Panther Commando

Chapter 1802: chivalrous

When Xiaolan's mother and daughter heard her grandfather's words, their originally depressed eyes radiated brilliance, but there seemed to be some disbelief in their eyes. Grandpa looked at them and laughed: "Hehehe, don't worry, he can definitely stand up again!"

The old man turned his head and glanced at Wan Lin, then raised his finger and pointed to the backpack on him. Wan Lin nodded, turned his head to look at Xiaoya, smiled and said to his grandfather, "Our finance minister is here."

Xiaoya and her grandfather both laughed. Xiaoya quickly took out a paper bag from her bag while laughing, and handed it to Xiaolan's mother with both hands, saying, "The patient needs to increase nutrition during the recovery period. Here is 5,000 yuan. You Take it, don't make yourself and Xiaolan too tired."

"No no no, how can we still ask for your money? You saved Xiaolan's father, we should thank you, how can we take your money again!" Xiaolan's mother and Xiaolan both raised their hands and pushed the paper bag hard Going back, Xiaolan's father, who was sitting beside him, flushed with anxiety, and waved his hand tightly to refuse.

Grandpa came over and took the purse, stuffed it into Xiaolan's hand, and said with a smile, "Hehehe, take it! To be honest, the few pills I gave you can't even cost millions of dollars to buy. Come here, those are rare treasures that save lives. If you really want to thank us, haven’t you already prepared meals for us? Then invite us to a meal in the mountains, and this is a thank you!”

The old man immediately raised his hand and touched Xiaolan's head, looked at her father and mother and said, "Also, when Xiaolan's father recovers, let Xiaolan go to school. Children need to learn more knowledge, don't worry about it because of the family. Such a good girl was delayed." Said, the old man turned and walked downstairs.

Xiao Lan held the purse in her hand and looked at the old man's back in shock, tears streaming down her cheeks, then she put the purse on her father's body, turned around and overtook her grandfather and ran downstairs, stepping on her feet flexibly. On the dilapidated stairs, there was a series of cheerful sounds like smashing bamboo boards, and Xiaolan's mother also raised her feet and ran down.

Wan Lin and the three of them looked at the happy mother and daughter from behind, with relieved smiles in their eyes. They waved to the patient and walked downstairs behind Xiaolan and her daughter.

In modern society, it is no longer possible for thousands of families to go out to walk around the rivers and lakes like in ancient times. However, to save people in danger with Wanjia's peerless martial arts and medical skills, is it not adhering to the last wish of Wanjia's ancestors, and this is not a modern chivalrous and righteousness!

At this moment, both Wan Lin and Xiaoya's hearts were filled with joy. They really feel that as long as they have the ability and ability to be strong enough, they can help many weak people, and they can act as chivalrous and righteous as the ancestors of Wanjia!

This not only saves people from fire and water, relieves pain and brings joy to the recipients, but in turn, brings great joy and relief to their own body and mind...

After a few people finished eating at Xiaolan's house, Xiaolan accompanied Wan Lin and the three back to the inn. Wan Lin still carried a large bag of dried bamboo shoots on his shoulders. This was when Xiaolan's mother was leaving. Those who were forced into their hands said that they had no money to thank the benefactor, but these dried bamboo shoots are a specialty of their place, and they must be brought back to their families, relatives and friends to taste.

The kindness was difficult to accept, and Wan Lin could only take it with a smile at the end. They know that this is the heart of this simple mountain family, and it is their most sincere thanks, and they will accept it no matter what.

The three of Wan Lin walked to the door of the small hotel in a good mood. The bamboo stairs inside the hotel happened to walk down the seven or eight passengers who had stayed in last night. A few young men ran out, "hula", surrounded them, and greeted Wan Lin and the three affectionately.

Wan Lin and the others took a closer look. It turned out to be a few martial arts practitioners who had met in distress on the mountain road last night. At this time, a few young men grabbed Wan Lin and the old man by the arms and pulled them out, saying that they must be invited to the restaurant to have some meals and a few drinks to them, thanking them for their life-saving grace last night.

Wan Lin quickly smiled and waved his hands: "Thank you brothers, we have already eaten, what happened last night is not worth mentioning, isn't it what it should be?"

When everyone heard that the three of Wan Lin had finished their meal, they all looked at the three of Wan Lin in surprise, and then looked at the little girl with a beaming face next to them, and one of them said in surprise: "It was very late at the hotel last night. Later, there was a lot of noise in the street, and there was no rest at all, why are you up so early?".

Xiaoya glanced at Xiaolan next to her, and walked up to tell the story of Xiaolan's family. When everyone listened to Xiaoya's story quietly, when they heard the difficult scene of Xiaolan's family's disciples, a few people around. The person's face sank immediately, and his eyes were fixed on Xiaolan's thin face.

After Xiaoya described the situation of Xiaolan's family, Wanlin suddenly took Xiaolan a step forward and said to everyone, "Look at this little girl, this is the age when she should be studying in school, but Now she has given up her studies, and she has taken on the burden of the family at a young age. To be honest, we feel distressed! When we walked into her house and saw the porridge with a few grains of rice floating in the bowl, we were really heartbroken. very distressing.”

He said suddenly raised his hand and clasped his fists and saluted everyone: "Brothers, we are all martial arts practitioners, it is the duty of our martial arts practitioners to be chivalrous and righteous, we can't look at the small Can the Lan family just let it go? I didn't bring much cash, so I could only leave them 5,000 yuan. If the brothers have some extra money on their bodies, but it's not much, let's help the Xiaolan family. Those who practice martial arts will be chivalrous and righteous!"

At this time, the neighbors of the surrounding shops also came over and talked about the embarrassment of Xiaolan's family.

The eldest sister who helped Xiaolan look at the store also came over at this time, pulled Xiaolan to her side with red eyes and said, "Everyone, please help them. We are deep in the mountains, and everyone is not rich, so we can't take it. If you donate extra money to help them, you can only send them some food and the like. Even if you don't have much money, you can lend it to his father to look after his injuries. You can't help them any more. If you have the ability, just follow this This old man is like this big brother and big sister, help this little girl."

When everyone heard this, they didn't say anything, but they turned around and took the backpacks behind them and took them in front of them. Some took out 3,000, and some took out 1,000. Those who didn't say a word shoved them into Xiaolan's hands...

In the blink of an eye, a stack of thick banknotes was handed to Xiaolan. Xiaolan stared blankly at the thick banknotes in her hands, and suddenly burst into tears with a "wow". She knelt on the ground and was about to kowtow to everyone. .

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