Panther Commando

Chapter 1997: Kill the killer

Zhan Hanyu had already felt the strong wind from Zhang Wa at this time, but the two of them no longer dodged at this time, but their eyes shot brightly. Qi continued to hit Cheng Ru on the right side fiercely!

If he was fighting against the opponent's palm, he had to destroy Chengru on the right first, and then turned around to clean up Zhang Wa on the left. He knew that the opponent's skill was very different from his own, and that the opponent's palm strength was still unable to penetrate his body protection and infuriated him seriously.

Sure enough, at the same time as he hit his right palm, his left shoulder was hit by a heavy palm from Zhang Wa on the side. At the same time as it hit him, the deep body protection that he transported to his shoulders was infuriating, and it flew out with a flip, landing on the ground and staggering back a step.

At this moment, the palm of Zhang Wa's ruthless hit just touched the opponent's shoulder, and a strong body-protecting infuriating qi immediately emerged from the opponent's shoulder, which shook him out. A kick on the grass rushed up fiercely.

He had already seen in the sunlight that a yellow light suddenly appeared in the palm of the opponent's palm, and he immediately realized that the opponent was going to make a desperate shot and hit Cheng Ru, who was on the other side, with a fatal blow, so he rushed over again regardless of the landing.

At this time, Zhan Hanyu's body also swayed violently under Zhang Wa's fierce palm. Although he was not injured, the fierce palm that hit his shoulder almost shattered his protective body. Pain has come from his shoulder.

He is furious! The body swayed violently in the opponent's palm, and the right hand suddenly stuck out and hit Chengru's chest, "Woo" a hot wind rushed straight to Chengru's chest!

"Stop!" A loud shout suddenly sounded from the sidelines. When Liu Haibo saw that Zhan Hanyu actually disregarded his identity, he raised all his internal strength to a junior to kill him. He immediately shouted and rushed forward, raising his palm to face Zhan Hanyu Hit a fierce palm.

He knew that if Zhan Hanyu's ball of light with pure inner power hit the guy on the side directly, the guy on the opposite side would be seriously injured if he didn't die! The internal skills between the two are not at the same level at all. Although their skills are not as good as their opponents, they seem to be deeper than these two ten thousand children.

At the critical moment when Zhan Hanyu waved his palm, two light pink beams of light suddenly flashed through the crowd outside the circle, and along with a gentle strong wind, a black shadow suddenly flashed from the gap in the surrounding crowd. Two pink beams of light also passed through the air like lightning at this time, one met the palm of Zhan Hanyu, and the other met the palm of the side bangs.

Immediately after a tall figure flickered, a ghostly appearance appeared beside Cheng Ru, and a low shout sounded immediately: "Nonsense, how can you take the senior's palm power? Go on!"

Just now, Cheng Ru saw that the opponent suddenly shrugged his shoulders and took Zhang Wa's palm, and then saw a ball of light appearing in the palm of the opponent's right palm, hitting him with a fierce wind! He sank in his heart, knowing that the other party was so embarrassed that he had gathered all his inner strength to deal with him, but the two were so close at hand that he had no time to dodge.

As soon as he bit his teeth, he immediately opened his feet and took a sharp breath. He raised all his skills and stretched out his palms to meet him! He knew that there was a huge difference in skill between himself and the opponent, but at this moment he was ready to fight to the death.

At this critical moment, he suddenly felt a familiar air flow past him. He was overjoyed, thinking that Wan Lin had arrived! Just as he was about to take out his palm and continue to strike, he immediately found that the figure of his grandfather had already appeared beside him, and the old man's deep words also entered his ears. He quickly retracted his palm and took two steps to the side, just when he fell to the ground and rushed over. Beside Zhang Wa, the two quickly clasped their fists and bowed, "Master!"

The nervous people around Lingling also hurriedly folded their fists and bowed, and whispered, "Master!" At this time, several people were already breaking out in cold sweat. They just saw that Cheng Ru was in danger. You can't take the life of Chengru, who has good skills, but he will definitely be seriously injured. The opponent is a master of the family with decades of skill. Now that he sees his grandfather appearing, the hanging heart is released. , each with a happy look on his face.

At this moment, Zhan Hanyu had just hit the boy next to him with a volley palm in a rage, and then he picked up a burst of true energy, and turned around to deal with the boy on the other side who hit him with a palm. The palm hit him on the shoulder, although he was shocked by his own body protection, but he was a famous martial arts master in China, but he was hit by a little-known and unknown boy, which made him, a conceited martial arts legend, embarrassed. .

But he immediately felt that the ferocious palm force he just hit seemed to hit a ball of soft cotton, and the ferocious palm force did not find the point of force at all! This shocked him, and then he saw a gray-haired old man appearing ghostly beside the young man on the opposite side, and the two young men who had been fighting fiercely with him had stopped, bowed and called out to the person who came. Master".

He immediately understood that the opponent's elders had finally come out! He withdrew the palm that was going to hit the other young man, raised his leg and took a step back, looking at the other guy coldly, his face But suddenly a feeling of unease arose in his heart .

Zhan Hanyu didn't know the other party's sect so far, but from the confrontation between the person facing him and his fifty-year-old son just now, he could already see that these two young men had good skills. He was astonished at the time. These two young men were about the same age as his grandson, and they actually possessed such profound skills. Although they were far inferior to his decades of skills, they were almost the same as his fifty-year-old son. This skill is unique among young people.

And then when he personally shot against the other two, he felt a sense of shock in his heart: the two young men in front of him not only have deep inner strength, but also very clever moves.

He immediately realized that the other party must be the son of some famous inner sect, otherwise he would never have such superb skills at such a young age, and he actually fought against him for dozens of tricks without showing any signs of failure, and he forced himself to bring it up. With the fierce inner strength that he had cultivated in his life, he attacked the opponent with pain, which really shocked him.

And this old man who suddenly appeared, now effortlessly took over the ferocious palm force that he raised with his whole body skills, and it seemed that he used cotton palm or something to make his palm force invisible. Moreover, he only took over his palm, and did not attack himself. This was obviously his own identity and martial arts rules to save his junior.

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