head Qin turned his head and glanced at Wan Lin in astonishment. He secretly exclaimed in his heart: My mother, the jeep where the old man was at that time was at least 60 to 70 meters away from the second floor of the hotel. The mobile phone was thrown out, and it hit the target hard. This hand strength and accurate head are really scary!

The two chatted and soon came to a barracks in the suburbs. At this time, it was already dark, and there was a wide concrete road in front of the barracks. There was a railing across the door, and soldiers with automatic rifles stood on both sides of the door.

Colonel Qin drove to the door, and the sentry saw a jeep with a local license plate approaching. A sentry immediately ran to the railing, stretched out his right arm and made a stop gesture.

Colonel Qin stopped the car in front of the sentinel, stretched out his head and shouted, "Don't recognize me?" The sentinel saw that the regiment commander was driving the car himself, so he hurried forward, came to the side of the car and took a closer look inside the car, then lifted the He saluted and said with a smile, "It's the head of the regiment." Then he lowered his arm and hesitated for a while. He looked at Wan Lin who was sitting beside the head of the regiment and asked, "Who is this?"

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