Panther Commando

Chapter 2010: Lingxiu Mountain at night

Wan Lin immediately said to Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng, "Follow me, you two." Then, he raised his hand to pick up Xiao Hua, who was lying on his shoulders, and placed it on the forest floor. He raised his hand and pointed to the top of the mountain, and Xiao Hua shook her tail. run forward. Wan Lin and the others followed him out of the bamboo forest, striding towards the dense forest on the mountainside by the dim starlight.

Under the dim starlight, the dense woods on the mountainside continued to stretch towards the top of the high mountain. In the breeze, there were bursts of "rushing" pine waves in the dense forest, and the low pine waves mixed with the rippling sound of the lake at the foot of the mountain, giving people a feeling of depression.

Wan Lin and the others stared at the flowers in front of them and walked quickly towards the dense forest on the hillside. Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng, with sniper rifles in their hands, followed Wan Lin from left to right. The forest was dark, and only some dim starlight shone on the forest floor through the thick branches and leaves, and there were mottled stars on the forest floor.

Wan Lin and the others watched the woodland as they walked. Sure enough, they saw the small pebbles scattered among the gaps in the fallen leaves. The small pebbles were shining with faint bright spots of light blue in the gaps of the fallen leaves. It is extremely difficult to find in the starlight.

Xiaohua was running slowly in front. Wanlin watched the figure of Xiaohua in front of him, and carefully observed the distribution of the extremely hard-to-detect bright spots on the forest floor according to the route in his memory. At this time, he was a little surprised. It stands to reason that the top of the mountain has been attacked, and the head of Xie should have ordered people to redistribute the secret notes on the secret road in the forest. Why is Xiaohua still running along this old road now?

The few people walked another 200 or 300 meters, and Xiaohua in front suddenly stopped and turned to look at Wan Lin in the back. Wan Lin hurriedly ordered to stay still, and immediately took out his flashlight and shot it in the forest. He knew that Xiaohua had found someone in the surrounding forest, and he also noticed at this time that the faint light spots on the forest floor had disappeared.

He knew that Xiaohua was walking along the route he followed Xie Chao down the mountain, and the bright spots on the forest suddenly disappeared here, which means that the head of Xie must have ordered someone to rearrange the road in the forest, and Xiaohua's His demeanor obviously also found that there was a stranger in the forest in front of him, but he did not show a nervous expression, which means that the person from Lingxiumen was hidden in the forest in front of him, so he hurriedly flashed the flashlight to notify the person of Lingxiumen in the forest to prevent the other party from appearing. misunderstanding.

Sure enough, as soon as his flashlight was turned on, Xiaohua's eyes flashed a ray of blue light in front of him, and he quickly glanced around. Wan Lin quickly stepped forward and picked it up and put it on his shoulder, then reached out and patted him, indicating that the other party was not the enemy. .

There was a slight sound of footsteps in the surrounding woods, and a few shadows and a few shadows appeared on the side of the big tree around them, and a few bows and arrows with sharp feather arrows on them faced the three of them coldly.

Wan Lin hurriedly raised the flashlight in his left hand, flashed the light beam on his face with the light beam, and put the sniper rifle in his back behind him, indicating that there was no hostility, behind him Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng also quickly carried their weapons on their backs. Spreading out empty hands shows no hostility.

"Ha ha ha, is it the Wan family brothers?" A figure flashed behind a thick tree trunk in front, and a dark figure suddenly came out, striding towards Wan Lin with a shiny scimitar in his hand. "Yes, I'm Wan Lin. Are you brothers of Lingxiu Sect?" Wan Lin quickly replied.

The visitor walked in front of Wan Lin and looked at him up and down. He quickly turned around and waved to a few brothers who were bending bows and arrows, letting them put down the weapons in their hands, and then shoved the gleaming machete in their hands with a smile. Putting the scabbard, he folded his fists and bowed to salute him.

Wan Lin also hurriedly clasped his fists and returned the salute, smiled and said, "We just came from the old master." Then he turned around and pointed at Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng and said, "These are my two companions, we want to find Xie Zhang on the mountain. Let's talk about something, you see?"

At this time, the Lingxiu disciple waved to the few companions who were holding bows and arrows, and then carefully looked at Chengru and Chengru, hesitantly said: "You Wanjia brothers are no problem going up, just these two brothers..."

Wan Lin frowned, knowing in his heart that Lingxiu Sect did have a clear order, that strangers must never enter the vicinity of the top of the mountain, and now is an extraordinary period, Xie Sect must have issued a more strict order.

But now the sky is about to light up, and no one can say when those opponents will arrive here. He must contact Xie Sect as soon as possible to discuss the alert plan for the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain is the top priority of this operation. It is also their last line of defense.

He hesitated for a while, then looked up at the other party and said, "Well, you quickly send a brother up the mountain to see Sect Master Xie, and say that I, Wan Lin, have an urgent matter to bring someone up to meet him. Do you think this is good?"

The other party saw the anxious look on Wan Lin's face. He glanced at Cheng Ru, who had the gun behind him, and hesitated before saying, "Well, let me go up the mountain with you. You are our old man. The guests of Sect Master and Sect Master Xie, we can trust the people you brought." Wan Lin hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted: "That's a job!"

The visitor then turned around and walked aside, whispered a few words to the rest of his companions, and walked up the mountain with Wan Lin and the three of Wan Lin raised his hand and put the flower on the forest floor, raised his hand Make a few gestures to it, let it walk in the footsteps of the person in front, and remember this dense road in the forest. He himself followed with Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng, paying attention to their feet as they walked, carefully memorizing this new secret road in the forest.

At this time, the Lingxiu sect in front had already lit a torch, and walked around in the forest with his feet quickly, Wan Lin followed quickly, paying attention to the bright spots on the ground, and secretly said in his heart: "The old sect really will The markings on the ground have been rearranged, and the bright spots on these woodlands are no longer secret roads up the mountain. If you continue to follow these markings, you will definitely be led into the organs or ambush circles they arranged.”

He then turned his head and said to Cheng Ru and the two of them: "Follow our footsteps, there are many organs on the side." Cheng Ru and the two replied in a low voice. They had already noticed the surrounding forest by the light of the torches in front of them. Some crooked tree trunks and some small changes in the woodland, I know that those places in the forest that shine from time to time are dangerous, full of dangerous traps and traps.

It was ten minutes before dawn, and the eastern sky was already white. Wan Lin and the three of them walked out of the dense forest with the Lingxiu disciples in front. As soon as Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng walked out of the dense forest, they felt a chilly air coming towards them! The two of them shivered unconsciously, and quickly raised their infuriating energy to circulate in their bodies. They looked forward in astonishment, and saw the crystal clear cliff in front of them at a glance.

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