Panther Commando

Chapter 2001: Convinced orally

Zhan Hanyu stared blankly at the two old men with superb martial arts on the ground, his face turned dead gray. After listening to the words of the two people on the opposite side, he was silent for a while before raising his hands and clasping his fists at the old man of the Wan family, then bent down and bowed, and said slowly: "Thank you for saving your life just now, senior!"

He has already seen the skill of this tall old man. This man can take over the fierce palms of himself and the short old man, the two top masters in the family, by himself, which shows that the other party is already rare. The peerless master!

When his own kung fu was young, he had defeated many famous martial arts masters from famous schools and great schools. His current skill is not to say that he is the best in China, but he is definitely a rare master of internal skills.

And the palm force that the lowly old man hit was bone-chilling, and actually knocked this peerless master back a step, which showed that the opponent's cold skills had reached the pinnacle, and his skills were far higher than his own. If it wasn't for that peerless master taking this palm for him, he would never be able to take the cold palm of the other party that rushed towards him like a stormy sea. Therefore, the tall old man in front of him really saved his life.

Zhan Hanyu then straightened up and looked at the old Wanjia, his eyes suddenly flashed a look of extreme frustration, he hesitated for a while, then looked up at the black and thin old man opposite him, folded his fists and bowed, and said slowly: " Zhan was defeated by the old senior today, and he was convinced by the loss!"

He then turned to look at the old man from the Wan family and said, "Today, Zhan has a chance to meet you two peerless masters, and Zhan is also lucky in this life! I wonder if I can ask, what kind of sect do the two seniors belong to? The younger generation understands.”

The old Wan family saw that although the other party was arrogant, at this time, he could be considered to admit defeat, and bowed to the two of them who claimed to be juniors. There are thousands of families, famous mountains and rivers are full of people with advanced kung fu, why should they stick to what kind of martial art? Art is endless, and martial arts will never end. This old man and my old brother are just a mountain villager, just practicing I have learned some things left by my ancestors, but I still don’t dare to call myself a martial arts master, and I am far from reaching the highest level of martial arts. I never thought about using the things passed down by my ancestors to compete for strength and gain a reputation, so our sect Don't say anything!"

After the old man finished speaking, he gave Zhan Hanyu a cold look, then cupped his hands to Mu Hong and Liu Haibo, turned around to gently hold the old head's arm, and said to the surrounding Chengru people, "Let's go. !" He raised his foot and walked out of the crowd.

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa hurriedly clasped their fists and bowed to Liu Haibo and the others, raised their feet and walked behind the two old men. Lingling, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying also turned around and clasped their fists at the strong men of the Hou family. They turned around and left behind Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa with a smile on their face. Going up, a group of people walked mightily towards the side of the mountain.

At this time, the people around all woke up from their stunned silence. Although the old man of the Wan family was talking to the old man surnamed Zhan just now, it also got into everyone's ears. After the old man revealed his kung fu, he did not reveal his name and sect to gain this rare reputation, and even with such advanced kung fu, he claimed that he had not reached the advanced martial arts realm, and each and every one of them showed respect.

Everyone quietly looked at the backs of the group of people who left quickly, and then glanced at the Zhan family who were still standing in a daze. The two masters of martial arts with extremely high skills will take action, and the young women who are behind the old man will clean up the Zhan family.

After the few people in front walked out dozens of meters, they suddenly raised their arms and clapped vigorously. Zhan Hanyu stared blankly at the two masters who were far away, suddenly raised his hands and clasped his fists and said loudly, "Thank you two seniors for their teaching, Zhan has been taught! The children of the Zhan family will never again use martial arts to bully others!"

As he said that, he bent down and bowed deeply to the backs of the two old people, then straightened up and turned to face Liu Haibo and the others who were on the side. I hereby apologize to all the brothers!"

He then straightened up and said loudly to the disciples behind him, "Listen, disciples of the Zhan family, today two masters from the world have taught us a lesson, and they will always remember it for me: Kungfu is a never-ending discipline, and we really do. If you don't have the capital to be proud of, you all give me to remember today's scene forever!" He raised his feet and walked towards the outside of the mountain.

Several members of the Zhan family raised their eyes to look at the people around them, all with blushing faces, raised their hands and clasped their fists in a salute, then they lowered their heads and followed behind Zhan Hanyu and walked out of the crowd. They knew in their hearts that if they had to rely on the fiery temper of the old man just now, it would be difficult for them to get out of this mountainous area, or at least they would be abolished. While the hearts of several people sighed, there seemed to be a trace of happiness.

When the people around saw Zhan Hanyu walking out, they all automatically opened a passage. At this moment, the venue suddenly became quiet. Everyone looked at these pretentious people, but now all of them lowered their heads and walked out, with a complicated look in their eyes.

The Zhan family's kung fu is indeed extraordinary. Just now, the three grandfathers and grandsons of the Zhan family shot one after another, and all of them showed their profound skills and superb martial But they did find the wrong target, and it was rare to see Huaxia. The kung fu master. And everyone has already understood from the words of the tall old man just now that there are many Chinese masters who live in seclusion in the world. The tall old man does not dare to call himself a master with such a superb kung fu. What qualifications does the Zhan family have to rely on the kung fu they have acquired? ?

Some people who originally thought they had good skills lowered their heads silently, with a look of shame in their eyes. In the eyes of everyone, the skills of the Zhan family are indeed extraordinary, but they have become so dingy, what qualifications do they have to show off their skills?

At this moment, everyone has a thoughtful look on their faces, and they are all quietly reminiscing about this rare scene in front of them.

Just when everyone was silently contemplating, a series of strong voices with a heavy accent suddenly sounded: "Fuck, this is the real kung fu of Hamen Huaxia, and the abbreviated words of Hamen Houga are not worth mentioning! Wrinkled! , don't be around, go to see Gao Suo's performance, Hamen must study hard, ha, I know it today, the art is endless, ha, you must work **** your own!"

Hearing this voice with a strong accent, everyone turned their heads to look at the place where the voice came from, and a smile suddenly appeared on their faces. It was the tall and sturdy Hou Yi who was speaking. At this moment, his Hanhan face was extremely serious, and he was pulling his brothers and turned around and walked towards the wooden platform behind.

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