Panther Commando

Chapter 1801: simple thanks

Xiaoya knew that the gap between her internal skills and Wan Lin and her grandfather was too great, and she couldn't help at this time. Under the circumstance of these two masters of internal power in the world trying their best to force out their internal strength, he couldn't get close to them in their body protection magic, and could only watch everything in front of him.

It was almost noon. Xiaolan's mother walked upstairs lightly from downstairs with an orchid earth cloth apron tied around her waist. She stood at the entrance of the stairs, wiping her hands with her apron, and looked upstairs, staring at the air circle with astonishment in her eyes, and then walked gently to Xiaoya's side.

Xiaoya turned her head and saw that she was about to open her mouth to speak, knowing that she had already made lunch, and wanted to invite the three of herself to go down to lunch. She quickly waved her hand and pointed to the three people in the field, indicating that they should not be disturbed at this time.

At this moment, Grandpa and Wan Lin suddenly took their hands away from the injured person, folded their hands on everything and placed them in their dantian position, closing their eyes and quietly regulating their true qi. The faces of the two of them have turned pale, and it is obvious that they have spent a lot of infuriating energy in their bodies, and they are now regulating their infuriating energy.

The wounded was still lying quietly on the reclining chair, a blush appeared on the pale and dull face, and the originally rapid breathing became soothing and stable.

After a while, grandfather and Wan Lin stood up from the floor of the bamboo building at the same time, grandfather nodded to Xiaolan and his daughter who were staring at him with a smile, and then said, "Xiaolan, take the little girl I made just now. Give me the pills and bring me a glass of warm water."

"Hey" Xiaolan agreed crisply, raised her hand and handed her grandfather's small backpack, then turned to the small table next to her, picked up the thermos and poured a bowl of water, and then added some cold water from the side. Then he walked to his father lightly, looking up at the tall grandfather with his head up, his eyes full of excitement.

Grandpa took out a small bamboo tube from the bag with a smile, turned around and handed the bamboo tube to Xiaoya who came over and said, "Give him two orally, and put the rest away."

Xiaoya opened the sealed stopper on the bamboo tube, and a fragrance filled the room immediately. Xiaoya looked at her grandfather in surprise and asked, "Did you give him a fragrant magic pill?"

The grandfather nodded and said, "There is no other way, Xiaolan's father's internal injury is extremely serious, and it has been delayed for such a long time, otherwise it will be difficult to recover. I will use these two fragrant magic pills to suppress his injury, leaving some dredging. The good medicine for blood can quickly recover. He is the backbone of this family. If he can't stand up, this family will be destroyed. Lin Er and I have opened up the blocked meridians in his body, but he The meridians in the body have been damaged and must be restored as soon as possible.”

The old man said, pointing to the bamboo tube handed to Xiaoya and continued: "His injury is extremely serious, and if it is delayed, it is estimated that he will not be able to last for a few days. I just mixed the Panax notoginseng into these incense magic pills, Then he made it again. Now he must stop the bleeding and replenish the blood as soon as possible. Speaking of which, we came in time, and if the immortals come two days later, there is no way to do it, Lin Er, wake him up."

Wan Lin heard the words, raised his hand and patted the injured person's head lightly, the other's body vibrated slightly with the palm force, then slowly opened his eyes and looked at the few people in front of him in amazement.

"Dad, Dad, you're awake, it was Grandpa who saved you!" the girl exclaimed in surprise, the tea bowl in her hands shook violently, Grandpa grabbed her and smiled at the bewildered wounded The host said: "Don't worry, you can go to the ground in a month!" Then he turned his head and said to Xiaoya, "Give him medicine first."

Xiaoya nodded solemnly, carefully poured out two pills from the bamboo tube, bent down and stuffed them into the mouth of the injured person, and said to the girl beside her, "Slowly put the medicine in with water", the girl knelt on her legs On the ground, he carefully brought the tea bowl to his father's mouth, and slowly fed the warm water into his father's mouth.

The man hurriedly swallowed the pill, and the feeling of fragrant teeth made him stunned for a moment. The girl looked at her father, who was obviously in better spirits, and said excitedly: "Dad, Dad, grandpa will give you something to eat. It's an elixir that can't be exchanged for a thousand dollars!"

The man's eyes widened, he suddenly sat up with his hands on the reclining chair, his eyes turned to look at the old man beside him, but then he looked at his sitting up body in surprise, tears streaming down , murmured in his mouth: "After a few months, I can finally sit up!"

He turned over and was about to roll to the side, shouting, "Xiao Lan, hold me, hold me! I'm going to kowtow to my benefactor, kowtow!" His strong local accent was choked with sobs, with a strong sense of urgency. Grateful!

Wan Lin quickly stretched out his hand and pressed him on the reclining chair, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, you can just stand up again! Mother and daughter Xiaolan have worked too hard, we can't stand it anymore, you can stand up again, that's right Our best thanks!"

The man sat on the reclining chair, his lips trembled violently, he pulled his daughter beside him into his arms with both hands, and cried bitterly while holding his daughter's head. Xiaolan's mother walked quietly to her husband's side, knelt on the ground with a "pop", pushed Xiaoya away, who was trying to hold her, and slammed her head on the ground "dong dong dong".

Her head slammed **** the dilapidated floor, and the whole dilapidated bamboo building was shaking violently. This simple mountain woman is expressing her gratitude in the most primitive; she is thanking her husband for saving her life; The benefactor who came out of nowhere...

The three grandfather looked at everything in front of them quietly, with smiles on their faces. They did not stop this simple mountain woman from expressing her gratitude. They knew that these simple mountain people would not say those gorgeous words of thanks, but They must express their gratitude!

Grandpa immediately instructed Xiaolan on the matters that mother and daughter should pay attention to in nursing, and took out another bamboo tube from the bag, poured out a few pills and handed it to Xiaolan's mother. Xiaoya also took out some bandages and cotton wool from her first aid kit and handed it to Xiaolan's mother, introducing some trauma care knowledge.

The old man saw Xiaoya finished telling the patient's family, looked at Xiaolan's mother and said: "The patient's internal injury is too serious, we have used qigong to unclog his meridians, the elixir just now has suppressed the injury, I will give you a few more pills. Pills to nourish blood and qi, take one pill every day before going to bed, and take it for ten days to make him fully recover."

The old man looked at the injured person's leg and continued: "The medicine I gave you contains good medicine to accelerate bone healing. The splint on his leg can be removed after a month, and then he goes down and slowly does some recovery walking. During this period, give more nutrition to the injured person, it is best to drink some animal bone soup regularly, so as to facilitate the healing of his wound.

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