Panther Commando

Chapter 1770: speechless

Grandpa looked at Company Commander Zhang kindly and said, "You are right, I must run faster than you! Hahahaha" Several people around also laughed.

Company Commander Zhang touched his head and laughed, but there was some disbelief in his eyes. He couldn't believe it, how could an old man of this age outrun a strong young man of his own!

Head Qin also looked at Chief of Staff Mu, and there was disbelief in their eyes. In the hotel yard last night, he saw the old man's figure rushing to the hotel door in a flash, moving very fast, but he didn't see all the movements in just a glance.

Wan Lin saw a few people who didn't believe it, smiled and said, "Haha, don't believe it, even if I can't outrun Grandpa now."

Several people's eyes opened wider, with questioning expressions on their faces. When Colonel Qin was in the hotel, he had already guessed that the young colonel in front of him was the one who led the team to beat the **** in the International Special Forces Competition and severely punished those hateful little devils and won the championship. Leopard Head, he has long heard that his kung fu is excellent, but he still doesn't believe it if he can't outrun his elderly grandfather.

The old man looked at the expressions of several people, hehe laughed, his body suddenly twisted, and he suddenly rose from the ground, like a huge peng bird slammed into the courtyard wall seven or eight meters away, followed by kicking his feet twice. The tall courtyard wall suddenly returned to the place where it stood just now, and the tall body seemed to have not left at all.

The head of Qin and the others only felt that the eyes were blurred. The old man had returned from the high courtyard wall. They looked at the high courtyard wall next to them in surprise, and then turned to look at the old man beside him, their faces full of surprise. look.

Company Commander Zhang opened his mouth exaggeratedly, stared at the surrounding courtyard walls with big cowbell-like eyes for a while, then looked at the old man standing beside him, and murmured in surprise: "My mother, is this still human? Too fast It's gone!"

"What did you say? Silly boy!" Colonel Qin raised his foot and kicked Company Commander Zhang's ass, scolding loudly.

"Hahahaha" Grandpa, Wan Lin, and Xiaoya all laughed, knowing that this naive company commander Zhang had been shocked by Grandpa's swift movement.

Company Commander Zhang also realized his slip of the tongue at this time, and hurriedly clasped his fists at the old man: "Senior, don't blame the little one for not being able to speak. You are too fast, I really don't know how to describe it, hehehe." His face was flushed red, and he bent his waist ninety degrees to face the old man.

"Hahaha", the old man laughed and lifted Company Commander Zhang up, patted his shoulder and said with a smile, "How is it, can't you outrun me?"

"I can't run, I can't run, I can't run! If I run for a while, I won't be dragged to my grandma's house." Captain Zhang straightened up and said sincerely.

Everyone laughed again, and Head Qin immediately said: "Old man, it was too dark when you came yesterday, and I didn't have time to invite you to visit our camp. Now that breakfast has not been made, I will take you and Colonel Wan and Major Wan first. Go to my barracks?"

He looked at Wan Lin and Xiaoya and laughed: "Colonel Wan and Major Wan, why do you call the two of you two school officials together, so convoluted?"

Everyone laughed, and then followed Captain Qin into a three-row big jeep and drove out of the regiment's courtyard, towards the foot of the mountain deep in the camp.

At this time, the camp was already lively, and groups of soldiers wearing green round-neck short-sleeved vests were running on the camp road.

In the chilly morning of early spring, the neatly lined squads of soldiers were already running with their heads full of white air, shouting bursts of "one, two, three, four" from time to time, and there were more than a dozen on the training ground in the distance. Soldiers in vests are doing warm-up activities beside the single parallel bars and the low walls, and some of them are still punching neatly in the open space.

The old man sat in the car next to Captain Qin who was driving, smilingly looking at the hot scene in the barracks, and sighed: "This is a lively barracks, they are all good guys!"

He watched for a while, pointed to a group of young men on the training ground, turned his head and asked, "Company Commander Zhang", "Here!" Company Commander Zhang and the Chief of Staff sat in the third row of the jeep, and now suddenly heard Grandpa's cry, The conditioned waist responded loudly.

"Hehehe" the old man answered with a loud laugh, and then he asked, "Are those people in the empty field that you called up to participate in the selection?" "Report to the seniors, yes." replied.

Captain Qin smiled and looked at the rear-view mirror inside the car and said, "I said Company Commander Zhang, we are in the car, can you not be surprised, your broken gong makes my ears buzzing. ".

"Hahaha", Grandpa and Wan Lin and Xiaoya in the back seat all laughed, and Company Commander Zhang embarrassedly laughed "Haha".

Captain Qin drove the car to the foot of the mountain, parked in front of a row of wheeled personnel carriers near the foot of the mountain, opened the door and jumped out, quickly ran to Grandpa's side, opened the door and helped the old man out of the car.

Grandpa walked out of the car with a smile, looked up at the neat rows of grass-green cars in front of him, turned to look at Captain Qin and Wan Lin who jumped out of the car and asked, "What kind of car is this, how come there are eight or so? Six such big wheels"

Colonel Qin said with a smile: "This is the mechanized infantry This is our wheeled armored personnel carrier of different models, and the tracked infantry fighting vehicle over there has a crew of about a dozen people. ".

He said, looking at the clean armored vehicles with affection, just like looking at his son.

He strode forward and came to a wheeled armored personnel carrier, patted the body hard, turned his head and said to the three of Wan Lin: "This car is equipped with a four-stroke air-cooled diesel engine, 360 horsepower, 6 Driven by ×6, the maximum speed can reach 100 kilometers per hour, and the speed on water can also reach more than ten kilometers. The maximum trip with a full fuel can run for 800 kilometers, the width of the trench is 1.2 meters, and the vertical obstacle is 0.55 meters..."

He turned his head and saw that Wan Lin and Xiaoya were listening carefully and watching the weapon system on the car, knowing that they were interested in the weapons and equipment on the car, he said with a smile, "Hehehe, twelve people can ride here. The weapon is equipped with a 12.7mm high-level dual-purpose machine gun with 500 rounds of ammunition. It is also equipped with eight smoke grenade launchers. This car is equipped with a pressure-collecting three-proof device, an automatic fire extinguishing device and bulletproof tires. The performance is quite good. ".

With his eyes narrowed, he introduced the data of the armored personnel carrier in front of him one by one like a treasure, and then walked to the side with a few people, raised his finger and pointed to a row of tracked armored combat vehicles not far away and said, "Come on. , you look at our big guy again."

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