Panther Commando

Chapter 1787: raging flood

Wan Lin turned his head and looked down the mountain road on the right. The car that rushed down just now chose to hit the cliff to slow down the speed of the car as a last resort. Now I really don't know how many people are in the car.

Just as he was observing the surrounding situation in the heavy rain, several lights suddenly flashed above the dark mountain road on the left. Wan Lin was shocked. The cars he saw just now rushed down the mountain road!

He rushed towards the center of the road with a single stride, raised the strong-light flashlight in his hand, and shook it vigorously upwards, and kept shining towards the emergency buffer belt on the side, reminding the vehicles behind that there was an emergency braking buffer belt on the right side of the road.

At this time, the water that rushed down the hillside had submerged his knees, and the rushing flood water hit his legs hard, causing a white spray in front of him.

The beam of light behind was getting closer and closer, and an off-road vehicle rushed towards Wan Lin at a high speed in the rainstorm. When it was about to rush in front of Wan Lin, it rushed towards the buffer belt on the right and followed closely. The two cars behind also whistled, slid from a distance of tens of meters from Wanlin and rushed up the gentle **** on the right.

Obviously, when they were approaching Wan Lin, they suddenly noticed the instructions of the light in his hand, and at the same time they saw the light shining on the top of the slope, and immediately turned the steering wheel and rushed towards the buffer belt.

A wave of water hit by several cars slid toward Wan Lin. The huge impact swayed Wan Lin's body. The pouring rain and the spray from the car blocked it. Wan Lin's sight and the light of the flashlight in his hand.

Wan Lin was startled, the whiteness in front of him could not see the vehicles on the road above at all, and at this time he was standing in the center of the road, if a vehicle continued to rush down at this time, the consequences would be disastrous! He quickly raised his hand to wipe the splash in front of his eyes, and just as his palm just wiped his eyes, a flash of light suddenly flashed in front of him!

not good! A signal of danger flashed in Wan Lin's mind, and as soon as he stepped on the road, he threw himself to the side of the road! Just as he jumped to the side, a car, like an indestructible tank, rushed past him whistling, and the white water splashes rushed towards Wan Lin. The flood water that rushed down the steep road around was also rushing towards him.

Wan Lin threw himself to the side of the road, and immediately rolled to the side of the cliff under the action of inertia, and then slammed into a protective stone on the edge of the cliff, followed by the rapids rushing down from the top of the slope. On the slippery road, it quickly rushed down the slope!

At this moment, all the hairs on Wan Lin's body stood up! He knew in his heart that if he went down the river, he would lose control just like the car rushing down, and the consequences would either fall off a bottomless cliff, or crash into a steep and hard cliff at high speed and be smashed to pieces!

This rapid decline must be stopped! He took a sharp breath, a burst of infuriating energy rushed into his right hand, and his body turned around abruptly in the torrent, breathing from head to foot, icicles, and raised his right arm at the same time, mercilessly plunged into the churning water Plug it in!

"Pfft" Wan Lin's five fingers and half of his palm were inserted with great force, and immediately deeply inserted into the hard asphalt road, and his body stopped abruptly in the rapid slide! The turbulent torrent immediately drowned his entire body, and his entire body was already floating left and right on the water with the fierce torrent.

Wan Lin's head was submerged by the rushing torrent. He held his breath and tried to stabilize his body. Then he suddenly raised his head and took a deep breath. The big raindrops "crackly" hit him. His face made him feel pain.

He quickly adjusted his breathing, still lying on the steep road and looking back with lingering fears, only to see the headlights of the car that had just passed by, swaying from side to side in the white rainstorm, following the turbulent torrent. And the steep mountain road rushed down the mountain quickly!

Wan Lin's heart lifted, the car had already lost control in the water! He stared at the car that was rushing down quickly, and saw that the beam of lights that was originally pointing down the mountain suddenly turned around, and then rushed diagonally to the left roadbed in the direction of the cliff.

With a loud "bang", the car jumped into the air in an instant, and jumped down the cliff over the guardrail composed of stones on the side of the road! The two strong lights in front of the car seemed to be lightning flashes across the cliff, and they disappeared under the dark cliff in a blink of an eye!

Wan Lin's right hand was tightly clasped in the hard asphalt, lying on the ground and witnessing what was happening in front of him, his heart seemed to have suddenly stopped, and his mind was full of misery!

Unexpectedly, I tried my best to give directions to the vehicles behind, but there was still a car that didn't see my instructions, rushed over and turned over the roadbed and fell into a bottomless cliff!

He lay on the ground and stared blankly for a while, and then he clung to the road with both hands and tried to stand up from the rapids, but the violent current made his body float on the water, and he couldn't find a foothold at all!

Wan Lin's heart was beating wildly. Once he lost his strength, he would definitely rush down the hillside, turn over the roadbed, and fall into the abyss just like the car he had just rushed down!

At this critical moment, two black shadows flashed in front, and Grandpa and Xiaoya had already rushed over in the pouring rain.

Just now, the two of them saw several cars in the car, following the instructions of Wan Lin's flashlight, rushing to the buffer zone one after another. He rushed down, just down from where Wan Lin was just now. The two of them were shocked, they pushed open the car door and jumped out of the car, running over in the pouring rain.

At this moment, Grandpa ran to Wan Lin, one hand tightly grasped Xiaoya's arm, who was shaking in the rapids, and the other hand grabbed Wan Lin's big arm and lifted him up, using his inner strength. In the sound of the rainstorm, she asked loudly, "Is there something wrong?" Xiaoya also grabbed Wan Lin's arm anxiously, and shone the flashlight up and down on his body.

"It's alright!" Wan Lin answered with a firm footing and gasping for air, then looked up the slope. At this time, the three of them were all standing on the slippery road, and it would be very dangerous if a car rushes down on it!

It was pitch black above the hillside, except for the sound of rain and the roar of floodwaters in the surrounding mountains. There were no more cars on the road. It is estimated that the cars on the road behind saw such a heavy rain and had already found a relatively safe place to stop.

And the few cars that rushed down behind my car just now were probably the same as I was at the time. They were afraid that it would be too dangerous to park on such a steep mountain road, so they took the risk and rushed down. No one expected that the rain was so heavy that the road became a ready-made floodway, and it was impossible to control the vehicle in the turbulent water flow, and the heavy rain had already formed a white stream of water on the car window, and the outside could not be seen at all. road conditions!

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