Panther Commando

Chapter 1792: mountain town

When the old man said this, he looked up at the twinkling stars in the sky, and then said: "<Book of Changes? Cologne" once said: The sky hangs the elephant, see good and bad, the saint is like it.... In the Book of Changes, it is said that heaven The honor is above, and the earth is low."

"And everything between heaven and earth can't help but be humble and tall. Everything and everything in heaven and earth are moving and must be static, and static must be moving. There is a certain normality between movement and stillness, but it is unpredictable. There are various changes between heaven and earth. There is some kind of inevitable connection.”

"Some wise men in ancient times often set up hexagrams to observe images to detect good and bad luck. They can be said to be able to participate in heaven and earth, and they can achieve immortal status. Ha ha ha, these are some sayings in the past, which have profound philosophical principles, but they are obscure and profound. , It's hard to understand, you don't need to go into it."

When the old man said this, he glanced at Wan Lin and Xiaoya, laughed when he saw the two obsessed, and continued: "Hehehe, Zhouyi is the most famous philosophical work in ancient my country, you may as well when you have time. Look, there are many mysterious truths in it. I don’t know how to set up hexagrams and visions, but this kind of fit between heaven and earth is very mysterious. There must be some kind of inevitable connection between all things, as long as you pay attention, you can Some caveats have been observed.”

Wan Lin and Xiaoya nodded their heads, sighing in their minds: Chinese civilization is really broad and profound, not only martial arts and medical skills have many inexplicable mysteries, but also their understanding of nature and the Chinese nation. own unique insights.

Grandpa laughed when he saw the two of them: "Hehehe, don't think about it, the grandfather's stuff is extensive and profound, how can we mortals think and understand it? As long as we can take a look at it with our hearts, we can benefit a lot. That's enough. Don't think about it, let's go." With that, he opened the door and got in.

That night, Wan Lin carefully drove his jeep to a small mountain town in the middle of a mountain. In the hazy night, several people could see the dim yellow lights in the town from a distance.

Wan Lin slowed down and drove towards the town, lest the sound of his engine break the tranquility of the town. He drove slowly into the town, and with the help of the headlights in front of the car, he watched the residential buildings on the side of the road. On both sides of the narrow street, there were small bamboo buildings with local characteristics.

The car slowly drove towards the center of the town, and Wan Lin suddenly found a small bamboo building not far ahead. From the window on the second floor, there was a big red lantern with the words "hotel" written on it. Several cars are parked.

Wan Lin's eyes swept across the town quickly, and he saw that the town was extremely quiet. There were only a few street lamps standing quietly on both sides of the dark street, and the dim lights shone on the narrow streets paved with bluestone.

On both sides of the street are two or three-story bamboo buildings. On the top of the pointed arched buildings, a string of bamboo pieces are dripping with water droplets. rushing along the naturally formed **** towards the mountains below.

Wan Lin glanced around in the car, turned to look at his grandfather and asked softly, "There is a small hotel in front of us, shall we stay here for the night?"

The old man nodded, Wan Lin drove slowly to the front of the inn, parked the car behind the two cars in front, opened the door and jumped down gently. Grandpa and Xiaoya also opened the car door and came out. Several people stood by the car and carefully looked at this mountain town deep in the mountains.

A breeze was blowing through the street with a hint of coolness, and the "tick" sound of running water echoed in the quiet town. The fresh air after the rain, with a little coolness and tiny droplets of water, gently blew on the cheeks of the three of them, which refreshed the three people who were already a little sleepy.

The town is built in a mountain and surrounded by mountains. The mountain just after the rainstorm is faintly revealing the streams flowing down the mountain, reflecting the bead-like jumping crystal light under the starlight, just like this quiet place. The town is surrounded by countless shining pearls.

The three quietly looked at the surrounding night scene of the mountains for a while, and their eyes showed amazement. Not only are the mountains beautiful here, but even the scenery at night after the rain is unique, which makes people feel like they will never forget to return.

Several people immediately turned their attention to the hotel entrance. There were several cars of various types parked on both sides of the narrow street. Dim lights were shining from the gaps of the two bamboo doors, and it was very quiet inside. Looking at the parking positions of the surrounding vehicles, some people who arrived early not only lived in this small hotel, but also stayed in the surrounding mountain people's homes.

Xiaoya said in a low voice, "Those people I saw on the mountain must live here." Wan Lin and his grandfather also looked at the surrounding cars, picked up their backpacks and walked towards the hotel door with a smile.

Wan Lin came to the door and knocked lightly on the door. The door was silent. Wan Lin then gently pushed open the opposite bamboo door. The dim light in the house immediately rushed towards him. On the side of the first floor was a cash register made of bamboo. , A thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl was dozing on the cashier counter, and she didn't notice the sudden appearance of the guest.

Wan Lin and the others all laughed when they saw the girl's appearance, Xiaoya stepped forward and tapped the table beside the girl's face lightly. The girl raised her head suddenly, and drowsily looked at Xiaoya with a beautiful face in front of her. She didn't make a sound for a while, as if she hadn't recovered from her sleep.

Xiaoya tapped on the table asked in a low voice with a smile, "Little sister, is there any place to stay?" He quickly stood up and replied with a shy look on his face. He looked at Xiaoya and said with a smile: "Seeing how beautiful my sister is, I thought I had a dream that the fairy sister is here."

Grandpa, Wan Lin, and Xiaoya all laughed and looked at the little girl in front of them intently. The girl was thirteen or four years old, with a height of about 1.5 meters, thin body, a pair of bright big eyes inlaid on her slightly black face, and a naive and simple look.

Xiaoya looked at the little sister in front of her with love, and said with a smile, "We are immortals and we need to stay here, right?"

The girl walked out from behind the counter with a smile, picked up a bunch of keys on the table and said softly, "Yes, yes, of course I welcome Sister Shenxian to live in the store. It's strange these days. Usually we rarely have outsiders here. Unexpectedly, there are so many customers now, and there are often arrivals in the middle of the night, all of them are big and three thick, and they look scary, unlike you, who are so beautiful like gods and fairies.”

The girl raised her eyes and glanced at the old man as she spoke, and called out in a clear voice, "Hello, Grandpa." The old man nodded fondly: "Haha, such a happy little girl."

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