Panther Commando

Chapter 2002: respond appropriately

Everyone smiled and looked at a few simple and strong men who looked like mountains, and then the smiles disappeared on their faces. Although this simple and honest strong man had no culture, what he said was the truth: masters are like clouds, arts and craftsmanship. There is no limit. Only by working hard and studying hard is the only way to enter the hall of masters.

Mu Hong also laughed when he heard the words of the boss of the Hou family. With a smile on his face, he raised his head and looked at the crowd around him and said loudly, "Yes! The little brothers of the Hou family are right! The brothers of the pie have all brought out their own unique skills, and everyone can learn from each other!"...

At this time, the old Wan family and his party had already walked to the side of the mountain and were walking up the hill with their feet raised. Wu Xueying in the back turned her head to look at the lakeshore behind, and saw that everyone was talking in a low voice and dispersed, she quickly walked a few steps to Grandpa's side, stretched out her hand to hold Grandpa's arm and said with a smile, "Hee hee, it's still Grandpa and the old head who are great. Come up and clean them up! Why didn't you just show the names of our Wanjia and Lingxiumen? Let them know how powerful our two factions are."

The old man of Wanjia turned his head and glanced kindly at this lovable little disciple and said with a smile: "Hehehe, what is this? We can't see these arrogant talents with good kung fu shooting, we just want to let the Zhan family These people know what real kung fu is. Why do we have a name? We don’t practice martial arts to show off and perform on the streets. What’s the point of having fake names.”

As the old man spoke, he turned his head and glanced at the few people who were following him. Seeing that Kong Dazhuang and others were also following him, he said, "Art is endless. Since ancient times, there are outstanding people in every school and every school, and every school is popular. The kung fu that comes down has its own advantages, and if there is no merit, it will be lost long ago.”

"The Huamen boxing practiced by the Zhan family was unknown in the past. But decades ago, Zhan Hanyu, who was extremely skilled, appeared overnight, but he challenged the famous martial arts masters at that time for his fame. Ruthless, it is said that there are several people who have been abolished by him."

The old man shook his head and said, "I'm about the same age as this Zhan Hanyu. I heard about his behavior when I was out of the mountain, and it sounded young and energetic. At that time, I wanted to seek his theory and abolish his kung fu, but I didn't expect that. He has disappeared."

"Later I went to see a martial arts master who lived in seclusion in the mountains at that time, and heard him say: This Zhan Hanyu was too arrogant and ruthless. The two competed in three aspects: weapons, boxing and internal strength. Zhan Hanyu was defeated in all three written tests, and suffered a severe internal injury in the internal strength competition. At that time, the master thought that Zhan Hanyu was indeed a prodigy in martial arts, and he was a kung fu expert. It's not easy to practice, I didn't abolish his kung fu, but ordered him to go home to recuperate and go into seclusion, and we can no longer rely on kung fu to hurt people for no reason."

When the old man said this, he sighed: "Oh, I didn't expect this Zhan Hanyu to live in seclusion for decades, and his arrogant and domineering personality has not changed. I guess he thinks that those masters of the year are no longer there, and he should become a peerless master, so that His arrogant nature has been exposed again. Alas, fortunately, he has passed down his kung fu over the past few decades. His son and grandson's kung fu is indeed good, but the arrogant character has also been passed on to them. It's a pity to say it! However, the Zhan family's kung fu is indeed very characteristic, and it is a good kung fu."

When the old man said this, he looked at the old head and said with a smile: "Your brother is too angry! I almost couldn't take that palm. If it hit that Zhan Hanyu, I wouldn't want him at once. old life?"

When the old master heard this, he hurriedly turned around and folded his fists and saluted the old man of the Wan family, and said apologetically, "I'm so sorry, I didn't expect your brother to go up at that time, but fortunately, your skill and body were not injured, otherwise I am an old man. The guy has no face to live in the world!"

The old man of the Wan family quickly smiled and waved his hand and replied, "Hehehe, my old bones are stiff, it's fine." The old master turned his head and glanced down the mountain, and then said: "Alas, I saw that Zhan at that time, and he didn't know what to do. Your brother gave him enough face, but he didn't know how to advance or retreat. I really thought his kung fu was invincible in the world! Grandma! Yes, the old man can't stand these pretentious guys!"

"Giggle giggle" Wu Xueying on the side heard that the old head suddenly brought out the swear words, covered her mouth and laughed with Lingling and Wen Meng next to her, Shanhua looked at her grandfather and laughed wildly.

The old head turned his head to look at a few girls who were smiling like flowers. He also laughed "hehehe" and said, "Oh, look at my stinky temper! I made the girls laugh."

The old Wan family also laughed, holding Wu Xueying's arm and said with a smile: "Brother, you are a little grumpy. Speaking of which, we are all so old, we should take good care of ourselves, and don't get involved in those mundane things in the future. Hey!"

The old man said, turned his head to look at Yingying next to him and smiled: "In the future, this is all about their children. Today Yingying's moves are very good, and she didn't entangle with each other when she came up, and gave full play to your natural style. The essentials of a style of martial This Zhanjiahua door boxing move is about swinging, holding, breaking, punching, and making good use of inch strength. You, Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa are always fighting against each other. Do not let the opponent get close, and use our unique and flexible footwork to fight the enemy, just restrain the opponent, so that these advantages in the opponent's boxing style cannot be used at all. Haha, yes, the response is very appropriate."

The old man smiled proudly. Hearing the words of the old Wanjia, the old master looked at Yingying in surprise and asked, "Didn't this girl follow you to learn your Wanjia Kungfu since she was a child? Why did she use the natural sect's moves?"

The old Wanjia replied with a smile: "No. They all brought arts here. I later taught them Wanjia's internal skills, and according to their own martial arts characteristics, I selectively taught them some Wanjia's internal skills. And boxing, swordsmanship, let them have the ability to self-defense."

The old master glanced at the Chengru people behind him in astonishment. He didn't expect that the old man of Wanjia had such an open mind, and he taught his Wanjia stunt to some half-way apprentices without reservation. It is indeed extremely rare among martial practitioners of the sect.

At this time, the people scattered on the lakeshore were walking towards the performance stage of the conference, while discussing a few rare masters just now, no one noticed that a middle-aged man in black sportswear was on the side of the lakeshore The man is walking quickly to the foot of the mountain on the side.

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