Panther Commando

Chapter 1788: The world is impermanent

Wan Lin was really startled when he saw that the torrential rain that had just fallen had already formed such a might in the mountains. He raised his hand and wiped the rain on his face, pulled his grandfather and Xiaoya and said, "Leave the mountain road quickly, it's too dangerous here!" After saying that, he took the arms of the two and walked up the buffer **** on the side. .

The few people just took a few steps carefully in the torrent, and the rainstorm that poured down from the sky suddenly disappeared, and a shred of ox-hair-like rain was softly falling on the faces of the few people.

A few people stopped and looked around in astonishment. The torrential rain that had just filled the eyes with white flowers and poured down, actually disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye!

A distant mountain shadow suddenly appeared in the pitch-black mountains, and a bright silver star suddenly flickered in the sky that had just been covered with dark clouds and could not see the sun. In a twinkling of an eye, even the soft raindrops like cow hair disappeared.

Wan Lin and the three looked at the night sky that suddenly appeared in front of them in astonishment. Grandpa looked up at the stars in the sky, and murmured softly, "The sky in the mountains, the face of a child. This is a change!"

Wan Lin and Xiaoya heard the voice of their grandfather, with surprised expressions on their faces, and looked up into the air.

The mountain blue sky was as clean as water, with a few faint white clouds floating in the air like satin, and the stars all over the sky shone with silver light in the dark blue night sky. The mountains show faint outlines in the starlight, and the air that seemed sultry and humid in the rainstorm has become refreshing and pleasant in an instant. The clear air and the twinkling starlight seem to allow people to see the distant horizon.

The eyes of the three of them looked at the starry sky for a while, and then turned to look at the surrounding rolling hills.

Xiaoya's eyes looked directly at the top of the mountain that she noticed just now, and a surprised look flashed in her eyes.

In the starlight, the long sword on the top of the mountain in the distance is still standing high on the top of the mountain. The white sword body is faintly revealing a cold light in the starlight, and the black giant eagle on the top of the sword tip has disappeared, as if it was just now. Lightning, thunder, and hurricanes rose into the sky, flying away from this dangerous area.

At this time, the old man and Wan Lin were paying attention to the surrounding mountains to prevent unknown dangers hidden around them. The two have lived in the mountains for a long time, knowing that this kind of rainstorm is likely to bring mountain collapse or mudslides, so the two of them pay close attention to the changes in the surrounding mountains.

The sound of running water still reverberated in the mountains, and the distant hillside was full of rapids running down the mountain. The torrential rain just now has formed ferocious torrents on the steep mountain peaks, rushing all the way down the mountain like a galloping horse.

Wan Lin and the old man observed the surrounding mountains and found no danger, so they turned their attention to the mountains in the distance.

Under the bright starlight after the rain, the floods gathered from the top of the mountain, like long silver snakes rushing down the mountain, seem to continue the momentum of the lightning and thunder, and the torrential rain just now, people still have a kind of feeling. Trembling feeling.

Wan Lin's sharp eyes swept across the mountains, turned to look at Xiaoya beside him, and saw that she was looking up at the top of the mountain in the distance, motionless.

Wan Lin looked at her in surprise and asked, "What are you looking at? Are you so focused?" When Xiaoya heard Wan Lin's question, she suddenly woke up and looked away from a distance, and muttered to herself: "It's so strange, how is it completely different from what I saw just now!"

As she said that, she held Wan Lin's arm with one hand and raised her hand to point to the top of the mountain in the distance: "Look at the top of the mountain, the long sword is still there, but why is the ferocious black eagle missing? flew away?"

Wan Lin looked up at the peculiar mountain top, with a look of surprise in his eyes. Indeed, the long sword that was inserted straight into the air above the top of the mountain in the distance still shone with cold light in the night, while the huge black eagle on the tip of the sword seemed to have disappeared without a trace.

A look of horror flashed in his eyes immediately, it was a huge rock! How could it disappear without a trace after a heavy rain? This is incredible!

Just when Wan Lin and Xiaoya were puzzled, the grandfather next to him suddenly said in a deep voice, "This is a strange place between heaven and earth. No one can guess the changes of celestial bodies and the exact direction of anything."

The old man said, raised his arm and pointed to the top of the mountain in the distance, and continued: "Look, the black eagle that suppressed the sword's edge can no longer be seen, but the long sword faintly revealed a kind of starlight. Sharp murderous aura. This not only indicates the storm just now, but it may also indicate that there is still murderous intention in our trip! The world is impermanent, and we should be careful. Fortunately, there was no danger just now, and it was safe. got through a difficult time.”

Wan Lin and Xiaoya looked at their grandfather blankly, thinking about the mystery in their grandfather's words in their minds. What did the two of them seem to have heard from the words? But he doesn't seem to understand what it means.

Wan Lin narrowed his eyes in confusion, and continued to stare at the mountain top in the distance. Then he saw the starlight faintly. The black giant eagle was still standing on one foot on the tip of the sword, but the bright starlight in the sky was blocked by a white cloud. , just blocked some of the starlight above the black eagle, so that the black giant eagle and the dim mountain behind it merged into one.

Xiaoya pondered her grandfather's words just now, what did she seem to feel? Looking up at Grandpa, he just wanted the old man to continue to explain the meaning of Huazhong just now, but at this moment, the sound of footsteps from the crowd suddenly came from behind.

Wan Lin and the other three turned their heads and looked at and saw a group of people holding flashlights, walking down the **** of the brake buffer with the accumulated water, stepping on the "pa" and "pa" of the accumulated water under their feet. The sound came clearly.

It turned out that the passengers in the cars that had just rushed into the buffer zone saw the rainstorm suddenly stop, so they jumped out of the cars and walked quickly towards the highway.

A group of people ran to the three of Wan Lin, some grabbed the arms of the three of Wan Lin, some folded their fists and bowed, each with a grateful look on their faces.

Everyone knew in their hearts that if it wasn't for the person in front of them, at any time, they would be swept away by the rapids and hit by a car that was almost out of control. They came to the road to show everyone a safe place. Can everyone stand here safe and sound now? It's hard to say, this is a life saver!

At this time, the three young men in sportswear ran over again. They grabbed Wan Lin's arm and shook it a few times. They said loudly, "Brother, thank you!"

The three of them turned their faces and looked around, and then asked, "Brother, do you see a black car behind us? It was also here to participate in the martial arts conference. We met during the day, and we agreed to go together. Yes. Just now, their car was following our car, why didn't we see them rushing to the buffer slope? "

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