Panther Commando

Chapter 2006: Dividend Agreement

Takahashi Moriki pondered for a while, then turned his head to look at his nephew and suddenly said in a blunt Chinese language: "Let's speak in Chinese now, I haven't spoken Chinese for many years, and it's already unfamiliar. Here we try to talk in the local language, so that it is easy to hide. And the actions that follow, this is China's territory."

He said with a grin, and then continued to say bluntly: "Before I came, our old patriarch had already met with Kuroda of Yamaguchi Security, and the old patriarch proposed that after the two sides cooperate to obtain the piece of the most cold treasure, we should share it with Half of the Takahashi family. But Kuroda is extremely greedy, so he rejected the old patriarch's proposal at that time, and proposed to give the clan a huge sum of money to monopolize this treasure."

When Takahashi Jiro heard the third uncle suddenly speak in a blunt Chinese tone, he was about to grin, but then he heard him talk about the conversation between the patriarch and Yamaguchi security guard Kuroda, and immediately stared at him with wide eyes. He asked anxiously in Chinese: "The old patriarch didn't agree, right? This is a priceless treasure, how could we use that little money to offset the treasure we deserve! Not to mention that this treasure contains a very peculiar and extremely cold aura. , that is, its own collection value is probably also sky-high, and you should not agree to how much money you give."

Takahashi Moriki said coldly: "Of course, who is the old patriarch? He still doesn't like the money, so how can he be blinded by this kid Kuroda. Although the patriarch has not yet researched the specifics of this treasure. Value, but since he received your call, he has already analyzed that this treasure is definitely not an ordinary thing in the world. This thing is definitely not only good for our family's practice, but there must be unknown and mysterious places. Otherwise, this Kuroda will not pay a huge sum of money to buy what we deserve.”

When he said this, he suddenly sighed: "Alas, at present, our family has no ability to come here to win this treasure alone, we must rely on the powerful Yamaguchi security guards, otherwise our Takahashi family can let the black Tian, ​​the hiring group, intervened in this matter."

As he spoke, a flash of light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he looked up at the dim mountain outside the cave and cursed bitterly: "Damn, if the two of us can get this treasure alone, our Takahashi family won't have much use. It will rise again for a long time, and then you will no longer have to suffer from that black field's bird's anger!"

When he said this, he turned his head to look at Jiro Takahashi, and said coldly: "The result of the old patriarch's negotiation with the other party is to give us a quarter of the treasure after obtaining the treasure. Kuroda said at the time that they have This treasure cost two lives, and the subsequent action also requires a lot of manpower and material support, so it must be the big one! After some bargaining, the patriarch finally reluctantly agreed to the division agreement and sent me here in secret. Side, its purpose is to save you, and the second is to see if there is a chance to obtain this treasure alone."

Takahashi Jiro nodded happily when he heard that the old chief had agreed to Kuroda's plan to share the spoils. In fact, he had long expected in his heart that after seeing the treasure, Kuroda would definitely have a monopoly heart. At that time, he was alone and alone, and there was no room for bargaining with Kuroda, the mercenary head, and his patriarch represented Takahashi. When the family came forward, the weight of his speech was naturally much heavier than himself, and Kuroda would give some face.

He knows that although the current Takahashi family has lost the momentum of its heyday in the past, it is a famous ninja family that was once famous, and it is still a famous ninja family in R country. There are still some in the society. Influence, so the other party has to take the influence into consideration.

And now this split agreement is much higher than what he expected at the time. At that time, he thought that if he could get a small pill, it would be enough to satisfy the people in the family to practice. Now the amount of one-fourth should be much larger than his original expectation.

At that time, when he approached the cave hall, he estimated from the blue light and the bone-chilling cold air emanating from the hall that the size of the gem should not be small, at least the size of a fist, otherwise it would not radiate so much in the cave hall. Intense blue sheen. Now that the old patriarch can negotiate this division plan with Kuroda, the head of the hiring group, he is very satisfied.

Takahashi Jiro looked at the third uncle with joy in his eyes, seeing that his eyes were rolling, what was he thinking about? There didn't seem to be any joy in his expression. He asked in surprise, "Third Uncle, are you not satisfied with this distribution plan?"

Takahashi Moriki turned his gaze to his face, and after a while of silence, he said coldly, "Do you think Kuroda will really give us this certain percentage after obtaining that gem?"

Xiao Takahashi was stunned, and after a while, he raised his hand and patted his head and cursed in a low voice: "Damn, look at my brain!" He didn't continue to say, these people are not the same as that Kuroda. The same passerby, which is not a thing that forgets about profit!

Once the people of Kuroda seize the gem and discover the supernatural place in it, they will definitely not let themselves and the third uncle get involved here. They must try to bring it back to the country and give it to Kuroda first. At that time, when Kuroda saw this gem, which was radiating blue light and cold air, it was really unknown whether he could give his share to the Takahashi family according to the pre-drawn contract!

In the face of huge interests, those who are called little devils by the Chinese people really have no faith at all. At that time, they spoke with their strength. Although the Takahashi family had a certain prestige in the society, they were no match for the wealthy, At this moment, Kuroda who had a also suddenly understood what the third uncle was thinking, and immediately looked up at his third uncle, and there was a sparkle in his eyes.

In the dimly lit cave, the two descendants of the Takahashi family were quietly leaning against the icy cave wall, with a wild beast-like greed in their eyes. At this time, both of them were thinking in their hearts, how to help the Yamaguchi mercenaries to obtain this supernatural gem, and then get the treasure alone!

At this moment, Jiro Takahashi's pocket suddenly vibrated. He quickly took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. He whispered to his third uncle, "It's from Saito, the team leader sent by Kuroda." After pressing the answer button, he whispered to the phone in R, "I'm Takahashi Jiro."

He held the phone and listened for a while, then replied: "Okay, according to the location you determined, we will meet at the foot of Lingxiu Mountain, and the call is over." He hung up the phone.

He stuffed the phone into his pocket, looked up at the brooding third uncle and said, "Kuroda sent a mercenary team here to carry out this mission. This team leader named Saito is leading the team. He just said that they have already He quietly entered the Lingxiu Mountains and is expected to arrive near Lingxiu Mountain tomorrow, so he asked me to rush to the northeast of Lingxiu Mountain overnight to join them.”

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