Panther Commando

Chapter 1795: Bamboo Leaf Fragrant Tea

The girl came to the door and gently pushed open a bamboo door. She turned her head and glanced in amazement at the three people who followed closely behind her. She seemed very surprised that the three of them were walking on the already dilapidated bamboo floor without making any sound. .

The girl walked into the room and pulled the light cord on the wall beside the door, and the room immediately became dimly lit. The two bamboo single beds were neatly placed in the middle of the room, and there was a piece of bamboo between the two beds. small bedside table.

The furnishing of the room is extremely rudimentary, and the two single beds are covered with a batik sheet of coarse cloth and finely broken orchids.

Xiaoya walked over and looked down at the bed, and saw that the sheets were patched with thin stitches, and there were burrs on the edges, but the sheets were extremely clean, and the bedside and bedside tables were spotless. Obviously, the girl was extremely diligent.

The girl looked at Xiaoya and stared at the patch on the bed, her big eyes suddenly turned red, she took Xiaoya's hand and said apologetically, "Sister, I'm too broken here, I should have changed the sheets a long time ago, but I didn't. The money to buy new sheets is still woven by my mother, and my mother and I also mend the broken parts.”

When the girl said this, she looked up at Xiaoya with longing eyes: "Sister, don't dislike this place, although the things I have here are shabby, but every time someone lives there, I will take it and run to the creek on the mountain to wash it several times. It's clean!" She was really afraid that the three people in front of her would dislike the shabby place.

Xiaoya gently pulled her into her arms and said, "I don't dislike it. How could my sister, grandpa, and eldest brother dislike you here? It's nice to keep you clean here. We live here!" He turned his head to look at Wan Lin and said, "You and grandpa live in this room, and I live in the next room."

After listening to Xiaoya's words with red eyes, the girl's black and thin face suddenly showed two rows of white teeth, and she said happily, "Thank you, sister, I don't charge you money because I'm afraid that you will dislike me here. It's not clean, I'll take you to the next room." He said, pulling Xiaoya to the door.

Grandpa and Wan Lin stood beside the bed, watching the thin little girl pulling Xiaoya's back, a distressed look appeared in their eyes. The little girl took Xiaoya out of the room, turned around and smiled innocently at Grandpa and Wan Lin, and then closed the door carefully.

Grandpa sat slowly on the bamboo bed beside him, stretched out his broad palms and slowly stroked the patches on the sheets, tears suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he sighed faintly: "This child is not a few years older than Jingyi, but Life is like a sky and an earth. While Jingyi and the others are practicing, studying and playing, this child is already busy raising a family at such a young age. Alas, I really can't see this, we will go to her house tomorrow to see Bar".

Wan Lin also sat beside the bed, and replied with a gloomy expression: "Okay, you should rest early, you have been busy all night." He took off his coat and lay down.

The next morning, Grandpa woke up early and sat on the bed to meditate for a while, then called Wan Lin and Xiaoya and walked downstairs with their backpacks.

The little girl who was lying on the counter and sleeping heard the sound, and suddenly raised her head from the counter. She first looked at the tightly closed door with frightened eyes. Seeing that the door was still tightly closed, she turned her head to the stairs with confidence. Looking up, I saw that the three of Wan Lin were walking downstairs slowly.

She quickly rubbed her sleepy eyes, got up and walked out of the counter to meet her and asked in a low voice, "Grandpa, why did you get up so early? You only slept for a few hours."

The grandfather waved his hand, and the girl whispered obediently, "Then you go to the back and wash up first." With that, she led the three of them through the back door of the bamboo building to the back of the bamboo building.

At this time, it was not yet bright, and the morning light reflected the surrounding hazy. The three of Wan Lin walked out of the bamboo building and looked around. Behind the bamboo building was a steep hillside. A clear mountain spring slowly flowed down from the top of the mountain like a silver chain, and along the halfway of the mountain was a waterway made of bamboo. Slowly flowing down, the spring water is clear and translucent, and the sound of the "rushing" water of the mountain stream is crisp and pleasant in the silent mountains.

The girl pointed to the trickle and said proudly, "You guys can wash here for a while, the spring water is so sweet." Wan Lin turned to look at the girl and said, "Thank you." After that, he put his backpack on the side of a bamboo On the table, I bent down and took out the toiletries and handed them to my grandfather...

After a few people washed up and walked back to the bamboo building, the girl was standing by the counter holding an old teapot, pouring tea into three transparent glasses. At this moment, when she saw the three of them approaching, she immediately greeted them with a glass cup in both hands. Seeing this, Xiaoya hurried over to take the tea that the girl was holding, and turned around and handed it to her grandfather.

Grandpa looked down at the glass in his hand, and saw that the tea in the cup was green and crystal clear, and the fragrance of tender bamboo came to his nostrils. At this time, Wan Lin and Xiaoya also raised their hands to take the tea handed over by the girl. The three of them put the teacups to their mouths and smelled it.

"What kind of fragrant tea! What kind of tea is this?" Grandpa asked greedily, smelling the tea in the cup, Wan Lin and Xiaoya stared at the spread out leaves in the cup, Xiaoya suddenly said: "Bamboo leaves! Is this Bamboo Leaf Green Tea?" He said, looking at the smiling girl in front of him.

The girl nodded with a and said: "This is soaked with freshly picked bamboo leaves from Houshan, and it is very fragrant. This is a kind of tender bamboo unique to us here. It is said that other places are very special. Rarely seen. What we usually drink is last year. You came at the right time. A few bamboo shoots have just sprung up on our back mountain. The charcoal fire has dried, I just want you to get up and taste this fresh bamboo leaf tea."

Several people glanced at the little girl whose eyes were a little red in astonishment, and nodded moved. When the few people went downstairs just now, the little girl was still lying on the counter. It turned out that she was picking and making these cups of tea for several people overnight so that they could taste fresh bamboo leaf tea. No wonder these cups of tea smell so fragrant, which contains the strong friendship of this immature little girl.

The three hurriedly drank the tea in the cup into their mouths, savoring the fragrance in their mouths. At this time, the three of them felt that the tea in the cup had a peculiar fragrance, which made them feel like they had penetrated deep into the internal organs and felt comfortable throughout the body. They know that this is not only the feeling brought by the fragrance of the tea itself, but also the kindness and simplicity unique to the mountain people deep in the mountains on the girl.

Grandpa finished tasting the tea in the cup, waved his hand and pushed away the teapot brought by the girl and said, "Okay, let's drink it when we come back. If you're not busy now, can you take us to your house?"

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