Panther Commando

Chapter 2003: missed opportunity

The scene of those masters on the lakeshore just now had already entered the eyes of this uninvited guest who left in a hurry. This person was Takahashi Moriki who had just rushed over to save Takahashi Jiro.

In the afternoon, Takahashi Moriki saw that his nephew was in better physical and mental state. He climbed to the entrance of the cave and raised the binoculars to observe the mountain for a while. He saw two people on the wooden platform on the lake shore exchanging martial arts. He watched for a while. He turned his head and said to Takahashi Jiro: "Jiro, I'll go down the mountain to have a look. You can take advantage of this time to adjust the infuriating energy in your body. I have food in my backpack, so take it yourself when you're hungry."

Takahashi Moriki looked down at the dirty sportswear on his body, raised his hand and dragged his backpack, took out a set of short-sleeved black sportswear and put it on him, then threw the backpack to Takahashi Jiro, turned his head to look at Outside the cave, he said, "I'm going to see the Chinese Kung Fu performed by the following people, and see what other unique skills they have. I heard that the unique skills of Chinese martial arts have long been lost in China, and they are not as good as our judo and ninjutsu. Hehe. , the people we have to face when we go to Lingxiu Mountain are Chinese martial arts practitioners, if they don’t have any real skills, we don’t have to worry about it.”

After he finished speaking, he hung the binoculars around his neck, and without waiting for Takahashi Jiro to answer, he turned around and got out of the low, damp cave. He got out of the cave and immediately squatted in front of the tall wormwood pile in front of the cave and glanced around vigilantly. After confirming that there was no one in the surrounding mountains, he left the cave closely against the cliffs on the side of the cave and raised his feet. Go to the bamboo forest below the hillside.

Takahashi Moriki watched the silent hillside vigilantly as he walked, until he reached the foot of the hill before he swept his gaze to the lake shore. The spacious lake shore was full of spectators watching the game intently. The two people on the stage were engaged in a fierce bare-handed confrontation. The two figures moved quickly on the stage, looking very fierce.

Takahashi Moriki swept the entire lake shore, raised his feet and walked forward, then stopped by a rock far away from the crowd, followed by pressing the rock with both hands and jumped to the top, then found a flat place to sit down, raised the telescope to the top. Looking at the wooden platform by the lake.

He deliberately stayed away from the crowd in front of him in order to avoid encountering those unknown martial arts practitioners by the lake. Although he can listen and speak Chinese, he has not been familiar with it for many years. He was afraid of revealing his identity with the harsh tone of voice he made in conversation with others, so he chose to watch it in a place far away from the crowd.

He held the binoculars and watched the performance of the two on the stage from a distance. After watching for a while, he shook his head gently, with a look of disdain on his face, and secretly said in his heart: "It seems that the rumors are true, Huaxia's kung fu has indeed lost its past. That kind of confrontation and skill is far worse than the judo and ninjutsu that I have mastered."

He watched for a while and was about to stand up and return to the mountain in disdain. Suddenly, he saw a group of people gathered by the lake in the distance. The people watching by the lake also stood up and surrounded the past. He immediately realized that they were martial arts practitioners from different schools. A conflict occurred.

He hesitated for a moment, and suddenly thought that this was a martial arts conference. On the stage, there were only performances of martial arts routines from various schools. And this kind of conflict between sects under the stage is to fight for the reputation of one's own sect. One by one will not be soft when they are in a hurry. You can definitely see the true skills of these martial arts practitioners. I just borrowed this. Opportunity to see the real kung fu of various sects in China.

Thinking of this, he put down his binoculars and stood up from the rock, then turned his head to look around, jumped off the rock, and followed the crowd in front of him and strode toward the conflicting lake.

Takahashi Moriki walked to the lake, and immediately found a rock and stood on it, just in time to see that Zhan Hanyu and the old leader took their palms at the same time, and the two bursts of infuriating energy that knocked out of the body made this Takahashi Moriki eat a lot. shock! Following him, he saw that the tall old man suddenly rushed out, and waved two palms against the two sturdy True Qi, and hit the two stone-shattering True Qi into the air.

Everything in front of him made Takahashi Moriki's heart beat violently. The three people in front of him are definitely the rare inner masters in the Chinese martial arts! The ferocious palm force made him sweat cold, and his face changed color. He really did not expect that Huaxia still has such a profound martial arts master!

At this time, the palm of the black and thin old man had been dissipated by the tall old man, and the scattered cold air immediately shrouded the sky above the lake shore. The season returns to the cold and windy winter in an instant.

The sudden chill made Takahashi Moriki, who was standing on the rock, shudder violently. He quickly mentioned his family's feminine inner strength to resist the chill, and sighed inwardly: "My mother, no wonder the legends It is said that our kung fu comes from China, but I didn’t expect China’s kung fu to have such power, it would be too scary to meet such an opponent!”

Thinking of this, he immediately glanced around vigilantly, seeing that everyone folded their arms around their chests to resist the cold air, and their eyes looked at the field in astonishment.

He knew that everyone was also stunned by the amazing skills of the people on the court, so he quickly clasped his arms and pretended to be unbearable for the cold, turned around and slid out of the crowd, noticing nervously who was stretching his neck beside him as he walked. Watching the crowd in the field, lest anyone notice his whereabouts.

After he got away from the crowd, he immediately accelerated his pace and walked to the foot of the mountain on the side, then turned his head at the foot of the mountain to look quickly got into a bamboo forest on the hillside, and then picked up the speed to the cave near the top of the mountain. crawl.

He knows that once his identity is revealed in front of these top experts, his own effort is simply hitting the stone with an egg, and there is absolutely no power to fight back. Wouldn't it be possible to be beaten into a pile of meat sauce by the opponent in a blink of an eye!

He crawled towards the top of the mountain in fear, fearing that his whereabouts would attract the attention of outsiders. In fact, if he waited a little longer, he would have seen that the two old men with peerless magic had left the scene and were walking quickly towards the foot of the mountain on the other side, followed by a few vigorous young men and girls.

As long as he pays attention, he, a veteran with special forces experience, will definitely see from the vigorous pace and straight figure of the young people that these are some excellent professional soldiers. And being able to follow the professional soldiers behind these two elders with peerless feats, the kung fu of these people is absolutely extraordinary.

Now that these agile professional soldiers just happened to appear here, it will definitely arouse his high alertness, and he will definitely re-examine this operation of stealing other people's treasures.

It's a pity that he fled back to the cave in a hurry, just missed such a good opportunity to re-examine the opponent's strength and evaluate the probability of success or failure of the action.

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