Panther Commando

Chapter 1996: Brothers in battle

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa were like electricity, and they both rushed to Zhan Hanyu in an instant, their right palms were raised and slammed towards each other! Zhan Hanyu was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect these two boys to jump at him in front of the old man on the opposite side. But he immediately understood that, given his age and identity, it was not too much for the other two to play two against one.

Immediately, he raised his hands suddenly, and greeted the two palms from the left and the right. His face was expressionless, but there was already a burst of anger in his eyes. A ferocious qi burst out.

But at this moment, the other two suddenly swayed, not only did the palms that hit them disappear, but even the figure moved to the side like lightning, and the two big feet with the sound of the wind were already on the left and right. He flew up and went straight to his waist and kicked.

The nervous Liu Haibo immediately breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, realizing that these two young men knew that their skills were inferior to their opponents, so they avoided the opponent's ferocious palms and used their flexible movements and exquisite moves to fight the enemy. Don't come into contact with the opponent's fierce palm.

At this time, Lingling and several people also understood in their hearts that Cheng Ru and the two went up and adopted Yingying's method to deal with the boy in white just now, and they did not face the opponent at all. The essentials of boxing techniques for long attacking the enemy short.

Cheng Ru and the two unfolded the Wan Family Movement Technique taught by their grandfather, their bodies moved around their opponents as fast as lightning, their hands and feet flew up and down, and bursts of infuriating qi shot out from the fists and feet of the three of them, and the clothes of the surrounding onlookers They were all screeching in the wind. Those with less skill had already staggered back and retreated in the turbulent palm wind on the field. All of them stared at the fierce confrontation between the three internal power masters on the field with wide eyes, and their hearts were beating wildly.

This is the first time for most people to see such fierce and dangerous internal masters fighting each other, and they can't help but feel a sense of horror in their hearts.

The palms were whistling on the field, and each of the palms and feet of the three of them carried a fierce wind sound. Although the three of them were fighting with bare hands, the wind sound from their fists and feet seemed to be stronger than that of the two knives on the field yesterday. The competition of the famous French masters is even fiercer. In this kind of **** and kicking with the true energy of the inner family, as long as you are accidentally hit by the opponent with one move, you will be seriously injured if you don't die!

At this time, Zhan Hanyu's expression on the field had changed. He did not expect that these two boys, whose skills are obviously inferior to him, have such strong actual combat ability. The cooperation between the guards is seamless, and the two are obviously a pair of skilled brothers and sisters.

Moreover, the moves of these two boys seem to be out of order, but every move is attacking his key points, so he has to defend. .

At this moment, Zhan Hanyu's heart is indeed a little anxious. If he, a famous martial arts legend, gets a palm or a kick from the opponent, the opponent can't hurt him, and there is no place for his old face! His Zhan family is famous for Huamen Boxing. The techniques of "winding silk" and "closed hands" in boxing are all about "focusing on transformation". Hua Jin is especially good at using force to play skillfully, and his hands and feet are very brisk.

Unexpectedly, these two young boys have a lot of fighting experience. It has long been seen that his skills are incomparable. As soon as they come up, they make full use of their flexible movements to surround themselves. Not only are their footwork extremely flexible, but also the moves they use It is also very peculiar. The moves are all attacking the key points that he has to guard against. You can only deal with it when you lose the opportunity.

Zhan Hanyu raised his whole body skills in a rage, dodging the opponent's fierce attack by flicking his feet to the left, right, front and back, and high-fives brought out a strong wind, trying to suppress the opponent with his profound skills. offensive. But every time he met his opponent, the two of them would slide to one side like a loach, and his violent palms were completely useless.

The more he fought, the more frightened he became. He didn't expect the other two young men to be so difficult to deal with, and after fighting for a long time, he couldn't tell the other's martial arts sect at all, which was indeed very rare for him, a famous martial arts legend who was known as a master in the world. .

If it goes on like this, once he is slightly negligent, he will definitely be hit by the opponent's fists and feet in front of the public. Although he is confident that the opponent will not seriously hurt himself under his own body protection skills, this old face is really embarrassing. .

The three of them fought each other on the lakeshore, their figures swaying on the grass like lightning, every move and every move carried a strong wind, the small stones on the grass on the lakeshore rolled outward in the strong wind, and the people around were also there. His eyes were already squinted, and the fast-moving figures on the field made most martial arts practitioners feel dazzled.

At this moment, Zhan Hanyu's heart was already bursting with anger, and the two boys were fighting faster and faster in front of everyone's eyes. He had to find a way to free himself from this passiveness, even if he slammed into the opponent's and knocked these two ignorant boys to the ground! Otherwise, the fame of his Zhan family will be ruined in the hands of these two young men.

He raised his palms and slammed it towards the two opponents. At the moment when the opponents dodged, he suddenly took a step backwards, then took a deep breath, and a burst of light shot out from his eyes. The palm suddenly raised and hit the ankle of Cheng Ru flying from the left. At the same time, the body slightly sided away from the palm wind from Zhang Wa on the right. The white training suit on the body suddenly swelled at this moment, and the gray hair It stood up suddenly, and a fiery infuriating qi suddenly forced out from the body!

He raised his left palm suddenly, and struck a fierce hurricane against Zhang Wa, who was following him like a shadow. Taking advantage of the gap between the opponent's sideways dodging, the right palm suddenly raised, and the palm suddenly forced out a ball of light the size of a pale yellow baseball, one side of the body slammed into Cheng Ru's chest on the side.

Everyone was shocked! This old man obviously gathered the skills he had cultivated in his life, and was ready to knock down the young man on the left with his own skills that were obviously higher than his opponent's, breaking the current passive situation.

But just as he turned around and was about to hit Cheng Ru on the other side, Zhang Wa, who had just been repelled by his palm, had already turned away from his palm, and there was a strong force in his right palm. The wind suddenly hit his right shoulder! Apparently seeing the danger of his companion, he immediately threw himself up in spite of the danger.

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