Panther Commando

Chapter 2009: be cautious

Wan Lin and Qi Hong got into the tent, Qi Hong turned around and closed the tent curtain, and then turned on the flashlight. The dark tent was immediately illuminated by the strong light of the flashlight. Wan Lin took out a map from his body and spread it on the ground. He knelt on the ground and pointed at the map, saying, "Show me the location of the team's deployment."

Qi Hong immediately took out his pen and marked the location of his personnel on the map in detail. Wan Lin looked at the map for a while and said, "The entrance of the cave faces south, and the lake is at the bottom of the mountain. A team on the side was dispatched to Lingxiu East and West, with a warning distance of 5 kilometers. The warning positions are distributed in an arrow shape. Once an abnormal situation occurs, they must form protection. Remember, their task is to covertly monitor and report any abnormality immediately. , do not act without authorization!" He raised his hand and marked several warning positions on the map, and then ordered: "You also arrange watch posts on these mountain tops, and pay attention to the movement in the surrounding mountains."

Qi Hong stared at the map, replied in a low voice: "Understood", and then whispered an order to the microphone, sending the members of his two teams to the two directions ordered by Leopard Head. At this time, there was a cover of night, which was convenient for his team members to covertly transfer, so as to avoid the suspicion of the other party when they acted during the day.

Qi Hong issued an order and immediately turned his head to continue to look at the map on the ground, knowing that Leopard Head was using their leopard commandos as the main force to guard Lingxiu Mountain, and let his own people be mainly responsible for reconnaissance and long-range vigilance.

After looking at the map for a while, he looked up at the young leopard head worriedly and said, "Once my people are scattered, if the other party invades the dense forest in the mountains, will our hands be a little nervous?"

Wan Lin shook his head and said: "Look at the area of ​​this Lingxiu Mountain, no matter how many people we have, it is impossible to surround the entire mountain. So we might as well stay on the mountain and wait for the rabbit. As long as we find each other early, we will We can concentrate our superior forces to deal with them, so that we can wait for them in peace and quiet, and avoid looking for them in this huge mountain area.”

Wan Lin then pointed to the map and told his team's deployment plan, then put away the map and put it in his pocket, turned to look at Qi Hong and said solemnly: "Judging from the current situation, the person who came here is an employee of the Yamaguchi Hiring Group. Soldiers, these people are recruited from the special forces of various countries and have rich experience in actual combat, and tell your people to pay attention to safety. When fighting these mercenaries, you must be cautious and must not be paralyzed!"

Qi Hong nodded, his eyes flashed, and he said in a low voice, "No problem, the people I brought this time are also operatives who have undergone special training. You can rest assured that they are all good boys out of a hundred."

Wan Lin nodded, knowing that what Qi Hong said was true. But he understands in his heart that training and actual combat are two different concepts. Whether it is from the combat atmosphere or the psychology of the combatants, there are essential differences between actual combat and training. This is from the casualty ratio of recruits and veterans in previous wars since ancient times has already been verified.

He hesitated for a moment, looked at Qi Hong intently and said, "Don't underestimate the enemy! These mercenaries on the other side are special forces who have experienced many actual combats and have very rich actual combat experience. You must not be careless. We are with them. In many encounters, there have been many extremely dangerous situations, and now several of my team members are still lying in the hospital."

Qi Hong suddenly raised his head to look at Wan Lin, and was really taken aback. As the deputy director of the operations department of the National Security Bureau, he naturally knows the combat effectiveness of this famous leopard commando. The team member is not a special soldier who has experienced many battles and is very skilled, but they all value their opponents so much, and the opponent's strength must be amazing. . And there are also wounded people in the Leopards, which shows that they must have played against each other recently.

He nodded solemnly, and hurriedly told all the team members into the microphone again. At this time, he suddenly realized that he had underestimated the strength of his opponent, which was a bit simpler than this action.

Wan Lin immediately asked about the weapons and equipment of the Guoan team members, and Qi Hong immediately replied: "We have equipped three snipers for this operation, and the snipers are all equipped with a spotter, and the rest of the team members are equipped with nine-five. Type automatic rifles with white light and low-light sights for night operations, each with a self-defense pistol, grenade and military dagger, no heavy weapons."

Wan Lin nodded after listening. These national security team members came with field equipment and were obviously ready to fight in the mountains.

He then introduced what happened in his hometown to Qi Hong, and continued: "These people may be dressed up for reconnaissance, and you must not approach your opponents easily during surveillance. According to their behavior, there must be firepower behind those who come to scout. Take cover, and once the opponent's suspicion is aroused, they will certainly use firepower to cover the retreat of their companions."

Qi Hong nodded solemnly. He didn't expect these people to be so careful and ready to retreat during the reconnaissance. It seems that this group of people is indeed different from ordinary gangsters. At this time, he really realized the danger of this operation in his heart. At the beginning, he still faintly felt that this young leopard head was a little too nervous.

Wan Lin followed Qi Hong and said: "You arrange the three snipers in three The task is to cover the team members in charge of surveillance, and at the same time lock suspicious personnel. Once you find a threat to the safety of our team members, In this case, you can decisively shoot to death!" Qi Hong quickly replied: "Yes!"

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he opened the tent and walked outside. He saw that Cheng Ru and several people had closed their eyes and rested on the thick bamboo stems. They were marching in a hurry all night, and they were all taking time to rest.

Wan Lin lightly walked towards Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa. Cheng Ru and the two felt that someone was coming, and immediately opened their eyes. When they saw Leopard Head coming towards them, they quickly stood up from the ground. Wan Lin pointed to Lin Zisheng next to them, and then pointed up the mountain.

Cheng Ru nodded, walked gently to Zisheng who was resting with his eyes closed and patted his shoulder. Lin Zisheng opened his eyes and stood up immediately. Wan Lin waved to the three of them and walked up the hill with his feet raised. .

The three Chengru followed lightly. Wan Lin stopped at the edge of the bamboo forest, turned around and said to Zhang Wa, "Zhang Wa, I took Cheng Ru and Zisheng to the top of the mountain to meet with Sect Master Xie, and by the way, I left Zisheng on the top of the mountain to form the last line of defense. You are here with the other team members, and once we enter the jungle, the communication signal will be blocked, so you temporarily act as my commander." "Yes!" Zhang Wa raised her hand in a salute and replied in a low voice.

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