Panther Commando

Chapter 1790: tragic car accident (2)

The old man saw that Xiao Yali landed and fixed the injured man's broken leg, and immediately placed the injured leg flat on the ground, his hands quickly swayed slowly on the other's leg in the direction of the blood flow, and he was lying on the ground with a pained expression on his face. The young man suddenly became quiet, as if with the movement of the old man's palm, the severe pain just now disappeared a lot.

The people around saw the old man's palm swaying back and forth four or five centimeters above the injured person's leg, and immediately understood that the old man was using deep internal strength to help him dredging the meridians. The old man not only has superb medical skills, but also has a very deep internal strength.

At this time, everyone is glad that they can participate in this martial arts conference. It seems that some rare martial arts masters will definitely show up at the conference. This is indeed a good opportunity for everyone to increase their knowledge and learn.

After a short time, the old man stopped moving and stood up. He looked at the injured person on the ground with a smile and asked, "Young man, how are you feeling?"

"Thank you old man! Much better!" the injured young man struggled to raise his head and shouted, he knew that his leg must be saved. At this time, his two slightly injured companions in the same car also hurried over, clenching their fists and thanking the old man and Wan Lin Xiaoya.

The old man stood up with a smile, waved his hand and said, "Thank you, you are all martial arts fellows!" Then he said to the two companions, "Let this young man sit up, just don't move the wound." Then he walked to the other side. A young man with a broken bone joined Xiaoya and Wan Lin in front of him.

Wan Lin and the three stood up after dealing with the injured, and everyone around them clapped their fists and saluted them. From the rescue just now, they already knew that these three people must be martial arts practitioners, and this old man is a martial arts senior with advanced skills.

Xiaoya looked at the people around her and said with a smile: "Let's all disperse, the injured are not in danger. It seems that everyone is practicing martial arts, and thanks to the fact that several people in the accident car are martial arts, the reaction is very good. Hurry up, you know how to protect yourself during the crash, and your vital parts are not seriously injured. Otherwise, in such a violent crash just now, it would be too dangerous. Fortunately, everyone moved them out of the car and got timely treatment, otherwise it would be delayed. It's still dangerous, thank you all."

The four injured people heard the doctor who treated them saying thank you, and they all raised their heads from the ground and clasped their fists around them, expressing their gratitude again and again.

Everyone nodded. Martial arts practitioners must have a much stronger response at critical moments than ordinary people, and they also know how to use movements to protect their vital parts of the body, so these people were not injured in the violent collision just now. to the vital parts. Everyone clasped their fists and saluted the wounded, and then turned to the female doctor who was following the old man in front of them.

At this time, everyone noticed that this female doctor was so young and beautiful, and everyone immediately exclaimed. At this time, Wan Lin and his grandfather had raised their flashlights and walked to the edge of the cliff not far ahead. In the bright flashlight beam, the guardrail composed of several large stones had been knocked into pieces, and pieces of huge gravel were scattered. by the road.

The two stopped and looked at the smashed rocks on the ground. They felt a little bit of shock in their hearts. This is obviously where another accident car rushed out of the roadbed and fell off the cliff.

Wan Lin and his grandfather immediately stepped on the stone with one foot, leaned out of the roadbed with the upper body, and looked down the cliff with the help of the flashlight beam, while watching, shaking the flashlight to find the accident vehicle.

At this time, Xiaoya came to her grandfather and Wan Lin while responding to the inquiries of the people around her, and the people around her also followed.

Everyone came to the place where Wan Lin and the two were standing. In the flashlight, they could see at a glance that the guardrail built with hard stones by the roadside had been hit to pieces. around.

Everyone stared at the stones in front of them and stood on the side of the road in amazement. Immediately in their minds, the car rushed down with the fierce water flow, and then swayed and slammed into the roadside guardrail. The tumbling scene.

At this moment, a cold air burst out of one by one's heart, and there was a feeling of trembling, that was just sitting in the car of a few big living people!

Everyone immediately approached the edge of the cliff carefully, and looked under the dark cliff with their probes. The flashlights in everyone's hands pointed to the bottom of the dark cliff, and the flashlight beams were like several searchlights, swaying left and right in the dark cliff.

After a while, one of them suddenly exclaimed: "Quick, look there!" A swaying beam of light suddenly stopped and shot straight down the cliff. When everyone heard the shout, they immediately pointed the flashlight at the place indicated by the people around them. Several strong beams of light immediately merged into a thick beam of light in the dark cliff, focusing on the deep bottom of the cliff.

The bottom of the cliff more than 100 meters deep was immediately exposed in the beam of light. The bottom of the cliff was full of rocks and overgrown with weeds, and a black smoke column seemed to be steaming upwards.

Everyone slowly swayed the electric light to look around the smoke column, opened their eyes and looked down, but the distance was too far, and everyone's flashlight beam only faintly illuminated the faintly rising black smoke and the jagged boulders at the bottom of the cliff. It is impossible to see the accident vehicle at the bottom of the cliff at all. Wan Lin and Xiaoya hurriedly flashed their flashlight beams.

The flashlights of the two of them are military strong light flashlights with extremely high brightness. The bright beam of light immediately focused under the black smoke. The two slowly moved the beam of light around the black Gradually, everyone watched. After clearing up the situation below, a black car wreckage was scattered under the cliff, and a car with four wheels facing Dantian could be seen turning over among the rubble, and wisps of black smoke were rising from the bottom of the car.

Everyone gasped. The car fell off such a high cliff. The car had already been torn apart, and there was no way anyone could survive inside!

Several women in the crowd immediately screamed a few times, covered their mouths and squatted on the ground, and the people next to them quickly pulled them behind to prevent them from having an accident in their panic.

The scene below was really shocking, and finally made a few timid women collapse. Several people followed from the ground and ran to the opposite side of the road, holding on to the opposite cliff and vomiting.

Wan Lin stared at the wreckage of the car below for a while, then shook his head and said: "Go back, there are all hard stones below, the car fell from such a high place, and there will never be any survivors. It's too dangerous here, let's wait. Road traffic rescuers come to the rescue, they have professional rescue equipment."

Everyone sighed and walked up the hillside. Wan Lin, Grandpa, and Xiaoya walked to the injured people on the side of the road, and saw that the mental state of the two injured people with broken bones had improved, and they were lying in the arms of their two slightly injured companions.

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