Panther Commando

Chapter 2004: no exaggeration

The old chief and his group slowly returned to the Orion's courtyard. Wan Lin and Xiaoya were standing on the rock behind the wooden house with binoculars, watching nervously down the mountain. Obviously, the two had noticed the crowd gathering at the foot of the mountain, and guessed that Cheng Ru and several people had a conflict with each other.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya saw their grandfather and the old master brought everyone back. The two quickly ran off the rock and returned to the small courtyard. Wan Lin glanced at everyone as they walked, and saw that no one was hurt. Only then did he feel a little more at ease. He greeted him and asked, "Grandpa, what happened just now?"

The old man of the Wan family shook his head lightly, and took the old head towards the courtyard. Wu Xueying and Shanhua hurried over and pulled Xiaoya's arm, Yingying's small mouth "bah bah bah" and described what had just happened in detail.

A few people around Chengru laughed when they saw Wu Xueying's excited look. Wu Xueying turned her face and gave them a white look, then stared at Zhang Wa with big eyes and said, "Instructor Baby, do you think I'm exaggerating? Is it not? !"

Zhang Wa quickly put away her smiling face, and replied with a serious face and solemnity: "No, definitely not, absolutely not! Our Yingying's words are definitely not exaggerated. But, it's just a little bit unrealistic!"

"Hahahaha" Everyone couldn't help laughing, Yingying ran up to Zhang Wa with her face flushed with anger, raised her pink fist and slapped him on the shoulder, and complained tenderly, "You bastard. The stinky instructor is not in line with reality, why is what I said not in line with reality?"

Shanhua on the side looked at Sister Yingying's annoyed look, and laughed "giggling", ran over and hugged Yingying's arm and said crisply: "Sister Yingying, you continue to talk, it's so nice! I love it. Listening to Sister Yingying's words, it's okay to exaggerate, it's fun to listen to."

In fact, she was there at the time, and the scene at that time is vivid in my mind, but now listening to Sister Yingying's vivid and exaggerated narration, it seems to be more enjoyable than what I saw at the scene.

"Stinky girl, why are you exaggerating?" Yingying turned back, raised her hand and knocked Shanhua's head, followed by "giggling" and laughed to herself, dragged Shanhua to the courtyard, and said as she walked: " Ignore them. Shanhua loves to listen, I will tell you about it alone."

Everyone laughed and watched Yingying pull Shanhua into the courtyard, and followed with their feet. Wan Lin already knew the whole story from Yingying's exaggerated remarks, he hurried to his grandfather's side, looked at his face, and asked in a low voice, "The old master has a very strong skill, and his coldness is even colder. Are you not hurt?"

"Hehehe, it's fine. At that time, I slammed part of the palm of the old master into the air, and the other part was removed with Hua Jin, and the other part was guided by me to my feet, it's fine. However, now that I think about it, it's really an adventure. , the power of the old master is really unique, and I estimate that it can surpass the ancients and the modern in the power of cold!" The old man replied with concentration.

Yingying, who was walking in front of Shanhua, heard her grandfather's words, and immediately turned her head and said proudly, "I'm not exaggerating, right? Sister Ya didn't even see it, that snowflake was floating, so big." As she said, she quickly released Shanhua's arm with her right hand to draw the size of the snowflake.

"Hahaha" Everyone laughed again, and the old head said excitedly: "Look at what our Yingying girl said, it seems that I can really call the wind and call the rain, how can it be so exaggerated?"

Everyone laughed and walked into the courtyard. Wan Lin raised his hand to look at his watch and said to Cheng Ru in a low voice, "Dinner is almost done, you first come around and help chop some firewood. Grandpa and the others are still here after we leave. Don't let Big Brother Orion and Xiao Jiu work too hard."

Cheng Ru quickly agreed, looked up and saw that some firewood had been piled up under the eaves in the courtyard, and there were two hatchets on the firewood. Knowing that Wan Lin and the two had already picked up some on the mountain, he quickly walked over and picked up two The hatchet, with Zhang Wa and the others, walked to the side of the mountain, excitedly discussing the profound skills of the grandfather and the old master just now as they walked. It was also the first time that they saw Grandpa take action in person. They really didn't expect it to be so dangerous just now.

After everyone finished eating, Wan Lin walked out of the kitchen and saw that the sky had dimmed. He looked at the surrounding mountains, and then raised his binoculars to look at the lake below the mountain. The martial arts performance by the lake has ended. Most of the people on the lakeshore are walking towards the hillside campsite in twos and threes. There are still some people walking and chatting scattered around the lake. cooking smoke.

Wan Lin put down the binoculars and turned to glance at the kitchen, seeing that everyone had already stood up from the dining table, knowing that everyone had filled their stomachs. In order to leave as soon as possible, he asked Xiao Jiu to prepare meals early, so the meal time was earlier than the campsite under the mountain.

At this time, Cheng Ru and several others also walked out of the kitchen to the courtyard. Wan Lin said to them in a low voice, "It's almost time, you pack up, we are ready to go." Cheng Ru nodded, turned around and walked with Zhang Wa and the others to the wooden house where his equipment was placed.

Wan Lin then walked into the kitchen again, and said to his grandfather and the old master who were standing up from the table: "Grandpa, old master, I took Cheng Ru and a few people over first. Xiaoya, Wen Meng, Yingying I'll accompany you here."

The two old men nodded solemnly, raised their feet and followed Wan Lin out of the Xiaoya and others followed immediately.

At this time, the mountain has become dark. There were a few fully-armed Chengru people standing in the hunter's courtyard. Wan Lin walked to Wang Dali's side and quickly put on the equipment he handed over. He then put on a large tactical backpack and raised his hand to take the one handed over by Zhang Wa. The sniper rifle followed in a low voice and shouted: "Assemble!" Cheng Ru and several people quickly lined up in the courtyard, all carrying their weapons in their hands, looking at Wan Lin with bright eyes.

Wan Lin then shouted in a low voice, "Take a rest, stand at attention! Take a break," then turned around to look at the grandfather and the old master standing in the courtyard and said, "Grandpa, the old master, let's go!"

The two old men looked at Wan Lin with serious expressions, then looked at the soldiers standing upright, and gave a deep nod to their gray heads.

Wan Lin then shouted in a low voice: "Stand at attention, salute!" Then he suddenly raised his hand and raised his hand to salute the two old men, and the Chengru people behind also raised their arms to their foreheads at the same time, looking at the two with affectionate eyes Old man over old age.

The small courtyard, which was still full of laughter and laughter just now, was silent at this time, and the courtyard was filled with a tense and solemn atmosphere. The two old men didn't speak, just slowly swept their deep eyes across the faces of several young people, and then nodded deeply on their gray heads.

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