Panther Commando

Chapter 1791: night sky

Xiaoya walked over to see a few injured people, and asked a few more questions about their injuries. Then she turned to look around and said to Wan Lin who was beside her, "Let everyone go, we are here waiting for the ambulance to come."

Wan Lin nodded, turned around and clasped his fists at the crowd around him and said, "Now that the water is low, you can drive on the road, so everyone should leave first. The terrain here is too dangerous, it's best not to drive at night, everyone should look ahead. It's safer to stay in a place and wait until dawn before leaving. We'll wait here for ambulances and rescue vehicles before leaving."

Everyone looked up at the stars in the sky, and then turned to look at the smaller roads. They saw that the water on the road had disappeared, and the asphalt road had been revealed again. The lights are slowly coming this way.

Everyone immediately folded their fists and thanked Wan Lin and the others. They all reported their sect and names, and sincerely invited the three of Wan Lin to meet at the venue of the martial arts conference.

Everyone knew in their hearts that in this case, they couldn't help much here, so they got up and said goodbye.

The three of Wan Lin waited on the mountain road for more than an hour before the flashing lights of police cars and rescue vehicles appeared in the distance. After a while, several police cars and a road rescue vehicle drove over, followed by two ambulances. Also came from a distance.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya hurried up to meet them, explained what had happened to several police officers who came, and pointed to the crashed car on the cliff, then walked to the edge of the cliff and told the police that a car had fallen. up the cliff.

After listening to the introduction, the police turned around to look at Wan Lin and Xiaoya and said, "In the rainstorm just now, there have been several major traffic accidents in the mountains, and we just came over after dealing with another accident. It's too careless to drive on the rough and steep mountain roads, isn't this a joke about your own life! Okay, thank you, let us handle it here."

At this time, the ambulance also drove along the steep hillside and stopped on the side of the road. Xiaoya quickly stepped forward and brought several emergency personnel who jumped out of the car to the injured person and detailed the injuries of several people. situation and how to handle it yourself.

After the other party heard Xiaoya's introduction, the two emergency doctors immediately squatted down and checked the wounded's condition. Seeing that the wounded's body was wrapped with bandages and the fractures were fixed with splints, one doctor turned his head to look at Xiaoya. Surprised, he asked, "Are you a doctor?"

Xiaoya nodded and replied, "Yes, we have already dealt with the open fractures of the two injured people, you just need to be careful while moving."

Several paramedics immediately carried the two injured people on stretchers into the ambulance, and drove down the mountain with the flashing police lights on.

Wan Lin and the three sent away a few wounded. Wan Lin turned around and said to a policeman who was checking the situation next to him, "Then we're leaving too, you've worked hard." One of the policemen straightened up and said, "Thank you, and the rest Give it to us, be careful when driving, now the mountain road is slippery and very dangerous." Wan Lin hurriedly clasped his fists to express his gratitude.

Wan Lin then accompanied his grandfather and Xiaoya back to the buffer road, bent over to remove the two stones in front of the car, and then walked to the car.

At this time, Xiaoya got into the car and took out the clothes of grandfather and Wan Lin from the backpack in the trunk, and handed them over: "The clothes are soaking wet, you can put on something dry before you go." Grandpa and Wan Lin laughed When he got up, Wan Lin said with a smile, "Do you think our clothes are still wet?"

Xiaoya opened her eyes wide and looked at the two of them. Only then did she realize that the clothes on Grandpa and Wan Lin were very dry, as if they had not been wet by the rain. She was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: It turned out that the grandfather and grandson were the two of them just now. He had used his skills in the rescue a long time ago and evaporated the water vapor in his clothes, and it was already dry by this time.

Wan Lin immediately said, "Hurry up and change into dry clothes in the car." With that, he pulled his grandfather aside and looked up at the night sky like a wash.

After the rainstorm, the night sky was full of stars, and a pale yellow crescent moon was already hanging obliquely on the top of the mountain in the distance. The clear air was a little cool. The two watched the stars in the sky for a while, and unconsciously turned their eyes to the sharp long sword on the top of the mountain in the distance.

At this moment, the long sword that shone coldly under the silver starlight was still thrusting straight into the air, as if it had pierced the black giant eagle for you, and a murderous aura still stabbed straight into the air.

But the pale yellow crescent moon that exudes a serene and soft breath in the air just blocks the sky above the long sword, and that savage murderous aura just faces the crooked crescent moon. Blocked by the peaceful pale yellow crescent moon, the pale yellow moonlight seemed to have the tolerance of Haihan, and the fierce murderous aura was contained in the peaceful moonlight.

"Hehehe, good! The peaceful and tranquil moonlight has neutralized the violent aura on the long sword and contained the fierce murderous aura. We are safe now, thank God!" Grandpa stared at the sky. The pale yellow crescent moon suddenly raised his arms and clasped his fists, and a pleasant laughter came out of his mouth.

At this moment, Xiaoya put on a dry set of sportswear in the car, pushed the door and jumped down, just in time to hear the hearty laughter of the old man. She glanced at Wan Lin in and then came over and hugged grandpa's arm affectionately, looked up into the air following grandpa's eyes, and asked softly, "Grandpa, what do you see? Why? Why are you so happy?"

Grandpa glanced at Xiaoya and Wan Lin with kind eyes, raised his finger to the crescent moon and the long sword in the distance, and said, "Look, now this crescent moon just blocks the violent aura emanating from the long sword. , and the black eagle that I couldn't see just now seems to fly back and grab the sword's edge. The edge of the sword has been completely suppressed by the black eagle and the crescent moon in the air. Haha, aren't we safe now?"

Wan Lin and Xiaoya stared at the mountain in the distance. The scene in front of them was exactly as Grandpa said. The sharp and sharp sword could no longer see the murderous aura of cold light. The pale yellow moonlight and the faintly reappearing huge black shadow suppressed it.

Xiaoya stared into the distance for a while, then turned to look at her grandfather, and asked with admiration in her eyes, "Grandpa, do you still watch the sky at night?"

"Hahaha" The old man laughed heartily, looked down at Xiaoya's pretty face, and said kindly: "I'm not like Zhuge Liang! However, the sky is a very mysterious thing, it seems to be in the vast universe. There is a mysterious force that has been dominating the universe in the dark, and this force has a mysterious fit with our world."

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