Panther Commando

Chapter 1783: on the edge of the cliff

The four tires of the jeep rubbed violently against the road surface, and black smoke emerged from the bottom of the car, and a long black brake strip appeared immediately behind the car.

At the moment when Wan Lin and his jeep rushed to the top of the **** under the action of inertia, the three people in the car suddenly found that a silver-gray car was parked on the top of the slope, and their jeep was making a harsh braking sound. Running towards the rear of the car!

A few people were startled, and Wan Lin hurriedly shouted, "Open the door and get ready to jump out of the car!" He slammed on the brakes, and quickly unfastened the seat belt on Grandpa's body. The side door is pushed open.

Just as Grandpa and Xiaoya in the back seat stood up to throw out the door, the jeep suddenly stopped at the rear of the car in front, and the sudden braking sound disappeared. A layer of cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of several people, and their eyes were fixed on the car in front of the car.

Too dangerous! The grass-green jeep stopped almost next to the rear of the car in front. Several people quickly jumped out of the car and walked to the front of the car to look down. The two cars were almost stuck together, and there was almost no gap to be seen, and they were already connected end to end!

Wan Lin and Xiaoya broke out in a cold sweat. They didn't expect the car to park in such a dangerous place on the top of the slope, and there was no warning device behind the car! And on such a steep hillside, people below can't see the top of the **** at all.

The three immediately raised their eyes and looked forward, and the scene in front of them immediately surprised them! Down the **** in front, half of the body of a van has rushed out of the curb and hangs on the edge of the cliff by the side of the road. The body is shaking flickeringly. There was a "quack" sound of metal friction.

Several people in the car were leaning on the window and looking at the cliff below, screaming in surprise. Several strong-bodied young men were bending over, standing at the back of the car and pulling the body back hard. Avoid the van falling off the bottomless cliff!

The eyes of Wan Lin and the others quickly swept across the road in front of them. There was a jeep parked diagonally on the road in front of the van. The rear of the car had signs of being hit. The people in the car were jumping out of the car in horror and looking at the edge of the cliff. The car that is going up and down is overwhelmed.

There was also a jeep parked on the downhill road ahead, and the people in the car were also jumping out of the car and running towards this side quickly.

Obviously, the accident had just happened, and everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them! When the vehicles in front saw the situation behind, they hurriedly braked and jumped down and ran behind to save people.

Wan Lin raised his feet and rushed forward, shouting at the same time: "Xiaoya, hurry up and put up a warning sign behind to avoid the vehicles behind!" With the shouting, he had already rushed to the edge of the cliff in front of him. Followed by the stunned few people who turned to the side of the jeep and shouted sharply: "What are you looking at? Come and help!"

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly sounded: "The body has slipped!" The two young girls standing beside the jeep in front screamed sharply, pointing at the van that was slowly falling down the slope. A few young men who were bending over and pulling the rear of the car hard, have already straightened up with the slowly tilted rear of the car.

The situation is at stake! Everyone's heart was hanging in their throats. Now the van's center of gravity is on the edge of the cliff, and once it falls a little further, the entire van will roll over and fall down a deep cliff!

At that time, not only the people in the car were in danger, but also the young men behind the car who were desperately pulling the car body might be taken down to the bottom of the deep cliff by the heavy car body!

Wan Linfei ran forward as usual, his eyes quickly swept over the rear of the car that was slowly tilting upwards, and quickly judged the current danger. He suddenly bent his knees and jumped up, and his body jumped high into the air. , smashed the tail of the car body that was leaning to the cliff and smashed it hard!

At this time, the center of gravity of the body must be stabilized. Once the center of gravity of the accident vehicle continues to move upward, the vehicle may fall off a bottomless cliff at any time!

At this time, a ray of sunset was shooting a dark yellow beam of light from the top of the high mountain on the side, just in the cliff beside the road.

Wan Lin was in the air, his eyes bursting with light, and he could see the bottom of the cliff through the beam of sunset light.

The cliff beside the road is hundreds of meters deep. The bottom of the cliff is full of strange rocks. The towering stone pillars are like sharp swords stuck on the ground, facing the crumbling van above! Once the vehicle rolls over to the bottom of such a sinister cliff, everyone in the vehicle has no chance of surviving!

"Get ready, pull hard!" Wan Lin roared in the air, and slammed his body down towards the rear of the car.

"Bang", with a loud noise, the rear end of the car that had been lifted slammed down, and the car that was speeding up and sliding down the cliff shook violently.

"Pull!" Several people at the rear of the car shouted at the same time. Taking advantage of the moment when the rear of the car fell and the body stopped sliding, they desperately pulled the rear of the car back, trying to pull the car back to the road.

But the heavy body remained motionless after the tremor, and the sliding body only stopped temporarily. But after a short pause, the rear of the car began to slowly lift up again, and the heavy body began to fall to the bottom of the deep cliff again!

At this critical moment, a tall figure suddenly flashed out from the road, and a vigorous voice sounded like thunder: "Get out of the way!"

Everyone's eardrums were "buzzed" in the sound, and then they saw a tall black shadow, rushing over like a cannonball. He suddenly released the rear of the car, which was pulling back, and jumped back. At the same time, Wan Lin, who was on the roof, saw his grandfather rushing towards him. out.

As Wan Lin kicked **** the roof of the car, the rear of the car, which was raised again, suddenly fell to the ground. At the same time, the tall black shadow slammed into the side of the rear of the car.

"Bang...", an earth-shattering loud noise suddenly sounded in the mountains, the rear of the van slammed to the side, and the front of the car that had already rushed out of the road and was hanging outside was also raised at the same time, and slammed towards the road. Turn around.

"Pull!" The old man collided with the rear of the car, and immediately took two steps to the side along with the rotating body, and two big powerful hands grabbed the open window on the side of the van, shouted and pulled it back!

At the same time, Wan Lin, who had just landed, had already rushed from the front like lightning. The grandfather and grandson roared loudly, grabbed the side window and yanked it back, and a wave of pale red air slammed from the side. The two gushed out.

The car body that had crossed over the cliff immediately fell to the side of the road with a "swoosh" as the two pulled with all their strength.

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