Panther Commando

Chapter 2011: Wanjia's name

Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng's eyes were immediately attracted by the ice crystal-clear cliff in front of them. The two of them unconsciously stopped and looked forward. Their eyes quickly swept across the entire cliff, and their eyes locked on the irregularity below the cliff. At the entrance of the low cave, a white mist is spewing out from the east, and the bone-piercing cold air is spreading on the platform in front of the cliff along with the spewed mist.

The two of them immediately understood that there was obviously a mysterious cave with hidden treasures mentioned by Leopard Head many times. The cold air showed that the temperature in the cave was extremely cold, so the cold breath spewed out of the cave and met the air outside. , which immediately condenses the moisture in the outside air to form a cloud of mist.

Just as the two of them were staring at this strange cave, a red sun suddenly burst out from the top of the mountain in the distance, and the crystal cliffs in front of them suddenly reflected a colorful light, and the surrounding rolling hills were shrouded in mist. In the sympathy, the scene in front of him is like a fairyland.

Cheng Ru and the two looked at the wonders in front of them in surprise. The hole just revealed below the cliff was also suddenly blocked by the flickering crystal light at this moment, as if the hole they just saw did not appear at all.

Wan Lin turned his head and smiled when he saw the astonished expressions of the two of them, and then walked towards the dense forest on the side facing the rock wall. Cheng Ru and the two hurried up to catch up, looking at the surrounding environment as they walked, there was a feeling of horror in their hearts, this kind of scenery was like a dream.

Wan Lin and the others just walked to the small courtyard in the forest on the hillside in front of the cliff, when Sect Leader Xie suddenly pushed open the door of a wooden house opposite and walked out. He glanced at Wan Lin who suddenly appeared in astonishment, then glanced sharply at Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng, and then looked at his disciple, with a hint of anger in his eyes.

The Lingxiu sect who brought Wan Lin and the others up the mountain saw Sect Master Xie suddenly walk out, and hurriedly bowed and saluted, saying in a submissive manner: "Sect Master, it's the Wan family brothers who are eager to see you, this...these two brothers are... Brother Wan's companion."

Wan Lin also saw that Sect Master Xie was unhappy, so he took a step forward and bowed to salute, then straightened up and said, "Sect Master Xie, these are my two brothers, not outsiders! Now the situation is urgent, I don't have time to inform you beforehand. I'm really sorry for taking them up without authorization! Cheng Ru, Zisheng, this is the head of Xie", Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng also hurriedly folded their fists and bent over, and saluted the head of Xie as juniors, with respect in their mouths He shouted respectfully, "The younger generation pays respects to Sect Master Xie".

Head Xie heard Wan Lin say that the two were his brothers, and saw that they were salutes to him as juniors, and his expression softened a little. He looked at Cheng Ru and the two of them attentively again, and then clasped his fists back and said, "Please talk in the room," then he waved to his doorman and said, "You go back first." After that, he turned around and walked into the house. .

Wan Lin hurriedly turned around and clasped his fists to thank the people of Lingxiu, and then walked into the wooden house with Cheng Ru and the two of them. Entering the room, Sect Master Xie's expression had completely softened, and a rare smile appeared on his cold face.

He nodded to Cheng Ru and the two, pointed to the bamboo chair next to him and let them sit down, followed by pulling Wan Lin to the Eight Immortals table in the house and sat down and asked, "Aren't you across the lake? Why did you come here?" .

Wan Lin hurriedly recounted what happened in his hometown, and then added: "From what we know now, the people who came here this time are all mercenaries who have undergone special military training. with modern weapons".

With that said, he raised the sniper rifle in his hand for the head of Xie to look at, and then continued: "They are all carrying weapons of this type this time, which are far more lethal than the pistols you see. Most of them have a range of hundreds or thousands of meters, and the firepower is very ferocious. Moreover, these people have undergone special military training, and their strength cannot be underestimated. So I brought my people and rushed over with weapons.”

Head Xie's face sank when he heard Wan Lin's explanation. He was really surprised when he heard Wan Lin say that dozens of special forces of the Armed Police did not stop them in the mountains of his hometown! Those people are all gangsters with modern weapons. These people on the mountain just know some kung fu. The weapons in their hands are only cold weapons such as bows and arrows and machetes. It is obviously too dangerous to fight against these people.

He looked up at Wan Lin, hesitated and said, "There are some of your people down the mountain. I have already met them. Are these people not good enough?" Wan Lin smiled and said, "Those people have undergone special training. The combat effectiveness of the mercenaries is far stronger than that of ordinary troops. But the Lingxiu Mountain is too big, and even if there are more people, it will be difficult to completely prevent these specially trained mercenaries from sneaking up to the mountain.”

He turned his head and glanced at Cheng Ru and said, "My brothers are the most elite special forces in the country at present, and they all have extraordinary ability to kill enemies. This Cheng Ru is my junior brother, this Lin Zi. Sheng is my brother who has been born and died many times, so I brought them up, and the rest were on defense at the foot of the mountain."

Head Xie heard that Cheng Ru was a child of the Wan family, he quickly got up and clasped his fists, and said with a smile on his face: "Okay, since it is your Wan family and your then I have nothing to worry about. Come on. Tell me, how are you going to arrange it?"

Wan Lin smiled, knowing that this strange-tempered Sect Master Xie really believed in Cheng Ru and the two of them. He immediately said: "I think so, we try to eliminate the enemy at the foot of the mountain, but just in case, I want to leave Brother Lin on your mountain, and let him lurking on the top of the mountain to watch the surrounding."

He glanced around and said with a hint of worry: "Your Lingxiu Mountain covers a large area, and it is difficult for us to guarantee that all the enemies will be intercepted at the foot of the mountain, so let Zisheng be here with your friends. It is safer to form the last line of defense together. Cheng Ru came with me up the mountain to get to know you. If it is inconvenient for me to come up in an emergency, he can go up the mountain to find you. In addition, in case the enemy breaks through our formation on the mountainside Line of defense, I may have to take someone to the top of the mountain to assist you in protecting the cave, and please instruct the disciples guarding the forest not to stop us at that time.”

Head Xie frowned when he heard this, pondering without saying a word. Wan Lin knew that he didn't want to bring strangers up by himself, he raised his finger and explained: "The opponent who came this time is very strong in combat, I'm afraid of accidents. In such a complex terrain, no one can fight in the mountains and forests. Guaranteed to leave the opponent completely at the foot of the mountain. Of course, the people I brought up, like Chengru and Zisheng, are my brothers or brothers who have experienced life and death, and I guarantee their character in the name of our Wanjia! "

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