Panther Commando

Chapter 1799: The Magical Use of Long Whip

Wan Lin stared at the exposed half-cut bone for a while, then frowned and said, "Grandpa asked me to break and reset his broken bone with you first!"

Xiaoya nodded, pointed to the first aid box next to her, and said, "There are gloves there." Wan Lin nodded, then took off the backpack on his shoulders, squatted on the ground and took out a long whip.

This is the gift that grandpa gave to each leopard team member. It is the long whip woven from the branches of the magical incense tree. Wan Lin took out the long whip and said to the girl's mother next to her, "We are ready to treat. You go downstairs first and come up later."

Xiaolan's mother looked at the long whip in the young man's hand in astonishment, and glanced at her husband hesitantly. The man nodded to her with clenched teeth and whispered, "Go!" The girl's mother hesitated. Go to the stairs.

Wan Lin saw the girl's mother walking down the stairs, and then pulled the whip out of the snakeskin cover. A faint fragrance immediately filled the dilapidated small building. Wan Lin immediately raised the whip and handed it to him. Xiaoya said in front of her face, "take a sip."

Xiaoya hurriedly took a deep breath at the whip, and immediately understood in her heart that Grandpa wanted Wan Lin to use the scent of the incense sticks on the whip to anesthetize the patient. Obviously, he was afraid that the anaesthetic he used in western medicine would have a bad effect on the patient's weak body, so he told Wan Lin to use the poisonous gas in this long whip.

The girl's mother was asked to leave because she was afraid that she would be in a coma due to inhalation of this magical aroma, and it was very terrifying to see the broken bone being reconnected. It is best for the injured family members not to watch.

Wan Lin immediately held the handle of the whip and said to the girl's father: "Your broken leg is dislocated and has grown. If you want to stand up again, you need to break it and reconnect it. The treatment process will be very painful, can you bear it? "

Only now did the girl's father realize that the young man and the girl were going to re-break the dislocated bones of his injured leg, and then align and reconnect!

He blinked his eyes weakly, and the light flashed in his eyes and said in a low voice: "Come on, I am like this, I am not afraid of death, are you still afraid of pain? As long as it is to make me stand up again, you are bold. Treat it, even if it is put to death, I am willing!"

After saying these few words, he gasped violently, obviously the function of the whole body has reached the point where the lamp oil is exhausted.

Wan Lin looked at him and nodded. He understood the thoughts of the wounded in his heart: it is better to let them let go of treatment, at least they have given him hope of life.

He raised his hand, rolled the long whip into a ball and put it in front of the injured person's face, and said in a low voice, "Good job! Don't worry, we will do our best to get you back on your feet!"

The man looked at Wan Lin's eyes with a hopeful look in his eyes, and then slowly leaned his head on the reclining chair while breathing, and then his eyes slowly closed.

Xiaoya got up and looked at the injured person's demeanor, then took a look at the other's eyelids, nodded to Wan Lin and said, "Okay, let's do it!"

Wan Lin walked in front of the other party and carefully checked the injured leg bones. He then raised his head and nodded at Xiaoya, indicating that he was ready. He followed the right hand and quickly clicked on the acupoints around the injured leg a few times. Grasp the broken part with both hands and squeeze hard to both sides.

"Crack", with the crisp sound, the broken bones that had been dislocated and grown together were immediately separated again, and a stream of blood immediately came out of the sand mouth.

Wan Lin closed his eyes slightly, and moved the other's broken bones slowly a few times based on the feeling in his hands, followed by abruptly pressing his hands towards the middle, firmly closing the broken bones together, and opened his eyes to face him. Zhan Xiaoya nodded: "Okay, it's right! You can deal with the wound and the splint."

Xiaoya nodded, took out the cotton wool and alcohol cotton to quickly deal with the bloodstains from the wound, then took out a bamboo tube, sprinkled the medicine powder evenly on the wound, quickly wrapped the wound with gauze, and then took out the splint to The wound was firmly fixed, followed by taking out the injection and injecting the injured with anti-inflammatory medicine, then raised his head and said to Wan Lin, "Okay!"

Wan Lin watched Xiaoya deal with the injured person quickly and swiftly, and then placed the injured leg of the injured person on the reclining chair, placed a bamboo stool next to the injured person's feet, looked up at Xiaoya and smiled proudly: "How is it, my osteosynthesis is not bad, right?"

With the same pretty face, Xiaoya said coquettishly, "You stinky, I will learn from my grandfather when I look back, and I will definitely be better than you when I start."

She knew that Wan Lin had been handed down by his grandfather since he was a child. Not only did he fully inherit his martial arts, but he also inherited 50 to 60 percent of his ancestral medical skills. As for setting bones and dealing with various traumas, this is a skill that most martial arts masters have mastered.

At this time, the grandfather and the girl hurried up the stairs. The girl walked up the stairs and saw her father lying motionless on the reclining chair with his eyes closed at a glance, her face changed immediately!

The girl shouted in horror, "Dad!" She raised her feet and ran to the front of the reclining chair, with a look of horror in the big eyes on her face.

Xiaoya hurried up to meet her, grabbed her arm and said, "It's okay, your father just fell asleep under anesthesia." Then, she pointed to her father's injured leg and said, "Look, big brother is helping your father. The leg injury is healed, don't worry!"

When the girl heard that her father was asleep, she realized that they were treating her father's She turned her eyes to her father's injured leg, and saw that layers of white gauze were neatly tied on it. Dad's legs stretched out straight on the recliner.

She quickly raised her eyes to look at Wan Lin who was smiling, and asked in disbelief, "Big brother, have you really healed my dad's broken leg? Can my dad really stand up again?"

Wan Lin smiled and didn't answer, Xiaoya smiled and said: "There must be no problem with the leg, the key is to see how your father's internal injury is treated. Don't worry, let Grandpa help your father treat the internal injury first, this is the most important thing. of".

Xiaolan nodded quickly. At this time, the girl's mother also carried the bamboo chair downstairs and slowly walked up the stairs. When she heard Xiaoya's words, she hurried over and placed the chair beside her husband. She glanced worriedly at her sleeping husband, turned her head and said to the girl, "please sit down, grandpa."

She raised her foot and walked in front of Wan Lin and said with a trembling mouth: "You treat us, we don't have money for you, but you still bought so much food and food, thank you so much... !"

As she spoke, two lines of hot tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes, and her lips were trembling with excitement, as if she didn't know what to say to thank her? Her lips quivered for a moment, and she bowed sharply, her head almost touching the floor.

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