Panther Commando

Chapter 2012: Power test

Head Xie heard Wan Lin's promise in the name of the Wan family, so he nodded apologetically and said, "Little brother, it's not that I can't trust your brothers. Our Lingxiu Sect has forbidden outsiders to go up the mountain since ancient times. As a rule, the treasures in the mountains are the foundation of our Lingxiu Sect. We must be cautious. Since you guarantee it with the Wan clan, I have nothing to say. I will inform you in a while. In case of emergency, you can bring someone at any time. Come up!"

Wan Lin hurriedly clasped his fists to express his gratitude, and then raised the sniper rifle to Xie Zhangmen: "I left Zisheng on the top of the mountain because he is our sniper, and the weapons used are the same as mine, sniper rifles. The marksmanship is very accurate, and the target within a few hundred meters will never escape his muzzle! Zisheng hides and monitors on the top of the mountain. If the opponent breaks through our defense line and passes through the dense forest, he can kill the opponent at any time on the top of the mountain! Moreover, his martial arts It's also very good, you can also come to the cliff to help you guard the cave in critical moments. You can rest assured that he will never enter the cave."

Head Xie heard that Wan Lin said that he would send Lin Zisheng to stay on the top of the mountain to help him protect the cave, and he hesitated for a while, but when he heard Wan Lin said that he would only send one son and not enter the cave, he felt relieved. The gems in the cave are the treasures of their sect and the source of their Lingxiu Sect's martial arts inheritance. They really do not want expats to easily enter the cave.

He turned his head to look at Lin Zisheng, and seeing that his appearance was weak and weak, and he didn't look like a master no matter what, his face immediately flashed a worried look, and hesitantly said: "Our mountain top is very cold, this kind of cold can be very cold. It’s not something that ordinary people can endure. If it doesn’t work well, it will lead to a serious illness. Can this little brother stay on it for a long time? It needs to have deep internal strength like you.”

Wan Lin smiled and said: "No problem, my brothers are rare masters of the family, and I can handle this coldness."

Head Xie's eyes flashed, and he stood up from the table and questioned, "Really? The gloomy cold on the top of our mountain is not something ordinary people can handle." He raised his feet to Lin Zisheng and Cheng Ru. go. Lin Zisheng and Cheng Ru hurriedly stood up and looked at Sect Master Xie with a smile.

Head Xie walked up to the two of them and looked at them up and down, and suddenly said, "Come on, I'll be intimate with the two little brothers." After saying that, he stretched out his hands to grab Cheng Ru's left hand and Lin Zisheng's right hand, respectively. Then a cold air rushed towards the hands of the two of them.

Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng saw the head of Xie coming towards them, and they had already seen the other party's intention, and they had secretly mentioned their internal strength. But that's it, the cold infuriating qi from the other party's hand still made the two of them shake, and a white streak floated across their faces. The two quickly took a deep breath to increase their internal strength, and then they returned to normal.

When the two first met Wan Lin, Wan Lin took out the orb that exuded an icy aura, and let them experience the chill; later on the lake shore, they felt the wrath of the old master for themselves The extremely cold infuriating qi wielded by Ji Shi to Zhan Hanyu, the two of them are already familiar with the characteristics of this extremely cold infuriating qi, and all of them have not panicked when they come into contact with the infuriating qi of Xie Sect. The cultivated infuriating energy met the cold air from the opponent's Yun Gong attack.

Head Xie continued to increase the skill in his hands, and a wave of cold infuriating attacked the opponent's hand, staring at the faces of the two young people without blinking. Gradually, the depth of the two people's skills appeared, Lin Zisheng's face gradually turned pale, but Chengru's face remained the same.

At this time, Sect Master Xie was very surprised. His cold and cold qi was very unique, and it was difficult for ordinary martial arts practitioners to use their own skills to resist, but now the two zhenqi that he has attacked in the past, one is in that Wan Lin. The younger brother encountered strong resistance in his hands and could not attack at all.

The other cold air that entered the body of Lin Zisheng, but after the infuriating energy in the opponent resisted, immediately rushed upwards along the meridian of his arm, as if the young man surnamed Lin was a little weaker and could not resist at all. Live with your innocence.

Sect Leader Xie knew in his heart that the Confucianism in his left hand was so powerful that his own infuriating energy could not penetrate into the opponent's body at all; but the young man named Lin Zisheng in his right hand seemed to have weaker inner energy and could not resist the cold infuriating energy that he had attacked. He glanced at Lin Zisheng's pale face, and was about to withdraw his inner strength in his right hand to prevent his cold energy from hurting him.

But at this moment, he suddenly noticed that Lin Zisheng's left arm was suddenly raised, his right leg was bent and his toes landed on the ground, and his left arm was slowly flapping up and down, like a crane flapping its wings slowly, followed by. A stream of white air slowly emerged from his hand, and a string of cold air slowly spewed out with the five fingers waving up and down.

Head Xie stared at the young man's left hand in astonishment. Not only did he not withdraw the cold infuriating energy that was about to be withdrawn, he instead increased his energy and urged it to pass. At this time, the speed of the opponent's young man's fanning suddenly accelerated, and the white air spewed from his left hand suddenly became stronger.

At this moment, Wan Lin's originally solemn face showed joy, UU reading www. looked at this Lin Zisheng with a look of surprise. Does he really not know what kind of kung fu Zisheng has practiced? I just know that his internal skills are not weak, and his psychological quality is extremely stable. He is a rare sniper. But he didn't expect his internal power to be so peculiar. When he lost his power to Sect Master Xie, he suddenly resorted to this unique movement method, drawing out the cold internal power that the opponent had attacked in his body.

Sect Leader Xie also understood immediately that the other party was forcing the cold air that he had attacked out of his body in a strange way. He withdrew his internal strength to attack the two of them, and laughed in surprise, "Hahahaha, good boy, he really deserves to be my junior brother and brother of Wan Xiaoxiong, it's amazing to have such a shared relationship with you at such a young age. Today, I have opened my eyes to Xie Mou." After saying that, he squeezed Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng's hands vigorously, followed by clasping his fists with both hands and saluting the two in front of him: "Ha ha ha, Xie Mou is reckless, sorry!"

Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng hurriedly smiled and clasped their fists in return. Head Xie turned around and walked in front of Wan Lin and said loudly: "Okay, just do as you said, your brothers are all good, you put the little brothers here, this makes me even more powerful. , stay, stay!"

Wan Lin was overjoyed. When he came, he was always worried that Sect Master Xie would not agree with his arrangement. Unexpectedly, Sect Sect Xie agreed immediately after investigating Lin Zisheng's kung fu. He decided to send his son to the top of the mountain after careful consideration. This was the last line of defense he had set for this operation, so it was very important.

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