Panther Commando

Chapter 1769: Temporary job

Li Dongsheng's laughter was immediately heard on the phone: "Hahahaha, it's rare for them to take the old man out for a trip. I don't want them to delay their trip because of other things, so I'll let you go and see if everything is resolved?"

Head Qin briefly explained what happened, and then said hesitantly: "By the way, I'm on a temporary job, and I want to ask Brother Wan and the eldest sister to do me a favor. The special forces brigade that you are part-time brigade commander does not want to Do you want to select warriors? We have already selected a few in the whole team competition, but I am afraid that you will be eliminated by giving them to you, so where should I put my old Qin's face? So I want to delay Colonel Wan and the others for a day, and also help us Check it out, and give pointers to the soldiers by the way, do you think it's okay? Hehe".

He looked at Wan Lin and squeezed his eyes. When Li Dongsheng heard the words of the head of Qin on the phone, he was obviously stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "No, they rarely have a vacation, and this time they are traveling with the elderly. You can't delay their trip."

Colonel Qin said regretfully: "Well, it's really not suitable, well, just pretend I didn't say anything! I'll send them away early tomorrow morning. However, I'll keep them in my regiment tonight. Stay here and have a good drink with Brother Wan and the old man for a while, it was too much fun to clean up those **** just now!"

Wan Lin, who was next to him, had heard Li Dongsheng's request to stop the group leader from Qin's voice, and he quickly reached out to answer the phone and said, "Deputy Minister Li, it's okay, the head of Qin has helped so much, we Fortunately, there is nothing urgent, so let's delay for a day and help you see the soldiers they selected."

Li Dongsheng immediately said on the phone: "Alright, you can do it yourself, you must take good care of the old man on the road, although the old man is in good health, but in the end he is old and can't compare with the young man, so don't disturb the old man. schedule." Wan Lin smiled and glanced at the grandfather next to him, agreed again and again, and then hung up the phone.

Captain Qin was overjoyed when he heard Wan Lin's promise to come down. Just as he was about to express his thanks to Wan Lin, Company Commander Zhang next to him stood up and saluted Wan Lin and shouted: "Thank you, Chief, salute! Captain, should I go to say hello? Soldiers selected by each battalion assembled at the regiment headquarters? Let them be full of energy and prepare for tomorrow's competition!"

Saying that, he stared at Captain Qin with wide eyes, and Colonel Qin nodded with a smile: "Okay, hurry up and have each battalion send the selected soldiers over now, all with individual equipment."

"Yes!" Captain Zhang shouted and ran out in a hurry. Everyone laughed when they saw his flamboyant appearance. Grandpa looked at Colonel Qin and Chief of Staff Mu with a smile and said, "I just like to be with you soldiers, do things happily and quickly, and have the spirit of our gentlemen. It's all good."

Seeing Wan Lin's agreement, Chief Qin and Chief Mu were overjoyed and walked up to the old man. Chief Mu smiled and said, "Hehe, the old man's body is so tough, he won't lose to our group of young soldiers. Let's go, The kitchen has already prepared the food, let's go to the restaurant. Today, I will accompany the old man to drink two cups."

Saying that, he and Head Qin supported the old man's arm together and walked out of the door to the restaurant next to him. Wan Lin and Xiaoya looked at Captain Qin and the others, and followed them out with a smile.

The next morning just dawned, Grandpa, Wan Lin, and Xiaoya in the next room got up early and came to the courtyard. The three of them adjusted their breaths in the courtyard for a while, and then they worked out a set of boxing.

The air in the early morning is extremely refreshing. The misty air has a grassy smell unique to the mountains. There are crystal dewdrops hanging from the surrounding grasses.

After a short time, Head Qin and Chief of Staff Mu also got up and walked out of the room. At a glance, they saw the three grandparents who were boxing in the courtyard. The two looked at their watches in amazement. Seeing that it was just five in the morning, they did not expect These people got up so early.

Wan Lin saw Head Qin and the others walking out, and slowly stopped and stood up straight and walked over. Head Qin looked at Wan Lin and said in amazement, "Dude, why did you get up so early?"

Wan Lin turned his head to look at his grandfather who was boxing, and said in a low voice, "Hehe, people who practice martial arts are used to getting up early. Look at my grandfather, no matter how late he goes to bed, he always gets up at this time to practice the exercises, and it has never been interrupted for decades."

As the two were talking, a tall figure hurriedly ran into the courtyard, and when he entered the door, he shouted at the head of Qin: "Head, I have gathered everyone, and I am doing warm-up exercises on the training ground..."

Captain Qin raised his head in anger and scolded: "Stinky boy, what are you yelling at in the early morning?" Captain Zhang turned his head to see Wan Lin standing beside the regiment commander and the chief of staff, and quickly covered his mouth and laughed "Haha".

At this time, Grandpa and Xiaoya also came over. The old man looked at Zhang Company Chang's tall figure, raised his hand and patted his shoulder with a smile: "Good boy, this physique is awesome!" After speaking, he suddenly looked at him and said. : "Hey, has your kid practiced foreign kung fu?"

When the old man tapped him on the shoulder, he immediately felt a rebound. This was the natural reaction of someone who had practiced kung fu, and naturally it could not be concealed from the sharp eyes of the old man.

Captain Qin and the chief of staff glanced at Grandpa in amazement and walked over with their feet raised. Captain Qin said with a smile: "Company Commander Zhang has been the champion of unarmed combat for several times in our regiment. The task of selecting the participating soldiers in this regiment is to be He's in charge."

Wan Lin turned to look at Company Commander Zhang, and knew that the military region had issued a document requesting the subordinate units to compete in martial First, to improve the overall combat quality of the troops, and second, to select a group of outstanding soldiers for the newly established special operations brigade.

Grandpa took his palm off the shoulders of Company Commander Zhang at this time, looked at Wan Lin and said, "This kid's hard skills are good, not much worse than Dali."

Captain Zhang stared at his grandfather, and asked, "How do you know that I practice hard qigong?" Wan Lin and Xiaoya laughed, and grandfather said with a smile, "Silly boy, as soon as I touch your body, I will I know you have practiced hard qigong. When I patted you on the shoulder just now, I immediately felt a rebound force. It seems that you should have practiced it since you were a child, otherwise you won't have the rebound force, and your fighting ability should be good. Hahaha, nice."

Zhang Lianchang's face was full of hesitation, as if he didn't understand how his grandfather saw it, he muttered, "How do you know so clearly, I am a family handed down kung fu, and I have been practicing since I was a child."

Head Qin came over and said with a smile, "I'll call you a silly boy. You still don't like to listen to it. Can't you see that the old man is a master of internal skills? With your little kung fu, the old man can't tell?"

Company Commander Zhang suddenly understood at this time, and said quickly, "I saw my grandfather moving very fast yesterday, and thought it was a light exercise. I didn't expect your old inner family to be so strong! Hahaha".

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