Panther Commando

Chapter 2005: preoccupied

"After the ceremony, turn back and set off!" Wan Lin put down his salute arm and shouted in a low voice, turning around and holding his sniper rifle tightly, he strode out of the courtyard.

As Wan Lin and the others strode out, a low rustling sound suddenly came from the quiet courtyard. Xie Chao, Shan Hua and Xiao Jiu stood motionless under the eaves, staring at the backs of the mighty big brothers with wide eyes, all with a look of reverence in their eyes.

This big brother, who was just lively and kind, is now so solemn and majestic when he is fully armed, which makes the three little brothers and sisters feel a shocking feeling they have never had before.

The eyes of the two old people also stared at the backs of Wan Lin and the others, and they slowly retracted their gazes until they disappeared into the bamboo forest. The old Wan family turned and glanced at Xiaoya and the others who were still standing on the edge of the bamboo forest on the hillside. , stretched out his hand and pulled the old chief to walk towards the wooden house under the cliff. He knew in his heart that the hearts of several beautiful girls must be silently blessing the comrades and lovers who are about to go to the battlefield.

At this time, in the low cave below the top of the mountain on the side, Takahashi Moriki was holding a compressed biscuit and slowly stuffed it into his mouth, and his nephew Takahashi Jiro also held a compressed biscuit in his hand and ate it silently, his eyes swept over from time to time. This serious-looking third uncle.

As the light in the mountains dimmed, the inside of the cave became pitch-dark. The two of them were like ghosts lurking in the shadows. They all ate silently without saying a word, with only two eyes in the darkness. A dim light reflected.

After Takahashi Moriki returned to the cave in the afternoon, he took out his binoculars and lay down at the entrance of the cave to carefully observe the hillside behind him, lest someone follow him. After confirming that no one was following, he silently retreated into the cave and leaned against the cave wall, closing his eyes slightly without saying a word.

When Takahashi Jiro saw his appearance, he wanted to ask the third uncle what happened just now at the foot of the mountain? But seeing the stern face of the third uncle, he quickly closed his mouth again.

The cave was dark and damp, with a musty smell, and there was only a dim light coming in near the entrance of the cave. Now that dusk has come, the figures of the two of them leaning against the wall of the cave are all shadowy.

After a long time, Takahashi Moriki reached out and picked up the kettle from his side and put it to his mouth, took a sip of water, swallowed the dry biscuits in his mouth, turned his head to look at his nephew and suddenly asked, "Remember that you give the patriarch When I was on the phone, I said that the other party's yin and cold kung fu was very powerful. At that time, you were injured by the other party using this kind of yin and cold kung fu in the dense forest of Lingxiu Mountain. Did you see the appearance of that person?"

Xiao Gaoqiao looked up at the third uncle and was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the third uncle had been silent for so long, how could he suddenly ask this question?

He pondered for a while and replied: "It was late at night, and it was very dark in the jungle. Two people on the other side came with torches, and there was another person behind him. Judging from the situation at the time, I found these three people, and the other two were holding torches. The people with the torches were all young, in their twenties, and the two young men were shot and killed by us as they approached our ambush site. I remember that I paid special attention to the third person by the light of the torches. This person was a black and thin old man in his sixties, and it was this person who suddenly flashed out from behind a big tree during the fight behind and hit me on the arm with the gun."

He said a little surprised and asked again: "Third uncle, did you find this person at the foot of the mountain?" Takahashi Moriki shook his head thoughtfully, and said in a low voice, "I just went down the mountain to watch the kung fu of these Chinese martial arts practitioners, just in time. I saw two masters competing."

"One of them used the cold energy. As soon as the cold air came out, it immediately covered the field. I felt cold and unbearable from a dozen meters away, and it was difficult to move, as if the blood on my body was frozen. Another master suddenly took action to defuse this cold air, and the master on the opposite side, who can also force his true qi out of his body, might be killed by this infuriating attack on the spot, this cold art master’s cold art is too scary!”

He said this, as if he could still feel the chill rising from the bottom of his heart, and shivered unconsciously. He immediately raised his eyes and looked at Takahashi Jiro and said, "This master is very old. He looks like he is eight or ninety years old. He is definitely not the master you met in the forest. This person's skill should be far higher. to the person you meet."

When he said this, he glanced up and down at Jiro Takahashi, who was still wrapped in a thick sleeping bag, and said coldly, "You're a big boy, if you met the old guy I mentioned at the time, you didn't need him to come into contact with him. You, a palm from a few meters away will freeze you into a popsicle! Damn, they must have made such a cold infuriating energy with the treasure you mentioned, it's amazing."

When Takahashi Jiro heard the third uncle's words, he realized at this time that he had just met a master of the inner clan with a high level of kung fu just now at the foot of the mountain, so he kept his thoughts silent all the time. It turned out to be a feeling of jealousy in his heart.

He nodded and said, "Yes, I originally thought that the magical power of the inner family in Huaxia had been lost, but I didn't expect them to be passed down. I thought we were all holding pistols, and no matter how many martial arts practitioners we encountered, we would definitely be able to grab the treasures. Unexpectedly, as soon as we approached the exit of the hall, they were discovered by the other party, and they immediately volleyed against the cave and shot a burst of fresh air. A fierce palm He shook his head gently when he said this, as if the thrilling scene in the cave appeared in front of his eyes again. He immediately explained the situation at that time and told himself this in detail. The third uncle told it again.

After listening to Takahashi Moriki, his face became even more solemn. He pondered for a while before saying: "At that time, there must have been a few masters of Lingxiu Sect in the cave. Thanks to your quick response and decisiveness, you took the two mercenaries to exit in time. And blow up the cave, otherwise it will be difficult to escape from the cave alive. Yes, your special forces experience in the past few years has really helped you a lot, whether it is action or judgment, you are very decisive, it is this kind of decisiveness that helps you A life was saved."

When Takahashi Jiro heard the leader of the clan praise him, he grinned proudly, then shook his head and said, "Speaking of which, I'm lucky, thanks to the fact that I have practiced our Takahashi family's femininity, it's not very good. I am afraid of the cold and infuriating energy, otherwise, like the two mountain pass security guards, I will eventually fall into that mysterious forest."

When Takahashi Moriki heard him mentioning the security guards in Yamaguchi, he turned his head and looked out of the cave in deep thought. It was gray outside the cave, and the originally clear air suddenly became hazy after the sun went down. into the dark cave.

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