Panther Commando

Chapter 1782: speeding vehicle

"Grandpa, what do you mean?" Xiaoya asked in confusion, she really didn't understand the mysterious words of the old man.

"Hehehe, nothing, this is just a feng shui legend passed down in the past. Look, the sharp sword on the top of the mountain in the distance radiates cold light, with a strong murderous aura! And on the tip of the sword is another one. The goshawk that looks down on the world. Did the long sword stab the goshawk when it was born in the sky, or did the eagle claws take this rare long sword?

When the old man said this, he turned his face to look at Wan Lin and Xiaoya, raised his finger to the steamed bread-like mountain in the distance, and continued, "Look, the mountain here seems to be gentle, but this spectacle is highlighted on the top of the mountain. It shows that the mountains are extremely supernatural, and there must be unknown secrets."

"It's no wonder that the martial arts of the Lingxiu School are so peculiar. It is estimated that their cultivation was based on some peculiar natural phenomenon. It seems that our ancestors did not go here at that time, otherwise such a strange terrain would definitely be mentioned in the inheritance. arrive".

Wan Lin and the two nodded, their hearts seemed to be shrouded in a haze, they knew what the old man might have felt in his heart? But he didn't say it, for fear that their emotions would be affected. But both of them had an ominous premonition from the bottom of their hearts, wondering what bad things would happen next?

The three pondered and re-boarded the car. Wan Lin was about to start the car when suddenly, from the reflector in the car, he saw several cars rushing towards the mountain road behind.

Xiaoya, who was in the back seat, also saw the vehicles rushing over from behind. She turned her head and looked at the mountain road behind with some surprise. She saw that the vehicles behind included cars, off-road vehicles, and a medium-sized van. Almost all the roofs of the vehicles were Luggage racks are installed on top of them, and there are big boxes and small bags full of things, and there are some martial arts equipment on the roofs of several cars.

Xiaoya turned her head and smiled and said, "These people must have participated in that martial arts event. You look at the license plates, and they seem to be from different provinces."

Wan Lin opened the car window, stuck his head out and looked back, and replied, "It must be, you can see how fierce they drive, it is the habit of practicing martial arts, and they are so desperate on such a steep mountain road." Shaking his head gently, he quietly waited for the vehicle behind to drive past.

It didn't take long, the following cars drove past Wan Lin's car at a rapid speed, and a few young men stuck their heads out of the car window, smiling and waving at Wan Lin, whose head was sticking out of the car window, as if he was in a hurry. Greet Wan Lin to drive faster and rush to the venue of the martial arts conference as soon as possible.

Grandpa turned his head to look at the excited young man in the car next to him, shook his gray head and said, "It seems that all the sects are holding back their strength, and they all want to use this martial arts conference to become famous in the world."

Wan Lin and Xiaoya turned to look at their grandfather, they had heard a long sigh from the old man's words. Xiaoya looked at her grandfather and said, "Grandpa, at this martial arts conference, will you go up and show our Wanjia's kung fu?"

Grandpa smiled and said, "Hehehe, the children of our Wan family will not participate in such activities to compete for fame and fortune. The purpose of practicing martial arts is to strengthen the body, protect the family and defend the country, not to compete for fame and fortune. Of course, it is also a good thing to promote martial arts. Let those famous schools do it. Speaking of which, it is indeed a good thing to hold this martial arts conference. It is a good thing to let the disciples of various schools use martial arts to meet friends, and everyone can learn from each other and learn from each other. I have benefited a lot from this reunion.”

Xiaoya smiled, knowing that the Wan family has always lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, adhering to the principle of keeping a low profile and keeping a low profile. Grandpa agreed to come here this time, probably because he wanted to see the realm of the various kung fu factions.

After all, it's not like the past. At that time, people in the martial arts community relied on their own practice to make a living, and people who practiced martial arts could be seen everywhere. Today, people who practice martial arts basically use their spare time to practice on the basis of their hobbies. Kungfu, these people who practice martial arts are rarely seen outside.

When Wan Lin heard his grandfather's words, he smiled and said, "This time we are here mainly to take a look at the beautiful scenery to relax our minds, and take a look at this rare martial arts event. To be honest, our Wan family has lived in seclusion in the mountains for generations. We know very little about martial arts of various schools, and we really need to learn about other schools of Kungfu and learn from each other's strengths."

The grandfather nodded and said, "Yes, this is also the reason why our ancestors ruled at that time that once a disciple has achieved a little in his studies, he must be led by the elders to go out into the mountains to experience. , this is also an important reason, hahahaha".

Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at Xiaoya, smiled and started the car and drove forward slowly. Grandpa looked at the undulating mountain road in front of him, and then said: "Actually, our Wan family takes young disciples to travel around the rivers and lakes every once in a while. Another important reason is to experience the world's martial arts and absorb the essence of other kung fu from it. Enriching our Wan's Kung Fu, which is also an important reason why our Wan's Kung Fu is the best in the world."

When grandpa said this, his expression suddenly became serious, he looked at Wan Lin and said, "Kung Fu is one, if you don't advance, you will retreat. This is the eternal truth. Fortunately, you are in the army There are many martial arts practitioners who are interested in serving the country. You should cherish this opportunity and discuss with them when you have time, which will not only increase your knowledge, but also improve the kung fu of our Wanjia.”

Wan Lin and Xiaoya behind him nodded solemnly, and grandpa continued: "You have time to gather a few brothers and sisters together and convey all my words to them. It's not like it used to be now, all the disciples live and practice in Together, it's rare to be together now, alas".

The old man's words were a little melancholy. Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at his grandfather, knowing that he was lamenting that he couldn't get together with his disciples often. He looked up at the road in front of him, and saw that there was a steep **** going up the mountain in front of him, with a distance of nearly 100 meters. He stepped on the accelerator hard, and the jeep rushed towards the top of the **** with a humming sound, but he was thinking about how comfort grandpa

The jeep roared and rushed up. Just as the jeep was about to rush to the top of the slope, the grandfather next to him suddenly shouted, "Be careful!" Wan Lin was shocked. At this time, the car hadn't reached the top of the slope, so he couldn't see the top of the **** at all. The situation, but Grandpa suddenly warned nervously, he must have sensed danger with his profound skills!

He didn't care to find out, and slammed on the brakes with one foot! The four wheels of the rapidly spinning jeep stopped rotating immediately, with a piercing scream, and rushed to the top of the mountain with a "woo" under the action of inertia!

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