Panther Commando

Chapter 2008: mountain rendezvous

The night shrouded in the mountains seemed extremely dim, green light spots flashed from time to time on the undulating mountains in the distance, and the long howls of wolves also sounded from the distant mountains from time to time. At this time, the mountain wind was blowing, the lush vegetation on the hillside swayed gently, and the green bamboos swaying in the wind were like slender figures looming in the mountains, and the whole mountain looked gloomy.

Wan Lin walked in front of the queue with Xiao Hua, his eyes flashing from time to time. In this dark mountain, you may encounter the mercenaries of the mountain pass security guards at any time. This group of people flashed in their hometown like a flash in the pan, and then they escaped the surveillance of the police, as if they had evaporated from the world, and they were never found again.

After the group briefly caught fire with Wang Tiecheng and their SWAT team in his hometown, Wang Tiecheng immediately notified the police to strengthen surveillance, focusing on monitoring the road out of the mountain and the road along the way to Lingxiu Mountain, but the police did not find any suspicious persons along the way. It was as if the world had evaporated without a trace.

At this time, Wan Lin knew in his heart that the mercenaries of the mountain pass security guards were strictly trained special operators, and they must have made a careful infiltration plan before coming. People disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people.

It is indeed very difficult for the police to find the disguised ones in the crowd of traffic. These people, like their own special forces, would never be noticed by outsiders if they wanted to hide their identities and roam silently in the crowd of cars. Therefore, those Yamaguchi security guards are very likely to appear anywhere, and he must not take it lightly.

Several hours have passed, and the few steps of Wan Lin and the others are still moving quickly along the lakeshore to the location of Lingxiu Mountain. The majestic figure of Lingxiu Mountain has already appeared in front of Wan Lin and the others.

At this time, Lingling, who followed Wan Lin, suddenly whispered into the microphone in her ear: "Report, an unknown radio signal is found ahead!" From the beginning of the operation, she had already opened the electronic countermeasure box and monitored the area at any time. radio signal.

When Wan Lin heard the sound coming from the earphone, he immediately raised his right fist and gave the order to stop advancing and hide on the spot, and immediately dodged behind a big tree at the foot of the mountain. Several people behind him also rushed behind the surrounding trees and rocks, and the guns were immediately aimed at the side hillside and the lakeshore in front.

At this moment, Wan Lin's earphones suddenly heard three rhythmic tapping sounds of "da, da da". Wan Lin raised his hand and tapped twice "da, da" on the microphone. Then came a low voice of questioning: "Leopard head, I heard the answer."

Wan Lin immediately relaxed when he heard the sound of the code. He replied in a low voice to the microphone: "I am a leopard head." Following his voice, a dark figure suddenly stood up at the foot of the mountain in the distance. In Wan Lin's earphones There was a reply: "I'm Qi Hong, Deputy Director of the Operations Department, and I'm walking towards you."

Wan Lin hid behind the tree and raised his hand to the back, making a gesture of continuing to hide, followed by a low leopard roar and ordered the flower in front to hide on the spot. .

He had already contacted Ye Feng, director of the Provincial National Security Bureau, and knew that Ye Feng had ordered Qi Hong, the deputy director of the Operations Department, to lead a team here to carry out security tasks.

Wan Lin carried the sniper rifle behind his back as he walked, and stared at Deputy Director Qi Hong as he approached through the night vision goggles he wore in front of him. Qi Hong is in his thirties, about 1.75 meters tall. He looks a little thin. He does not wear night vision equipment on his face. A bright light, the whole person looks extremely lean.

The two quickly came together at the foot of the mountain. Wan Lin quickly swept his eyes behind each other, then raised his hand and stretched out to each other, whispering, "I'm a leopard head!" Then, without waiting for the other party's answer, he held the other party's head. Hands pulled him to the bottom of the mountain behind a rock and crouched down.

The other party was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that this leopard head was very vigilant, and he came over and pulled himself to hide his figure. After he crouched down, he quickly said in a low voice, "I'm Qi Hong, and I was ordered to arrive here the day before yesterday to carry out the security mission and accept your command!" It turned out that Ye Feng had informed him yesterday that once the leopard commandos rendezvous with them, they would Fully obey the on-site command of Leopard Head.

Wan Lin squeezed the opponent's hand, then let go and asked, "Okay, did you find anything unusual?" "Everything is normal. Today, except for two hunters who appeared in the nearby mountains, no one came close to this Lingxiu Mountain."

Wan Lin nodded. According to his estimation, the other party appeared in his hometown yesterday, and it will take some time to get here, and he will not arrive in this mountainous area so quickly. He immediately asked, "How are your people arranged now?"

"I brought a total of 30 people in this operation and divided them into three groups, two of which were hidden on the hillsides of the front mountain and the back mountain near the cave, and the other group followed me as a mobile group lurking in the dense forest on the front mountain near the entrance of the cave. Below, prepare to deal with emergencies. Several teams have sent guard posts in the direction of protection," Qi Hong replied immediately.

Wan Lin nodded, realizing that Qi Hong was focusing on the direction of the mountain below the two cave entrances based on the topographical distribution he provided Speaking of which, this is also a helpless move. Lingxiu Mountain covers a large area. Even if there are hundreds of people, it is difficult to monitor all directions of the mountain. Only key directions can be monitored.

He pondered for a while, and then said: "You redeploy, the cave at the top of the back mountain has been completely closed, and the opponent's attack is definitely not in this direction, just leave two people to monitor, and the protection there is handed over to the people from Lingxiu Sect. The rest The people from the group moved to Qianshan while the night was dark. At present, only Qianshan has a hole on the top of the mountain, and this should be the key direction of the opponent's actions."

"Yes!" Qi Hong replied immediately, and then gave an order in a low voice to the microphone. Wan Lin immediately said, "I'll leave the guard at the bottom of the mountain to you. My people will hide in the dense forest on the mountainside and report the situation in time." After that, Wan Lin turned around and made a gesture behind him, then stood up and joined Qi Hong. Walking forward, Cheng Ru and several people behind him immediately followed with their guns.

Qi Hong took Wan Lin and his group to the front hillside quickly, and then got into a bamboo forest near the dense forest on the mountainside. Wan Lin and the others entered the bamboo forest, and immediately saw a few individual tents propped up in the clearing in the forest, and a few men dressed as hunters at the edge of the forest were looking vigilantly down the mountain.

Wan Lin turned around and ordered Cheng Ru, "Rest on the spot." Then he followed Qi Hong into a slightly larger tent deep in the bamboo forest.

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