Panther Commando

Chapter 1800: prayer in the heart

Seeing Xiaolan's mother's excited look, Wanlin quickly stepped back and looked at Xiaoya, Xiaoya stepped forward and pulled Xiaolan's mother, smiled and said, "Don't be so polite, you can cure Xiaolan's father's illness. That's it. Besides, the patient also needs to increase nutrition, so that they can recover as soon as possible."

Wan Lin entered the bamboo building just now and saw the girl's house and the two bowls of rice porridge on the table with a few grains of rice floating on the table. He immediately understood that the family was in a desperate situation, and even basic food and clothing had problems. So he didn't say a word, turned around and went back to the town to buy a large bag of grain and a lot of food, and then returned with his back.

The girl's mother went downstairs just now and saw the things placed on the ground, and immediately understood that it was sent by the young man who just went up. This simple, honest and simple mountain woman was excited, but she would not express her gratitude with gorgeous words, but only choked and bent her waist deeply, expressing her gratitude in this primitive way.

When Xiaolan saw her mother's appearance, she realized that the big brother had already bought a lot of food for the family. She ran to her mother's side and bowed to Wanlin as well, with tears in her eyes.

Since her father was seriously injured, in order to rescue the injured, they not only gave all their family savings to the hospital, but also owed a lot of money to their relatives and friends. I have tried my best to help their family. But a drop in the bucket of relief will not solve the family that has lost its main labor force.

Now, these few strangers who met by chance, not only took the initiative to heal their father, but also helped their own family with their own pockets. This really made Xiaolan feel a warm current in the heart of this little girl. It was originally caused by the thief. The psychological shadow suddenly disappeared. She understood in her young heart that there are still many good people in the world!

Xiaoya saw the poor mother and daughter bent over and refused to straighten up, she quickly took off the rubber gloves with blood in her hands, and walked over to pull them up. up.

Xiaoya did not continue to stop the mother and daughter who were hugging and crying. She suddenly felt a burst of grief in her heart. The girl gave up her studies at a young age and worked hard with her mother to maintain this poor family.

But when the few of them arrived at her small hotel last night, the girl greeted them with a bright smile, and served every guest who came silently with her simplicity. Now, the girl finally cried out the pain and grievance she had deeply suppressed in her heart.

After a while, she gently pulled the girl to her side, took out a tissue, wiped her face and whispered, "Don't cry, grandpa cured your father together, and your life will be better! Come on! , to see grandpa heal your father."

The mother and daughter stopped crying when they heard Xiaoya's words, and both turned their heads and looked to the side. At this time, Wan Lin and the old man were already sitting cross-legged on either side of the injured person, holding one hand of the injured person with their eyes slightly closed, focusing on exercise.

At this time, the morning light from the mountains shone into the room through the bamboo window on the second floor of the bamboo building, leaving a mottled fragment of light and shadow on the dilapidated bamboo floor. Wan Lin and his grandfather, who were sitting cross-legged on either side of the injured person, lowered their eyes and remained motionless like monks in meditation.

Gradually, a very faint circle of light slowly rose from the old man's body, followed by Wan Lin's body, a layer of pale pink air circle emerged, and slowly merged with the air circle emanating from the old man's body, bringing the two together. And the wounded gradually wrapped up.

The fragrance of the fragrant devil tree emanating from the long whip just now still floats faintly on the second floor. With the attractive fragrance and pink aura, the dilapidated bamboo building is enveloped in a mysterious atmosphere at once. .

Xiaolan and her mother stared blankly at everything in front of them, the faint aroma seemed to suddenly calm their excitement. Xiaolan's mother stared blankly at her husband who was still sleeping for a while, and suddenly saw that a ruddy color had appeared on the dark and withered face, and the two suddenly knelt on the bamboo building with their knees bent. With his hands tightly clasped in front of his chest, he stared at the miraculous scene in front of him, and prayed in his heart that his loved ones could regain their health!

Xiaolan's mother's originally desperate eyes had brightened, and a long-lost smile suddenly appeared on her dark face. She quietly looked at her husband lying on the sickbed for a while, and suddenly wiped a hand full of it. Tears on his face, quietly stood up from the floor, turned around and walked downstairs without a word.

Xiaolan turned her head in shock to look at her mother who was walking quietly, and suddenly found that her mother's heavy footsteps suddenly seemed so light, as if she was suddenly ten years younger, and her thin body was glowing with a kind of youthful vitality. !

After a short time, there was a sound of vegetable chopping downstairs, and a strong aroma of rice also permeated the dilapidated bamboo building.

Xiaolan slowly stood up from the ground, turned around and hugged Xiaoya beside her tightly, leaning on Xiaoya's body, her big eyes flashing with a bright lustre, and she was passing through the The eyes of tears looked at the three people wrapped in pink circles, and a strong hope flashed in their eyes.

Time passed quickly, and a few hours passed in a blink of an eye. Grandpa and Wan Lin sat motionless beside the injured person. The pink balloon outside the two of them had gradually deepened, as if a pink balloon was wrapping the three of them.

Xiaoya looked worriedly at the old man and Wan Lin in the She already knew from the color of the aerosphere that the two had already spent a lot of infuriating energy, otherwise the color of the aerosphere wouldn't darken.

Xiaoya already knows that after Wanjia's skills have reached a certain level, she can force her true qi out of her body, not only to attack the enemy but also to defend herself.

For practitioners, with the deepening of kung fu, the infuriating qi that is forced out of the body will appear this kind of pink air circle. When the practitioner reaches the peak of Wanjia's kung fu, the true qi forced out of the body will be invisible again.

The infuriating energy on Grandpa's body just now was very pale, while the infuriating energy on Wan Lin's body was pink, which showed that Grandpa's skill was obviously much higher than Wan Lin's.

The pink infuriating energy that Wan Lin forced out of his body was much shallower than the previous stage, which showed that his internal strength was already quite deep. Among the ten thousand children of his own, currently only Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa can force the True Qi out of the body, but they have only reached the initial stage of skill.

Now, the air circles outside Grandpa and Wan Lin have darkened, which means that the two have spent a lot of infuriating energy. Wan Lin's breathing has become a little short and his face has turned pale, but Xiaoya just opened his eyes. Big eyes looked at the two of them worriedly, but did not step forward to help.

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