Panther Commando

Chapter 1768: machine group

Head Qin nodded with a smile, turned his head and said to Wan Lin, "Brother, take out your documents and let the sentinels check them."

Wan Lin nodded, and quickly took out the documents from his pocket and handed them over. The other party took a careful look at the certificate, then glanced at Wan Lin against the photo, and then handed the certificate into the car window with both hands, and said loudly, "Hello, Chief!"

Wan Lin took the documents and stuffed them into his pocket, and said to Captain Qin with satisfaction: "Okay, it seems that you are good at leading the troops, how can you let strangers in the military camp! By the way, you are familiar with Deputy Minister Li, right? "

Colonel Qin slowly drove the car into the barracks, and said proudly: "The barracks is a military important place, and you cannot come and go casually. Deputy Minister Li and I can be said to be old comrades in arms. When I joined the army, I was with Deputy Li. The minister was in a recruit company, and later he was picked up by the special operations force, which is an old friendship of more than ten years."

Wan Lin nodded and looked up at the barracks in front of him. The road in the barracks is vertical and horizontal, and rows of neat lampposts are arranged on both sides of the road. The dim lights illuminate the entire barracks.

The military camp covers a large area and is built on the mountain. Rows of barracks were neatly arranged at the foot of the mountain, and in a large empty field near the foot of the mountain, armored vehicles and tanks were lined up neatly, and a group of black shadows were running on the large empty training field.

In the middle of the camp is a small courtyard with dozens of bungalows lit up with lights. The entire military camp looks quiet and orderly. From time to time, patrols are seen passing through the camp.

Wan Lin's eyes swept across the entire barracks quickly, and he secretly thought: Judging from the neatly arranged chariots in the barracks, this regiment should belong to the Type A mechanized infantry regiment. There should be a battalion of troops here. Experienced in leading troops, the entire barracks is quiet, orderly and well-organized.

Colonel Qin drove the car into the small courtyard in the middle of the barracks, and immediately parked the car in the parking lot beside the courtyard. I have to accompany my brother and the old man to drink a few more drinks tonight, hehehe." He opened the car door and jumped down. Wan Lin opened the car door with a smile and jumped down, he liked this bold old head very much.

Wan Lin followed Colonel Qin into a room in the middle of the row in front of him. As soon as the two pushed the door in, a Lieutenant Colonel in military uniform and the tall Captain Zhang stood up on the sofa in the house. The two stood at attention and saluted. , shouted at Wan Lin, "Hello, Chief!"

Wan Lin waved his hand with a smile, and said, "Hehe, I'm in casual clothes, let's not be so formal." He pulled Head Qin and walked to the sofa in the reception area. At this time, Grandpa and Xiaoya also stood up and followed Qin with a smile. Greetings from the leader.

Colonel Qin greeted the old man and Xiaoya with a smile, then dragged Wan Lin to the sofa and pointed to the lieutenant colonel and said, "This is my Chief of Staff Mu, you have already met this Captain Zhang." Wan Lin He quickly reached out and shook the hands of the two of them and said politely, "I'm causing you trouble!"

Head Qin raised his hand and pressed Wan Lin on the sofa to sit down, and said boldly, "What are you welcome? It's all my own family, sit down." Then he hurriedly asked the old man and Xiaoya to take a seat.

Seeing that Wan Lin and the others were all sitting down, Chief of Staff Mu bent down and poured Wan Lin a cup of tea and handed it to Wan Lin, then looked up and down and said with a smile, "Just now when Captain Zhang came back, he told me that there was a distinguished guest in the regiment. Said to be an old fairy and a pair of golden boys and girls, but there is actually a colonel and a major, and I even scolded him for playing the piano and talking nonsense.

"Hahahaha" Several people laughed, and Company Commander Zhang looked at Wan Lin and said in a naive voice: "I was really puzzled, I was in the hotel just now when I saw the old immortal and you two suddenly shot, I was shocked. I jumped! You are so good at it, why do you still ask us for help? Look at your skills, no matter how many **** you have, it will not be enough for you to clean up."

Colonel Qin interrupted Company Commander Zhang with a smile: "Nonsense, when did I say that they asked for help? This is a phone call from Deputy Director Li of the Operation Department of the Military Region. Let me go and see who is so rampant? How dare you? hit our soldiers."

Zhang Lianchang laughed naively: "That's right, the three of them moved just now and scared all my soldiers stupid, and it was like a gust of wind that they cleaned up a few boys with guns and knives, too fast! By the way, what army are you from?"

Wan Lin glanced at Xiaoya and knew that they both had doubts about their identities, so he smiled and said, "We came from the original military special warfare brigade." The military special warfare brigade is an open force, so Wan Lin said with a smile. I told these comrades that they were from there, and that the leopard commandos I belonged to were originally under the special operations brigade of the military region. "No wonder, no wonder you have such good skills!" Captain Zhang said again and again, and then glanced at Xiaoya next to him, as if not believing that there was such a beautiful female major in the special forces team.

Chief of Staff Mu's eyes widened when he heard this, turned his head to look at Head Qin and said, "Head, you have invited three living Bodhisattvas. It is said that the special warfare brigade of the military region has been merged into the special warfare brigade of the military region. They are selecting fighters in the entire military region. Wouldn’t it be shameful if we don’t send out a few decent fighters? We just asked them to help us check.”

Head Qin laughed when he heard turned his head to look at Wan Lin and said with a smile: "Brother, if there is nothing urgent, just help us, if the soldiers we sent out to participate in the selection are eliminated and sent back , isn't this disgraceful to my old Qin? Just one day, I will gather the soldiers selected from the battalions of the whole regiment here, you can pass your eyes, just give me some pointers!" He looked at Wan with eager eyes. Forest.

Wan Lin turned to look at Xiaoya with a wry smile, and both of them turned to look at Grandpa again. At this moment, Xiaoya's phone rang. She quickly took out Wan Lin's phone to take a look, and said, "Litou phone," and handed it over.

Wan Lin looked at his mobile phone and saw that there were only some scratches on it. This special phone specially designed for special forces was really strong, and it was not broken after being thrown out by grandpa.

He took the phone, stood up and listened to the side for a while, then said in a low voice, "Yes, the matter has been resolved, thank Head Qin and the others for their help! Alright, fine, please tell Head Qin." Said to the head of Qin: "Deputy Minister Li wants to talk to you."

Head Qin took the phone and laughed: "I said the deputy minister, look at the errand you gave me, didn't you let me make a fool of yourself, and the three of them still use us to clear the siege? It's that group of bastards. A little more is not enough for the three of them to jam their teeth."

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