Panther Commando

Chapter 1794: shabby room

Xiaoya looked up at Wan Lin and her grandfather, and saw that they were listening intently to the girl's story. After listening to Xiaolan for a while, she interjected and asked, "You people here, you could see the bad guy clearly at that time. ?"

When the girl heard Xiaoya's question, she immediately replied, "According to the girl's father, the person who came was wearing a hood, and he couldn't see the person's face clearly, but it looked like he was in his twenties or thirties. Very fast. He heard his daughter's shout at that time, and rushed out of his room. As soon as he reached the door of his daughter's room, the bad guy rushed out of the room, punching him from the second floor to the downstairs, and then kicked him again. The girl's mother kicked down on the bamboo building, then jumped out from the window opposite the second floor, and disappeared into the mountain in a blink of an eye."

"The elder brothers and uncles who live nearby heard the shouting here and rushed over with the guy. They searched the mountains for most of the night and couldn't find him. No... I didn't expect him to be so bold, today... Come again tonight."

Wan Lin and his grandfather glanced at each other after listening to the girl's description. Both of them judged from the girl's description that the satyr was a martial artist, otherwise it would be difficult to escape from the pursuit of the mountain people.

The mountain people work in the mountains all the year round, and their physical fitness is very strong. They look thin and thin, but they have great strength in their hands, and their legs and feet are more agile. It is difficult for ordinary people to escape from their feet, unless they are specially trained martial artists. .

At this time, Xiaoya had already understood what happened, she raised her arms around the terrified girl and said to her grandfather and Wan Lin, "No wonder the people from the town and the surrounding mountains came out so quickly, it turns out that this pervert has already committed crimes here, So people around are very vigilant."

Wan Lin nodded and said, "When we were going out just now, we saw a black figure jumping out of the dwelling on the mountain. Judging from the other party's escaping movements, it should be someone who practiced martial arts."

He shook his head as he spoke, looked at his grandfather and said, "In such a dark night, it is very difficult for those chasing to catch up with the gangsters with martial arts, even if they encounter him, it is impossible to keep him, and he may beat him if they make trouble. hurt".

Grandpa nodded and said thoughtfully, "I'm sure I can't catch up. That kid's legs and feet are quite neat, his movements shuffling from left to right, and his running route is very strange. Obviously he has received strict training. I don't think he is simply practicing martial arts. man of".

Wan Lin and Xiaoya were stunned when they heard Grandpa's analysis, and quickly recalled the situation of the black shadow they saw at that time, and they remembered that after the other party jumped out of the residential house on the hillside, it was indeed as Grandpa said, and the movements were extreme from left to right. It's erratic, the running action does seem to have undergone extremely strict military training, and it is difficult for a martial artist to run out of such an evasion line, which is a running line to avoid bullets in battle.

When the two of them thought of this, their faces suddenly became serious. I heard the girl talk about the martial arts conference just now. They took it for granted that the gangster was a scum in the martial arts. Now that they remembered the other party's escape, it was indeed as Grandpa said, the other party would never be a simple martial arts practitioner.

Wan Lin and the two are special soldiers themselves. They know that those who have received strict military training will consider avoiding being the target of the opponent's shooting on the battlefield, and to avoid being the target of sniping by the opponent's judgment of the law of action. such an action.

At this time, grandpa looked down at the frightened girl, reached out and grabbed her arm and gently pulled her to his side to comfort him: "Little girl, don't be afraid, grandpa is here." Then he looked around and whispered. He asked, "Why are you alone in this small hotel, where are your parents?"

The girl raised her eyes to look at the kind old man, her eyes were red, and she said, "I was going to school, but when my father was collecting herbs in the mountains a few months ago, he suddenly fell off the cliff from the mountain, and he fell seriously and broke his leg. If it was broken, he would be bedridden in one fell swoop, and all the money in the family was used to treat his father's injuries, but now it is getting heavier and heavier."

The girl continued with a gloomy face: "There is a younger brother under me who is in elementary school. In desperation, I dropped out of school and opened this small hotel to earn some money to support the family. I can't even earn my father's medical expenses by relying on my mother alone. This bamboo building was left to us by my grandfather before he died." The girl said, tears streaming down her cheeks. .

Grandpa raised his hand to gently wipe the tears from the girl's face, touched her head distressedly, and pondered for a while before saying, "Good girl, don't cry, take me to your house tomorrow to see your father and see if you can help him. ".

The girl raised her head in surprise, looked at the tall grandfather and asked, "Grandpa, are you a doctor? Great, my dad is finally saved. When my dad just fell off the mountain, the neighbors' elder brothers and uncles carried My father went to the county, and the doctor there said that my father's injury was extremely serious and he was hospitalized. Just take it home again."

Seeing the girl's eager eyes, the grandfather said kindly, "Son, don't worry. I'm not a doctor, but this big sister is. Shall we go see your father together tomorrow?"

"Okay! Thank you, I won't charge you for the room, and I'll make you delicious food tomorrow." The girl raised her face and said innocently. Grandpa, Wan Lin, and Xiaoya all laughed, but looking at the girl's black and thin face and those big eyes that shone with excitement, there was a sour feeling in their ~ A young girl in her youth, who should have been studying and playing happily in school, but in this impoverished mountain, she was forced to give up her studies because of life, and she took on the burden of the family at a young age. But in such a predicament, she did not lose the simplicity and kindness of people in the mountains, nor did she lose the innocence and cuteness that such a big girl should have, which really made the three feel uncomfortable and distressed.

The girl then took her grandfather's hand and said excitedly: "Grandpa, big brother, big brother, big sister, you all go to the room with me to rest first, I happen to have two more rooms here" and took the grandfather and walked towards the stairs.

The three followed the girl to the second floor. They saw a hall in the middle of the second floor. An incandescent lamp with dim light was hung on the roof. The floor was made of bamboo. There were seven or eight rooms around the hall. , the bamboo doors are tightly closed.

The girl led the three of them lightly to the two rooms on the edge, and the bamboo floor made a slight creaking sound under the girl's feet.

Grandpa, Wan Lin, and Xiaoya looked at the closed doors around them. Knowing that the passengers around them had rested, they immediately raised their indignation and followed the girl gently, but there was no sound from their feet.

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