Panther Commando

Chapter 1771: Like a lot of treasures

Colonel Qin took the first two steps, pointed to the huge armored vehicle and said: "This is the latest infantry fighting vehicle we have equipped. The gunner is located in the battle room below the right side of the turret. The turret weapon is a 25mm cannon and a Side-by-side 7.62mm machine guns."

"This 25mm cannon uses two-way feeding, which can change the type of ammunition, the rate of fire and the shooting method. The shooter can quickly choose grenades or armor-piercing shells according to different targets, and the shooting methods include single shot, 3 consecutive shots, and 5 consecutive shots. hair or bursts”.

He turned his head and glanced at Wan Lin and the others, and saw that they were all looking at the infantry fighting vehicle he introduced, and then introduced: "The performance of this 25mm rapid-fire gun is excellent, and the rate of fire can reach every minute. 100 rounds or 200 rounds. This guy has a wide range of high and low shooting and directional shooting, basically no dead ends, the base of ammunition has reached 400 rounds, 200 rounds of ammunition to be fired in the magazine, and 120 rounds of grenades and 80 rounds of armor-piercing rounds can be selectively attacked against different targets. Hahaha, how about it, is this firepower enough?"

He laughed when he said this, turned his head to look at Wan Lin, saw the excited look in his eyes looking at the chariot, and knew that he was interested in this big guy. He jumped onto the body of the chariot, and stood by the turret to look carefully at the rapid-fire gun and twin machine guns.

Colonel Qin also walked to the car with a smile, jumped on the car, pointed at the turret in front of Wan Lin and said, "When this kind of rapid-fire gun uses shell-piercing shells, the direct shooting distance can reach 1,500 meters. The car fires rapidly at the same time, which can form a barrage around it, and it is quite spectacular when it is launched. The two 7.62mm parallel machine guns are pitched synchronously with the main gun, and there are a lot of ammunition.”

He said and pointed to the turret: "The turret is also equipped with a residual ammunition counter and a residual ammunition alarm device. The gunner can observe the remaining ammunition in the ammunition box at any time. There are 4 76mm smoke grenade launchers on each side of the turret, arranged in a single row. , can carry out 2, 4, and 8 salvos, and can form a smoke screen with a length of 120-150 meters and a duration of 2-4 minutes at 100 meters in front. Once the charge is launched, it can quickly release a piece of smoke around it Smoke, the trajectory of the hidden chariot. The body is made of thickened special bulletproof steel plate, and there is a layer of special bulletproof ceramic on the outside, which has good protection performance.”

After listening to Captain Qin's introduction, Wan Lin turned his head and saw that his eyes were looking at his chariot. Like the sniper rifle in his hand, he is his beloved right-hand man.

The two immediately turned their eyes to Grandpa, and saw that he was also looking at the huge iron guy in front of him intently, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Wan Lin and Captain Qin jumped out of the chariot with a smile, Wan Lin walked up to his grandfather and said, "You see this is a newly equipped infantry fighting vehicle, not only has excellent protection, but also has a powerful firepower configuration. ".

He raised his eyes and looked at the red sun suddenly rising behind the mountain, and then said: "Speaking of which, the kung fu of the martial arts school is declining day by day, and it has something to do with these modern weapons. Many people think that kung fu is in front of these steel guys. It's useless, so since modern times, many sects of kung fu have gradually been lost."

Grandpa laughed when he heard his words and said, "That's why these people are short-sighted. No matter how good guys are, they are operated by human beings. As long as we martial arts practitioners can combine their own kung fu with these modern weapons, they will naturally be powerful. Zeng. I just heard from Head Qin that this quick-firing cannon can sweep out a barrage in front of it. Is it because there will be countless shells in front of this cannon, and there is no place to dodge at all?"

The old man turned his head to look at Captain Qin and the others. Company Commander Zhang walked over with a smile and said, "That's what it means. In theory, the shells fired by the enemy will be intercepted by our rapid-fire gun."

Grandpa nodded, raised his hand and patted the shoulder of the company commander, and said with a smile: "This thing is powerful, but we people with kung fu are not stupid, why are we running in front of this guy? We have neat legs and we see this big guy. Run now!"

Following the old man's voice, everyone burst into laughter. Everyone understands that in modern warfare, it is not just martial arts that can decide the outcome. No matter how good martial arts are, they can only be a means of assisting combat. The attack efficiency of modern weapons greatly improves the combat capability of individual soldiers.

Captain Qin raised his hand to look at his watch, and immediately said to Wan Lin, "Let's go, let's go back to the regiment to eat something, and then look at the contestants selected by Captain Zhang."

Wan Lin nodded and pulled Grandpa and Xiaoya towards the car. Wan Lin said to Head Qin as he walked, "I'll prepare a set of training uniforms for the two of us in a while." Head Qin smiled and said, "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

After the group returned to the regimental headquarters and finished breakfast, Wan Lin and Xiaoya went back to their room and put on a set of meal training uniforms and walked out.

Colonel Qin saw Wan Lin and the two walk out and hurried up to meet them. He looked at the two of them up and down and said with a smile: "It's still pleasing to the eye to see you wearing our soldiers' clothes." Wan Lin and the two grinned. The head and grandpa walked into the courtyard together.

Head Qin took out his car keys and was about to start driving when his grandfather waved his hand and said, "No I just finished eating, let's walk over, it's good for the body" and then strode out of the courtyard . Wan Lin and Xiaoya smiled at Head Qin and the others, and also strode out behind them.

At this time, Chief of Staff Mu had something to do, and he said that he would be back in a while. Company Commander Zhang had already run back to the training ground to greet his candidate team members, only Captain Qin accompanied Wan Lin and the three to the training ground.

A few people gradually approached the training ground, and from afar, they saw the tall company commander Zhang stretching his neck and looking over here, with ten soldiers standing beside him doing preparations, with his full set of equipment on the ground next to him. It seems that he has already mobilized a few of his subordinates, and each and everyone of the team members is working hard.

Seeing Wan Lin and the others approaching, Company Commander Zhang turned around and shouted loudly: "Get ready, look to the right, look ahead! Take a rest, stand at attention, and salute!" He turned around and ran to Wan Lin and Commander Qin and shouted loudly. Shouting: "Report, the training team is assembled, please instruct the leader!",

Captain Qin raised his hand in return, and watched everyone take a step forward: "Take a rest, stand at attention!" Then he said loudly to the ten soldiers standing upright in front of him: "You are all selected from our battalion's primary election and are going to participate. The regiment’s comprehensive section is assessed, and outstanding fighters who are selected to participate in the military competition in the division are selected, but whether they can pass the assessment and represent our regiment to participate in the competition, it depends on whether you have the ability to do so yourself.”

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